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BM is pregnant again...

daysleeper's picture

Hi, guys. We just found out that BM is about six weeks pregnant. I think that she was supremely stupid to tell SD6 about the pregnancy when she was still high risk, but whatever, I guess, she can do whatever shitty kind of job of parenting that she wants.

I need some feedback. I know that a lot of people here are mothers and stepmothers, that have both children of your own and skids. I'm sure that some of you are also stepmothers to skids who have half siblings at their BM/BF's house. What can I expect? What type of changes are there going to be in the family dynamic, and how is SD going to behave differently at our house, where she is an only child, versus at BM's, where she'll be an older sister to a baby? Any and all anecdotes are welcome.

BM said that the baby will be here around April, nine months from now. So, SD will be 7.


daysleeper's picture

That's kind of what I thought. I'm not sure that I can deal with her being eeeeeven clingier, but we'll see what happens!

instantfamily's picture

No real life experience advice to give but my mom and I were discussing this last night. I told her I'd love to have a baby of my own but 1) we can't afford it and 2) I think that skids would kill the baby. I think the dynamics will depend on how adjusted the kids are and I like the above posters setup of involving skid with as much baby time as possible to try and build that bond.
I wish you the best!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

She will clingier I think , but prepare your DH not to even think about feeling sorry for her or coddle her because of what happens.After all it happens in BMs family not yours, all she needs from you guys is stability, no extra treatment.