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Not the Maid

LRP75's picture


SS10 left his soccer shin guards out in the vestibule. He was asked to pick them up, he did not. DH took him back to BM on Sunday, yet those soccer shin guards were still laying in the vestibule as of this morning. DH should have picked them up if he wasn't going to force his son to clean up after himself. Why should I have to keep walking around them? Why I should I have to look at them laying in the vestibule? Even worse, why should I be the one to have pick them up to put them away?

So I threw them out. }:)

I am not the maid. I am currently working 65+ hours per week. I'm tired. I'm really f*cking tired. I have a hard enough time keeping the house clean and picking up after myself that I refuse, absolutely refuse, to have to clean up after anyone else. I ESPECIALLY refuse to clean up after children that behave the way the SKIDS do. Nope, not gonna happen.

Anything that gets left out, that Disney Dad doesn't want to make them clean up, gets thrown away. I don't give a f*ck how much it cost.

I don't expect my DH to clean-up after my BS16 when he is here. I make BS16 clean-up after himself before he goes back to his dads. If BS16 didn't clean something up before he left, I clean it up for him and then talk to him about it later. But I do NOT expect my DH to have to clean-up after my kid.


::end rant::


LRP75's picture

It helps with my kid too. DH just doesn't make his kids clean up after themselves. I blame HIS parents for that. THEY never made their kids clean up after themselves. And we just moved out of their home and into our own home. So the SKIDS, when they came to see their dad, were actually visiting in Grandma and Grandpas house. So Grandma and Grandpa not only didn't make their son (my DH) clean up after himself, but they didn't make the SKIDS clean up after themselves, nor did they make their son clean up after his own kids.

They are seriously dysfunctional. Don't get me started on that...

Well, news flash:

We are in our own home now. I am Queen Bee in this house. And guess what? THIS Queen Bee expects people to clean up after themselves. If not, their sh*t gets thrown out. I AM NOT THE MAID!

LRP75's picture

"Why in hell he doesn't make them stop what they are doing half an hour before he knows they're going home to make them clean up their messes is beyond me."

I KNOW, RIGHT????? :?

stormabruin's picture

When I was growing up, if my mom ever had to pick up anything that belonged to us it went in a box in her closet & we had to pay her to get it back. I think we had to give her 50 cents for each thing. Of course, we didn't get an allowance or anything, so to us 50 cents was hard to part with. It was money we'd earned by doing chores outside of what we were already expected to do.

AntoniaSays's picture

I don't think you should have to clean up after someone elses kid either. Especially not with something like this. I can see like normal household stuff you would do anyway, but toys and random things you've asked a million times to be put away? Nope. Thing1 and Thing2 have to clean up after themselves no matter if we are at home or somewhere else. Even if we are visiting with someone they know they have to put back whatever they were playing with. How do you expect a kid to one day turn into a functioning adult if they can't even take responsibility for their toys/belongings now? If your ss is 16, I think I read 16? He should know way better.
Yep, throw that shit away. I would do the same if thing1 and thing2 couldn't get it together by that age. Bet they'd learn after the first time lol

LRP75's picture

My BS is 16. The SKIDS, twins, are boy/girl aged 10. SS is the one who left his shin guards laying in the vestibule.

Dad just doesn't want to have to force them. He sees nothing wrong with the shin guards laying there. HE doesn't have a problem with it. I'm the one with the problem, right? Whatever.

I'll admit it, I woke up being a raving b*tch today: My allergies are killing me; I think I've got a sinus infection; I'm facing strict deadlines with an enormous amount of work to do; there is the usual clean-up in the house that needs be done (dusting, sweeping, laundry, dishes, etc); a ton of unpacking still to do; and we are in war (literally) over squirrels in our garage, chipmunks in the garden, and carpenter bees drilling holes in our wood pavilion. Throw on top of all of that the fact that I'm STILL, for 5 days now, tripping over the f*cking shin guards every time I walk through the vestibule...

A woman can only take so much. }:)

giveitago's picture

Put them in the trash can, the day it's collected! Who puts the trash out?? I did that one time to a kid, SKid's half brother was staying with us for a while and I found a 'pipe' in his car. I used his car one day and I told him I took it! If I'd been pulled over, for ANY reason, the car could have been searched and I would have been arrested first and asked questions later. I made him carry the trash bag, with the pipe (unbeknown to him) in it out to the street. I told him what I had done too! ZERO tolerance for that bullshit in our house. Keep trashing stuff if it's left lying around, that way they might just get the message?

LRP75's picture

I would have a stroke if I were driving in a car that I didn't know had drug paraphernalia in it. Whoa! NOT cool! I'm glad to read that you weren't caught with it and held responsible.

Hopefully they will get the picture.

You know, I don't understand why my DH would think it was ok for the shin guards to be laying there. I don't even do his kids laundry or clean up their plates after dinner. HE does their laundry and either they put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher or he does it for them. I don't even cook them dinner or prepare meals for them. If they tell me they are hungry, I tell them that they need to let their father know.

So for him to think that it was ok for those shin guards to be laying there for 5 days is absolutely ridiculous. Especially when we just don't leave things laying around. We always put stuff away when we are done with it.

AntoniaSays's picture

Well either way, at 10 you are old enough to pick up hour own crap.

My mom used to always say that when you leave dirty dishes in the sink, it invites other dirty dishes to be left in the sink. Before you know it, there are no clean dishes.
This makes sense for a lot of reasons. If you think about it, if you go to an empty sink with a bowl, you are more inclined to clean it or put in in the dishwasher. If the sink is full, you leave the bowl in the sink because that's what everyone else is doing. Its human nature.

So, in conclusion, one shinguard left in the living room quickly turns into one shinguard, 200 pokemon cards, everyones shoes, backpacks, and before you know it your living room is subbing as a playroom, storage, junk yard, and a graveyard where food crums come to die.

You should explain this to your dh and skids. But make sure you use a voice that sounds nice but mean at the same time. And you should also have a real crazy look in your eyes. Make them wonder if you have truly lost it.

End your discussion by proclaiming that every season is jesus season. Then run away.

Lol sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night.

LRP75's picture


I soooooo needed a laugh this morning!!!

HAHAHAHA!!! The mental images are awesome.