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This is going to bite SO in the ass. Modifying CS.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

After not saying more about SD18 and college, SO admitted something to me.

He is ok with SD skipping a semester so that he can go file for modified CS and then only need to pay out to BM for SS15.

I told him I think it's a bad idea because CS hasn't been modified since they first divorced and his salary changed. I think she could get the sane if not more just for one child.

Maybe it's just an excuse for his lazy parenting.


WTF...REALLY's picture

If he makes will get more. You can go to a child support calculator and get an idea of what it might be.

coping's picture

Is this a rabbit hole you want to go down? Like you are saying, you don't know what will be the result of this.

Helena.Handbasket's picture
