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Ideas on cheep dinners; saving money

DASKRA's picture

SO and I are finding out that we are not able to eat like we want to eat when the Skids are here. We like to eat at nicer places but simply can't afford to do it with 6 people. We are going to start to work on paying off more bills and was wondering what type of advice people would be able to offer on cutting down on the food bill and what types of meals people like to prepare for cheep. Thank you for your input.


Shaman29's picture

It sounds weird but it's really good.

Saute cut up chicken breasts (or thighs which are less expensive) in olive oil, season with Italian seasoning, add fresh or frozen spinach, add a jar of marinara sauce.

I serve this over hemp seed (I try to stay away from refined carbs for health reasons) but you can serve it over whole grain pasta instead.

Cheap and easy and filling.

Still Have Hope's picture

I serve leftovers about every fourth day or so. I consider it a free meal even if I have to add a salad or bread to round out the meal. I pull everything out of the fridge and it is first come, first served. They make their own plates for the microwave. I hate to waste when food costs so much.
There are websites with meal ideas for dinners under $10.

cant win for losin's picture

Rotelle noodles, i can of hormel chili w/ beans, i jar salsa, 1 cup water. 1 cup shredded cheese. (preferably mexican)

Cook noodles. Drain. Throw in chili, salsa, and water, stir until mixed together and warm. Sprinkle in cheese, stir a few more times.


edit: ONE can, and ONE jar....NOT i can and i jar. LOL

NCMilGal's picture

She breaks down the cost per meal and per serving - most servings are around a dollar.

SD16 used a good number of her recipes this summer, and has managed to feed us very high quality dinners (and lunch, and breakfast) for $80/week.

DASKRA's picture

We had SOS last night but ours is dried beef on toast. My mom always made it. Funny thing though I was cutting fruit with SD 8 and not paying attention to him really he asked... is this flour I said yeah its white... let's say I had to go get more dried beef it was powdered sugar. LOL he still ate it though to sweet for me and kids

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I am always buying GROUPONS for dinners places. That is how we do it.

Also, google Pampered Chef recipes. They have some neat, cheap, and easy meals in there. My family loves them.

I made corn flake/ dry ranch dressing mix/parmesan crusted ckn tenders tonight and my family tore it up. It is low fat option to fried chicken and it tastes better!

anabihibik's picture

If you have the money up front and the time, try canning some of your own food. It can be pricey to get started, but I can make six jars of mustard that tastes better than anything at the store for the price of one jar of expensive mustard. You might be able to find people to trade with locally. I feed us - DH, SS9, and me for about$20-$40/week. Also, check and see if you have a local CSA. It can be a good way to get your veggies for not too much.

If those aren't really options for you - dried beans and rice. We have one meal a week that is based off of these two ingredients. It might be burritos. It might be black beans and rice. It might be homemade baked beans in the crock pot.

In all honesty, I love to cook. It relaxes me, and we don't have cable, so it is what I do on my nights off when I stay up to four and the boys have gone to bed. It is also what my girlfriend and I do together when we need to drink wine..... But, I've found the more you can make yourself from as close to scratch as possible, the more you can save. Not everyone wants to do it or has the time. But, I'm also a huge fan of making larger batches and freezing or canning the leftovers for a quick meal when we need it.

Stepcop's picture

Chicken and ground turkey are my go tos. You can do just about anything with chicken, and we replace almost all ground beef with ground turkey because of cost and health benefits. I will look for sales, and buy quite a bit, then freeze it for the month. I portion it out so it doesn't get freezer burned as easy.

Stepcop's picture

Also look for coupons from manufacturers online before you go to the store. If you know you need milk, search for the brands in your area and see if you can find a store or brand coupon.

Nette5's picture

$15 + tax... Debit Card/Credit Cards... NO cash or check

15 pounds of fresh fruits & veggies every week (if you want).
It is a co-op and has very specific times for ordering & picking up the food. Not available everywhere, but it is AWESOME!!!

We had fresh corn on the cob in Dec. I've learned how to cut and enjoy fresh pineapple, restore and use limp lettuce, and sometimes my neighbors enjoy the stuff I know we can't/won't eat. My kids are learning to eat fresher, healthier food.

Pinki3663's picture

I really liked Nette5's suggestion but of course nothing is ever available in Vermont.

I am on a tight budget and we eat a lot of beans and rice. I made a 15 bean soup last weekend and we are just finishing up the last bit. I make pretty much everything from scratch. Once you have the basics and are able to set up the time on the weekends you have it made. I made a ton of bread and soup last weekend. We used it for the soup and I will make some garlic bread with it tonight. We eat very little meat, never been a fan of it but my SO LOVES meat I think I used one small ham steak chopped into the soup and he loved it.

I can only guesstimate how much I spend a week it's more now because my SO eats meat but I use to only spend around $20-$30 a week on myself.

ctnmom's picture

Omlettes are a great way to use up the scraps in the fridge too. I saute the veggies, then add the eggs into the same pan to make one giant omlette. They're even good with american cheese! *hint* add a tiny splash of water to your eggs before you beat them and you will get a light, fluffy omlette- don't overbeat! i also do the whole cooking ahead on the weekend thing. Homemade or semi homemade is best- and cheapest.