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Helena.Handbasket's picture

Ok last year's birthday for me sucked bad.

SO went to a baseball game to watch SS play, but it was cancelled when he drove the hour there. Instead of coming home and just doing something with me then for my bday, he takes the skids and his mother out to dinner. I'm at home.
Yes I had the option of going, but I told him I didn't want to deal with seeing BM. SS was coming home with him anyway, so he could have just COME HOME. No, he took them all to dinner on my bday. Then came home and played video games with his son the rest of the evening. He took me out with the family on the following weekend, but then got mad about something small (I was texting him too much and bothering him) so he was an asshole the whole dinner.

This year I decided I had no expectations. i wasn't planning to do anything for my bday. Yesterday, SO decided that the kids should give me something for my bday and he wanted to take me shopping. Of course, SD wanted to come along though. I thought oh great, daddy daughter time and I get to watch. I couldn't get out of it, so I went. Now, SD16 DID walk side by side with him when they were together (I swear its like she's up his ass, people have to think they are a couple), BUT for a lot of the time he sent her off on her own while he shopped with me. What did you do with my SO????? I could tell she was disappointed thinking daddy was going to walk around and shop with her like he always does. Instead he walked around with me to pick out my bday present from skids.

Then he tells me that he taking me out to dinner tonight (with skids though) and I he wanted me to pick the place. I did. We'll see how it goes.

Like I said SD was annoying being up his ass when we were with her, but she did get pushed aside for a while at the mall which was very different. He did buy her a couple things (as he promised since he bought SS some summer clothes) but he also made her bring her own money for extra stuff (her expensive makeup). He did make her show him all the price tags FIRST before going to the counter (since she went right to the expensive dept store at the mall) and specifically asked her if all the clothes covered her chest. I stayed out of all of it.

I don't get my hopes up, but he's trying and i have to give him credit. SD is still on her 'good girl' run. I guess with some people/situations when you finally show them your "f*ck it" attitude, they finally get it.
We'll see how long it lasts.


Kes's picture

Happy Birthday - well, lets face it, anything would be an improvement on last year! Hope you are able to enjoy your dinner out tonight. Smile If it was me, I wouldn't enjoy a b'day dinner with SKIDS in tow. But I suppose you have to chose your battles.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Happy Birthday!!

Call me selfish, but I always make my birthday a girls' trip/weekend. I don't even include my husband or the kids anymore.

Shaman29's picture

Happy Birthday. Enjoy your meal and I truly hope it goes well. I completely understand how a skid can F up a special meal. Happens to me all of the time.

just tired's picture

Happy Birthday!!!

And I know exactly what you mean about daddy/daughter time. I have actually coined this name for it: DaddyTyme. And it is all about her being up his ass. The most interesting part of it is this: she seems to only be interested in DaddyTyme because it excludes me. She doesn't really show any interest in him, or the actual spending time with's just about getting me out of the picture.

Anyway, try to make the best of it and enjoy the fact that it's your birthday!

Maybe you could sit next to her and accidentally-on-purpose spill something all over her...."Oh! How clumsy of me!"


B22S22's picture

Happy Birthday!!

As an aside, isn't it shameful that there are certain aspects of our lives for which we can NOT have expectations?? I quit having any type of hope for gift-giving holidays... not because I'd be disappointed about what I received, but because time and time again I'd be disappointed by the behaviors of my SK's. I have never once witnessed them to be truly grateful, thankful, or appreciative.

imjustthemaid's picture

Happy Birthday!!! SD15 is officially banned from my birthday as she cries every single year at everyone's birthday. I told DH I don't want her around }:)

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Thanks everyone for the bday wishes!!! The bar was really low last year so this year can't get that bad.... maybe Wink

simifan's picture

Happy B-day! I commend you for making it to another with your DH after the last. Hope Dinner went good.