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More inlaw drama...

hismineandours's picture

Ok-so if you've read my blogs in the past you might remember that we are 99.9% certain that my inlaws have been stealing from us. From thousands in cash, to my wedding rings from my first marriage, my clothes, to silly things like lotion and such. We have valid reason to believe it was one or many of them acting together. Since dh has sorta banned them from our home nothing has gone missing.

He did continue to talk to his sister though. She adamantly denied taking anything (although IMO she is probably the primary suspect),but dh just wasnt sure so he maintained some phone contact with her. Anywho-dh and I go on a date on Friday night. If you all have followed my blogs, you know dh is struggling mental health wise so to get him out of the house and enjoying a lovely date night was a real victory and things were going well-until sil starts calling and texting-dh did talk to her for about 10 min. She was upset because her bf was drunk. Well, ok-he was pleasant with her for a few minutes-she wanted to "hang out" with dh-but he shut her down and said tonight is not a good nite. Then she starts texting MY phone as my dh's died. Saying at 11pm she was going to drop by our house since we werent answering (we were at a movie and it just got out around 11p)-dh takes my phone and texts back, "We are not at home, we are on a date, please let us have some time alone together"-didnt specify if it was from me or him. she texted back and said she was sorry wouldnt bother us anymore. I thought fine it was resolved. The next morning I get up and she had texted me this long message about how "fake and heartless" I am and she should be able to talk to her bro anytime she wants and she doesnt understand why we would need "alone" time since we live togehter and IF i really loved her brother maybe I'd try harder. WTF? I politely texted her back-that the message wasnt from ME-but it's good to know how she feels and any communication she wants to have with her brother is between the two of them and has nothing to do with me. I havent heard from her since. But again WTF? I am pretty sure she has been stealing from me and then has the balls to tell me I'm fake and heartless when I never even spoke to her and even if she did think that message was from me-there was nothing fake or heartless about it. WOW.

So, yesterday MY dd14 starts getting messages from her cousin (sil's son)asking her out! Again WTF? They are cousins. She pointed out to him that they were cousins-that no thank you and he just keeps continually texting her telling her how beautiful she was and he needs someone in his life and please accept his offer. Finally she tells him to leave her the EFF alone. I dont approve of bad language in general with my kiddos-but in this situation I feel it was appropriate-since trying to tell him no nicely wasnt working.

WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously. My dh just shook his head and said, "they keep making me look worse and worse".


hismineandours's picture

Oh I agree-I dont care if I ever see the lot of them again. I have never trusted them. Dh obviously is having a harder time. He has cut his brother out. His sister I guess he was trying to be hopeful about-but at this point I think he needs to cut ties. He hasnt talked to her since Friday night. Unfortunately, that also sort of means he loses his mom and dad as well. His bro still lives with mommy and daddy-so dh wouldnt be comfortable ever going over there and quite frankly his dad has sort of stuck up for bil and telling dh he has no proof (although sil shared that she found some of my missing items in bil's gf's bag-she described them to the detail-of course she may have described them in detail because she's actually the one who stole thme)That's why I say just be done with the lot of them.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture


Seriously, take your family and move somewhere else away from this circus show. DD's cousin is ASKING her out? I thought incest was a crime and that could be considered harassment. I'd throw the little bugger in jail for insinuating that he thinks about "being" with his cousin like that.

herewegoagain's picture

Oh wow, I am so sorry. What a nightmare! My first set of in-laws used to steal from me too. It was a nightmare. My ex used to blame me and NOT believe me...we constantly fought over it. One day, super bowl day, I went to my friend's house to watch the game. My ex was to meet me there after picking up his mother at Marshalls...instead, he called me about 10 minutes after I arrived to come home because he had to go to JAIL to pick up his mom who had been arrested, along with his niece (who was 5) and two cousins (one 19 - but special needs and another 6)... lol It cracked me up. Never again did he question me...hehe...

Anyway, there you go...yes, there are CRAZY people like that. It is definitely sad when these families behave in such way. I know that for my DH it makes him feel horrendous that his family is so evil and crazy...girls are all sluts and the one guy has been in and out of jail. My poor DH stays as far away as possible.

As far as the asking her out? Geez. How disgusting. I would file a report if he didn't stop, because he is obviously a bit sick in the head too!

hismineandours's picture

WE live about 15 minutes away from mil, fil, and bil in one direction and sil in the other direction. Truthfully none of them have ever had much interest in my dh other than what he could do for them. He is sort of the "black sheep" of the family because he doesnt go along with their "value system" (cant really call it a VALUE system but I cant think of any other way to describe it). They would take up for whoever the "underdog" is no matter what they are doing wrong. Sticking up for bil when their own daughter confirmed that he and girlfriend stole should have given them some pause, but, no actually they jumped SIL's ass for causing trouble by telling me and dh about it.

That's why I hated ss living there (although I'd gladly send him back) but I knew it was simply warping his head even more. He stayed with them last week when we went on vacation. He got to go the movies, fishing, got his hair cut, mil wanted to turn his cell phone on for him (despite teh fact that dh took it away for bad grades). It doesnt matter that the reason he didnt go with us was that his behavior had gotten soooo bad that we were thinking of residential care again. Instead it was just mil feeling sorry for him becauase we didnt take the kid on a vaca he didnt want to go on in the first place.

They are attracted to drama. If you are doing well they have no use for you. They resent you. They only like you when you are at rock bottom or unless you can assist them in getting out of their rock bottoms (which is where they tend to be most of the time).