Pissed (this is a bit long, sorry)
Sorry I haven't been on lately. I usually read/post at work, but things at work picked up, end of the school year. Also, things have been going rather well, until yesterday.
DH got home from work yesterday, complaining about how tired he has been lately and that GM is driving him crazy. He talks about how he just wants to catch up on some sleep, maybe enev take a nap. And Oh, BM called this morning and wanted to know if I can take SS tonight in stead of pick him up in the morning? So wait, you are tired, and you want to go get SS? DH, in his infinate wisdom, without consulting me first, tells BM that will be fine. He will pick SS up at 6. Great, so DH is tired and cranky, which means he will be running seriously low on patience and he wants to pick up SS5, who can't find his way out of a wet paper bag given proper instruction. And nevermind the fact that I am feeling a bit run down and was hoping for some couples time.
This morning, DH asks if I have been in touch with my cousin. SS really wants to see her, and she really loves SS. I say yes, remember I told you she is expecting us to stop by today. DH remembers this, and also remembered that at some point in the past few days, his mother invited us over today, so SS can play with his 5 year old cousin (this child is the spawn of satan. I would rather have my 6 dental implants put in all over again, then be near this child.) MIL will be setting up the kiddie pool and we are welcome to bring our dog again. (BTW, I won the dog argument. We adopted a 2 year old St. Bernard mix on Memorial day) Well, thanks DH for letting me know this. There is no way in hell I will be around the spawn of satan, plus it is far to hot outside for the dog. You and SS are welcome to go tho. Have a blast.
Well, this morning while making breakfast and I am finding out the above information, SS sees a commercial on TV for mini golf and wants to go. DH has been bitching all week about not having a lot of money, but sure we can go play putt putt. It's only 90 degrees outside. We go visit my cousin, she comes with us to go play some mini golf. Then DH drops me off at home, and takes SS to MIL's. DH is to drop SS off at 6 to BM, and he should be home about 6:15. 6:15 rolls around, and I start cooking dinner. I am making tacos so they only take maybe 10 or 15 minutes to cook. 6:25 rolls around and DH still isn't home. I call him and ask him where he is at. The response I get "Shit honey, I should have called you. (I am thinking Great! No shit asshole) BM hit me up at 10 of 6 to let me know she is running late and would let me know when she got closer to home. I just heard from her. I am getting SS out of the pool now, and will be dropping him off in 10 or 15 minutes. I will be home after that."
I am PISSED! This morning he crawled up my ass about the fact that I wanted to shower before we went out today because "we have all these plans." I texted him at 5 or so telling him that I am making tacos for dinner. He knows that I like to have dinner on the table early, because GM is a PITA who refuses to eat after like 7 because "it is too late." But BM says jump and he is too busy asking how high to think about his wife at home. GRR! And now he is pissed off that I am pissed at him. I told him just to leave me alone. I am in no mood for him right now. And that sucks, because I got a disc of TrueBlood on Netflix that I want to watch. But I have no desire to be in the same room with him right now.
I hate that BM controls our lives. This isn't fair at all. I don't know why DH couldn't have told her something like, "Well, I have plans, so you will have to meet me tomorrow morning at 6:30am to pick him up." She would change her f***ing tune really quick. She hates to be inconveinenced. I doubt whatever excuse she gave him for running late and taking him early were true. She is so full of shit and he knows it. I am going to go walk the dog and destress. I will be back on when I get back.
- CrazieCoconut86's blog
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Seriously, these men are far
Seriously, these men are far more likely to wind up in a room that contains sharp, pointy objects with their wives rather than their exes...
Yes! Do they not realize this
Yes! Do they not realize this is why wives become "ex wives"?????
Agree! I had that same
Agree! I had that same conversation with my DH last night...said you should be more worried about pissing off the wife who is doing you than your ex who isn't!
Gah, this sounds way
Gah, this sounds way familiar..lol
My fdh has come up with lines that inconvenience BM here lately.. but someday, shell say, you just keep her another day if you cant meet me blah blah. We already drive over an hour for pickup and drop off, why cant she be available in the already-agreed-upon 30 minute window that is 15mins from her house?
Cause that would be way too convenient for us?
lol, hang in there!
Ugh. I feel for you. The
Ugh. I feel for you. The BF/BD bending over backwards for the BM is obnoxious as all get out. I used to have to put up with that and I remember it in a very un-fond manner because it has only been 3 months since my SO has stood up and said "No" to his BM.
PS. Yay for Saint Bernard mixes! I have a Saint Bernard myself, also a rescue that was adopted at 2 years old
Hopefully your dog can help be a source of calm for you and a way to de-stress during the stressful times.
ATM - I love my dog. The
ATM - I love my dog. The only problem is the rescue we adopted him from. When we were meeting with the foster mom, she said he had a cut on his foot that they were putting liquid bandaid on. I figured it was nothing serious and trusted the foster mom. Turns out the "cut on his foot" is actually a mass underneath his toenail that is oozing. When I contacted the rescue, the guy admitted to me that their dogs don't get full exams when the get to MD, unless there is something noticably wrong with them. And they refuse to help pay. So, that is stressing me out a bit. But I am going to report their asses to the AG. They can't put on their website that the "dogs will receive appropriate medical care" then not do it.
Other than that, he is a great dog. VERY lazy can be an understatement. But that is what we wanted since GM83 lives with us. SS is very unimpressed by the dog. He wants to play with him, but the dog came from a hoarding situation and doesn't know how to play, nor does he seem to interested. But I love him. He is great! And he is very loving. Just loves pets, when he isn't too lazy to get up to get them.
Aw, poor pup I would report
Aw, poor pup
I would report them, too, because you're right. If they say that the dogs will receive the appropriate medical care then they SHOULD receive it.
Our beastie is lazy as well. He sleeps so much throughout the day and night haha. He's active only 4 hours a day, approximately, usually centering around walks and a minimal amount of play time. The only time that has ever changed was one time he had hot spots and the vet put him on prednisone. Oh my gosh he went psychotic haha. He's otherwise laid back and loves to get attention from people. Although, he does go into jerk mode when he sees other dogs, especially little dogs. He loves little dogs for some reason. He'll jump up in the air like a fish jumping out of water when he sees little dogs.
They are very loving dogs. Mine likes to snuggle up in bed with me at night, especially on the nights SO works. Of course, he doesn't always understand why he can't come in bed when SO is here at night. He doesn't seem to understand how large he is lol. Our SD is grudgingly interested in our dog. She hasn't ever really liked him the way SO and I like/love him. She yells at him when he goes into her room, she kicks her feet at him when he comes near her when she's on my grandfather's chair, and she refuses to play with him in the few times that he actually wants to play. Yet, she'll tell all of her friends at school that SHE owns a Saint Bernard and that SHE has a giant dog at her dad's house *eyeroll*