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Bad mannered SKIDS in a new neighborhood looking for friends...

LRP75's picture

Ok, ST's. I was making a post on someone else's blog, and it reminded me of a dilemma I have:

My DH and I have just moved into our new home. It's a nice neighborhood. There are some children in the subdivision that are around the SKIDS ages (10).

My DH is all excited, because he feels that his kids can make friends while they are here.

Although I can understand where he is coming from, because it would be nice for them to have friends (and thus, something to occupy them while they are here), but they are so bad mannered that I don't want them to make "friends" while they are here.

These kids use foul language, steal, break property, don't listen, back talk, bite, kick, hit, punch, are disrespectful, and are all around totally horrible. And yes, they do act that way when they are at other people's home. In our old neighborhood, none of the kids on the block were allowed to play with them. ALL of the other parents had banned them from their homes.

I'm sure there was a block party when we moved out. I'm not kidding.

So my dilemma is:

I don't want them to make friends while they are here. I don't want to be associated with their bad behavior. I don't want to be known as "those parents." I don't want to have to be in the position of looking at the other parents in the neighborhood and KNOWING that my SKIDS did them wrong. I don't want to be exiled. I don't want there to be problems.

And I really don't want to have to embark on the whole, "not my kid, not my problem" with new people. We all know what evil assholes we become to other people when they realize that we aren't totally in LOVE with our SKIDS. Right?

How do I handle it?

One neighbor walking by with her kids stopped to talk. She asked her if we had any children and I lied. I told her "no."

OMG. I just cannot, in good conscious, send the SKIDS into someone else's home - KNOWING what the result was going to be. I would rather be known for lying about having children, than be known as a "parent" to these monsters.

So how do I handle it with my new neighbors?

I feel obligated to warn any and all parents that try to seek out scheduling a play date between their kids and the SKIDS.

I honestly feel like they need to be warned to keep their kids as far away from these children as possible.

But how do I really handle it?

Personally, as a parent to my own kid, I would want to be warned to keep my kid away from someone that had the potential to taint him.

Thanks in advance.


LRP75's picture

^ hahahaa.

Depending on how bad it gets, I actually WOULD do this. I am that desperate to have good relations with our new neighbors and to not be held accountable for their behavior.

However, I would like to avoid having to take it to this level. Think there is a way?

LRP75's picture

Yeah, the SKIDS have been trained by BM to accuse us of "abuse" every time their father tries to discipline them.

We once took them to a neighbors pool and the SKIDS started calling each other "N*ggers." They are Caucasian (I'm American Indian). We don't even know where they heard that word from. Well, let me rephrase that: We know they didn't hear that word from us. WE live in a very culturally diverse neighborhood and enjoy it. The BM lives in the backwoods country. We were absolutely mortified. When their father tried to get the under control, they started screaming, at the top of their lungs, "YOU'RE A F*CKING N*GGER!" They were 9 years old at the time.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I couldn't get out of that pool and away from those kids fast enough.

LRP75's picture

Thus just one of the many reasons why I refuse to go out in public with them anymore.


forestfairy's picture! How did you stop yourself from beating the crap outta them?!?! How humiliating! What does your DH say about this kind of behavior?? I feel so bad for you! I would be so embarrassed too.

Disneyfan's picture

If the new kids are the type to fight back iinstead of running to tattle, the problem may fix itself. }:)

Disneyfan's picture

I wish more parents would teach their kids that it's OK to fight back.

Starting a fight is wrong, but standing up for yourself is never wrong.

LRP75's picture

I like that idea...

I don't want to make trouble before it starts. Yet I really do feel as though I need to establish that WHEN (not IF) trouble happens - they need NOT approach me about it.

hismineandours's picture

ugh. I hate this too-I always feel bad when ss starts hanging out with a new kid or something-especially if it's a nice kid with nice parents. I feel I need to warn them off. Then I worry that I'll come off sounding like a biatch if I do that. So I usually say nothing. What saves my overall reputation-is my own 3 children. There normal, fairly well mannered kids. My ss14 is the anomaly. OBVIOUSLY, it's not my fault as all 3 kids I birthed are normal.

3familiesIn1's picture

I understand that. My skids somewhat cut my best friend from my life. Not entirely - we still talk a lot and such but my daughter and her daughter used to play together. The last time I was over there, she invited DH and myself and the skids too - for a BBQ type thing. It was fun.

She hasn't invited us over since. We still talk a lot. She told me months later that she was sorry but that she couldn't have us over with the skids. Her daughter said SD is mean and didn't want to play with her again. And she caught SS choking her dog. I had previous caught SS choking one of my cats when I first moved in with DH - I took a verbal round out of him - I kept a close eye on him ever since then - the cat 3 years later hisses at the sight of him.

I was mortified he was choking her little dog - they are her babies, I am so ashamed.

I totally understand where you are coming from - I am to the point today that I refuse to meet any of SS6's friends parents - I refuse to go with DH to be introduced or meet any of them - he gets super pissed - I just don't' want the association because I am not accountable for his upbringing.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Wow a 9 year old said EFF YOU NI****!!! Oh my... Hmmm.....What ever happened to brushing their teeth with soap? I would have done it MYSELF if DH wouldn't do it. Fuck around I'd make them gargle with Lysol!

boogeymom's picture

Just have them come hang out in MY neighborhood yelling the n-word...we're white and we're in the minority. There would be a beat-down of epic proportions.

LRP75's picture

You know what? Yeah...

They need a HUGE wake-up call in so many ways. This just being one of them. There ARE consequences to behavior.

I've got so much to say about it, but a whole lot that I'm not willing to commit to writing.

OMG, their mother is doing them such a huge disservice.