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Siferra's picture

I tried to have my SS7 help me out by sorting the laundry the other day. We're cloth diapering the baby, so I'm doing an extra load of laundry every 2/3 days. I thought it would be super helpful for SS7 to begin to help me sort out the diapers.

It's more trouble than it's worth to try to guide him through it. It's not so much that he can't - it's just that he gets constantly distracted. What should be at most a 5 minute job takes 20 and I have to constantly pay attention.

Part of me thinks that someone has to teach the kid some level of responsibility, and it would be helpful in the long run to have his help with the laundry. The other part of me thinks it's not my job to constantly coach this kid through the project. It's easier to just let SS slouch on the computer and if he grows up not knowing how to do a chore it is none of my concern.

It's hard to work with this kid and I get frustrated easily. I wish that I were more patient!


tryingtomakeit's picture

Yes, tried this with my sd at age 11 and she, I think, did it slow on purpose so it would pee me off and I wouldnt ask her again.

My sd is a slob, slouch, has no concept of responsiblity. She chooses not to order her food when we go out to eat-she make her dad order it for her. She is the biggest leach I have ever seen.

I wish I had answers for you, but I dont. My husband thinks his little angel should have to do anything, becasue we dont want to rock the boat and get her mad at us.

She is going ot end up just like her 23 year old brother. Still living at home with momma mooching off everyone! Thank god they are not my kids. My 1 and a half year old follows me around helping me dust (he is not good but its the fact he tries) haha I refuse to raise a child like my husband has raised his!

jsr's picture

When I came into the picture when ss was 10...he couldn't pick out his own clothes for school, make any sort of food for himself (not a bowl of cereal, a sandwich, nothing!) and had never done a single chore in his life. So when I thought I'd start slow by having him UN-load the dishwasher (thinking...this kid has lived in this house for 10 years..surely he knows where the plates, cups and silverware go) NOPE! He had no clue!

He now loads and unloads the dishes, takes out the garbage and does his own laundry.