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Hehehe.....good morning SP''s!

Unbreakable's picture

Over the weekend after DH allowed SD14 to use the laptop I noticed that she'd deleted a few things from the "shortcut" list on the home page. If anyone is unfamiliar with this whatever websites you visit often will appear as a shortcut. Well DH being his usual naive self let her stay on the laptop ALL NIGHT LONG!!...since I was sick in bed. She thinks she's so slick, but not as slick as me of course. I went into the history and saw that she's visited a Free Text website (text had been blocked from her phone a few months ago) literally the entire night.....up until 9:15am Monday morning! When I pulled the site up there was a phone number still in the recipient box, so I blocked our number before called the mysterious number back, and of course a boy answered the phone. I brought this to DH's attention and this was their conversation...

DH: SD whose number is this that you were texting all night on the computer?

SD: My friend from the swim team at my school.

DH: Well, what is he supposed to be your boyfriend or something, because if so we need to talk.

SD: NOOOOO...he's my friend Dad.

DH: Oh ok, well no more computer all night long.

SD: ok...(*innocent face*)

Me:...(*staring her down cause she may have him fool, but not me by a long shot*)

So she hasn't been on the computer I've had it in our room since DH doesn't know how to put his foot down about anything. Last night my mom came over to babysit while we went to dinner. My mom is very easy to get over on so I knew SD would try to take advantage of that. So we get home from dinner and from the outside I can see our bedroom light on, which shouldn't be. I asked DH if he told SD she could get on the computer, and he said yes, but she knows not to get on that website....smh! Ok still, she's not allowed to chill in our room with her little snooping behind! I walk up the stairs and she's sitting on our bed with frowny face listening to some disney channel song on YouTube. I laugh to myself because the day before I had a friend of mine cover to place a parental block on about a dozen websites including the one she frequented. She shut the computer and said, "I'm about to go to bed."....HAHAHAHAHA!

Before my mom left she told me that SD was on the phone a few minutes ago, and that's what she thought she was upstairs doing, so apparently she dropped her call when she heard us arrive home. So I checked the caller ID....nothing. Then I check the redial list and BOOM....she had the nerve to call this boy from our phone, but blocked the number out a few minutes before we arrived.

SD has been sleeping downstairs on the chase lounge since her bed is covered with her clothes I packed, so I before going to bed I took the batteries out of the phone and placed it back on the base without her knowing it. When I awoke this morning the phone was on the counter and a few cabinet drawers in the kitchen was ajar. I'm guessing from her searching for the batteries..... }:)

I've told her before, "Anything you think you can do to get over on me, I promise you I have been there done that, and have the t-shirt to prove it." I can only imagine how pissed she was last night. Now she can take that mess back her BM's home, because I've told her honesty is the best policy. I've also told her and DH that she can be fast/grown all she wants, but she's not coming into this house with a baby! I'v already had to deal with her for damn 10yrs I will not deal with her plus one.


Unfreakingreal's picture

Absolutely love it. And if you REALLY wanna know WTF she's doing install Spectorsoft into the computer. It runs on stealth mode and gives you a snapshot of EVERYTHING including ALL texts and chats! Hehehehe... I don't know why these kids fuck with us grown folks...

Unfreakingreal's picture

I think it is our duty as SMs to PARENT. If they don't like it? Well TOO DAMN BAD than don't come to MY house. But while you are under MY ROOF be it EOW or whatever, you will be treated as ALL the other kids that live in this house. I commend the OP for paying attention to her Skid. That IS what being a MOM is. Whether it be to your own kids or your partners.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I guess I'm in for a bumpy ride StepA. My SD is 11 going on 17. Extremely grown for age. Knows too much, has been exposed to WAY too much by BM. When she is with us, she is more of a child. Less of an adult. I ride her like a damn pony. I am up her ass 24/7 simply because her mother isn't. I am the one who found pics of her in her underwear posing like a sex kitten, I am the one who found her VERY inappropriate FB page, I am the one that is trying to teach her manners. So if she hates me later that'll be fine and dandy but at least I know I tried to parent her properly. My Dh leaves the parenting to me, he says I'm better at it and he's right.

Unbreakable's picture

My reasoning behind doing what I did is to show her that lying and sneaking around is not acceptable in THIS home. I've had plenty of talks with her about honesty and trust, and how once they are gone it is hard to earn them back. I allow her on the computer because I haven't had a problem with her and the computer, but now that I have I came up with a solution for it (besides not allowing her to use it). We can not keep an eye on her when we are not at home to do so. I really do not care how she sees things as a 17yr old, and as far as her father goes their relationship is completely separate from mines and hers. I've always made sure that DH made it a point to spend quality time with SD just so she knows she will always have a special place in his life. I am the disciplinarian....obviously in our home with our BC, and I'm sorry, but she can not come around and run a muck in our home. I let enough things slide like her talking back to her Dad, and sucking her teeth, stomping her feet, mumbling under her breath and all the things I raised NOT to do. She can do as pleases in BM's home, but not mine, and I care about who she's talking to on MY phone because she 14 and I know how some 14yr old's think. We have no problem with her talking on the phone, but sneaking, and blocking numbers and what not is a sign that something is not right, and she knows this.

Sweetnothings's picture

Have to agree with unfreakingreal..... We E Blastered sd21 and found loads of scary sh** !!! ( the PC sd21 was using had been bought by DH, sd21 was underage at the time, living fulltime with us AND he had warned her and warned her that her PC would be monitored, etc. )

What we found scared DH and started the whole downward spiral of behaviour with her and as far as I was concerned the beginning of my own disengagement....there really is only so many times ( in my case, about fifty or so ) you can throw someone a life jacket before you realise that they really don't care enough to grab it, are happy to paddle on in their sea of drama, lies and deceit AND that anything you may try to say and do just adds to their waves ..... And so the cycle of behaviour continues.

E Blaster we had captured all the images too, luckily I was able to get to them BEFORE DH saw the pornstar poses sd21 was posting on the net :sick: :sick: :sick:

Unbreakable's picture

This is what I am afraid of, and as far as the phone goes I just read a news article about a 15yr old who had a "friend" she talked to on the phone from time to time, and she gave him her address. The man who turned out to be a 25yr old man came over and raped this young girl. I know there is only so much you can do, and eventually they are going to do what they want but in my case I have to do something. DH is clueless, and I do not want this type of situation happening especially not at my residence.