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OT - Why do I have to pay the price for the way your ex-whore treated you and your issues with your kid??

Shaman29's picture

DH left for a short business trip this early morning (at 6am).

I'm not a morning person, so I get up about half an hour before he leaves. I wanted to be awake enough to say goodbye. I make my breakfast and sit down to eat. DH comes out with his laptop bag and duffel for the trip. Duffel-bag has hard plastic wheels and he puts in on top our dining-room table. My eyes bug out.

DH asks me "What's wrong?" I explain that I was worried the hard plastic wheels on the duffel will scratch the table. He says "Oh" and shuffles through the papers in his laptop bag. Great. Terrific. I've seen this movie before.

I asked him "Why did you ask me what was bothering me if you weren't really interested in my answer?"

He flipped the f**k out on me. Started yelling at me that I was busting his balls. That I was too picky about stuff. That he can't do anything right.

I asked again, "Then why ask me a question when you didn't really care about my answer?"

He flipped out again, cussed me out, and then grabbed his stuff and said he was leaving. Scratched the table in the process with the wheels on the duffel-bag.

As he was slamming the front door he says "I love you."

He loves me?? Not from where I was sitting.

He wasn't mad about the stupid duffel-bag. He was being passive-f**king-aggressive in order to get a rise out me this morning. When I didn't react except to question his motives, he freaked out.

I am sick of this pattern. His kid and Uberskank run him around by the balls and I end up having to pay for it. His kid has been treating both of us like crap, and he's been allowing her to do it. Now Uberskank is getting in his face about another issue (I can't blog about it at this time), and trying to manipulate him to help her. Whenever both of them tag team him, guess who reaps the benefits of his over the top reactions, passive aggressive behavior and his being a complete dick.

That's right, Shaman does. And he EXPECTS me to take it.

When he gets back we're having a little sit down. Counseling or Divorce. After 5 years I just can't take this behavior pattern any longer. I was extremely hesitant to remarry. Five years later, and it's very rare that a day doesn't go by where I don't regret this choice I've made. I hated marriage the first time and that was with no kids or skids. The second time around has impacted my life in more negative than positive ways. I'm at my breaking point.


Shaman29's picture

What really fries my butt about this is we've had this conversation before. We've been in counseling about this before. He has admitted he takes his frustration about is kid and his ex out on me. Why?? Because he said I love him and he trusts me.

WTF??? So my reward for being loving and trustworthy is to have DH treat me like crap, because he refuses to deal with other people appropriately??

I got married both times for better or for worse? When in the hell do I get the better part??

windee's picture

Sorry your DH treats you likes that. And about thedivorce or counceling....WOW! Sucks to here the stress that the BM,SD and DH have put on your marriage and it's at this point, sad. I'm sorry that you have all of this coming down on you all the time.Good luck with the counseling **fingers crossed**

Shaman29's picture

Thank you. I'd have more hope but we've been down this road before. It must be a man thing to think once you've addressed a problem, it's fixed. He doesn't seem to understand that it's something he has to address every single day.

Like my temper and my tendency to bully people. I have to be aware of both of those behaviors every day so I don't run all over people or wig out on them either. Every since day I have to work at it.

If I can do it, why can't he??