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How to teach the dangers of "tanning" to skids 4 and 7?

SteppingUp's picture

We recently got the skids after our week off, and they were RIDICULOUSLY tan. I mean, insane tan. TAN TAN. Don't get me wrong, I totally remember being outside all day long in the summer and getting tan when I was a kid. And I've used a tanning bed before, and gotten spray tans so I'm not judging those that do tan occassionally. I personally have stayed away from tanning beds for the last 3 years and I'm really proud of myself, and trying to "own" my skin.

But the changes in one week was actually alarming. We went to a family event that week and it was like EVERY person remarked about how dark their skin is, and not necessarily in an impressed kind of way, more in an undertone of "don't these kids wear sunscreen?"

I know part of our perception of this is skewed by the fact that BM tans year round, every day, and her skin looks more like a leather handbag each time I see her. She is OBSESSED with tanning.

So anyway, after a little chatting with SD7, asked her what she has been up to all week, etc -- she said "I love summer because ALL we do when we're with Mommy is go to the pool and tan." I said, "You mean you and your brother swim while your mom tans?" "No, Brother swims and I swim a little bit but mostly I lay next to mommy and we tan."

I said something about making sure she is wearing sunscreen and she says that they do put some on sometimes but that will make her not tan so they don't always put it on. WTF?

This is when DH stepped into the conversation and said "SD7, tanning is not good for your skin." SD says "But mommy is tan. She's REALLY tan!" and DH goes "Yeah, that's NOT cool OR pretty." (EEK -- I know he shouldn't have said that in that way.) To ease that tension I just gave a brief explanation that you can get cancer if you aren't careful in the sun.

Anyway, SS4 heard this whole conversation. About three days later, I had asked him to go put his pajamas on. We were at the family thing, spending the night at grandma's with a bunch of other people there too. He comes back upstairs, BUTT NAKED! He says in front of everyone, "SteppingUP! Look at my tan!! I'm sooo tan!"

I brought him away from everyone because of course they were laughing, and I reminded him that he needs to be putting his pajamas on. But of course I sooo wanted to say, "I don't give shit about your tan that your mother keeps telling you is so cool to have!!"

So. How do we approach this with the kids, to teach them to be safe in the sun, that the object of the game is not to be the most tan person on earth without blatantly putting down their mother? Just let it go?


Kes's picture

I am surprised that everyone isn't aware of the dangers of excessive tanning, particularly when young. I have had skin cancer, probably as result of that. You can only keep on with the messages about covering up after a certain length of time and using sun cream - you can't control their mother's behaviour, unfortunately.

bi's picture

show them pictures of people who overtan and have skin cancer. that will get thru better than talking.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Baby oil, what did BM think she was a chicken cutlet, was she trying to fry her. Sunblock!! My kids have olive type skin and don't burn but they always use sunblock. Nothing less then 15. And they have a nice sun kissed tan going, the don't look like shoe leather they look like healthy kids who play outside. That is where they get there color they don't "TAN"

Purplemom's picture

Same here! Both of mine look like little bran muffins! And I don't use anything less than SPF 30 on them.. I don't know what gets used at their other house but I know their dad is a sunscreen nazi too!

DaizyDuke's picture

I think the best way to teach little ones is by example. So when the skids are with you, be vigilant about sunscreen and the dangers of too much sun. Make sure you make a big production of putting sunscreen, hat etc. on your BS.

Unfortunately for you their mother is a crappy example.

this might not be appropriate for little ones, but my mom was adamant about the dangers of tanning when I was in middle and high school, begging her to tan for dances, proms and such. She is an operating room nurse and so she used to bring dangers of tanning literature home from different doctors with horrible pictures of skin cancer etc. to try and scare me. Again, this might be a little much, for little ones, but you can certainly educate them about skin cancer since BM doesn't seem to be!

Oh and this is one that your DH needs to take up with BM... come on, research shows that the younger you start tanning/burning the MORE risk you are at developing skin cancer later in life. It's a fact! why would you want this for your kids???

Jsmom's picture

This is sick and honestly abusive. The BM is a tanorexic and encouraging her kids to do the same. Sit in a Dermatologiests office and look at the patients have cancers removed from Mohs surgery for an hour. They are all ages...It is awful.

My late husband died of Skin Cancer. He was immunosuppressed so it happened earlier. But, he still would hae had it regardless, because of all his meds and exposure to the sun.

Stop it now and say something to BM. She is clueless and they will have sun damage very early. What a shame.