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boyfriends ex wife

welmade's picture

my boyfriends ex wife is driving me crazy they were married for 3 years 3 years ago.she left him and their 2 kids his relationship with her makes me nervous before we dated he used to post on fb how much he missed her he is always talking about her bad or good one way our another she gets brought up she had total control of him in my opinion if she can't pick their daughter up from school he calls me to walk over and get her which is fine but he just let's her so whatever with no thought I've made a few comments about her looks and he gets mad and jumps to her defense claiming I'm insulting him...seriously? We recently got pregnant and I had a tubal and lost it he told his ex wide about my surgery and us losing the baby how is something that personal any of her business!? He keeps saying he told her because he needed to vent why her I don't know what to do I love him and I want this to work how do I talk to him about her without him getting mad if he's in love with her I need out I don't want to waste time


BSgoinon's picture

First of all.... welcome.

Second... This>>>>my boyfriends ex wife is driving me crazy they were married for 3 years 3 years ago.she left him and their 2 kids his relationship with her makes me nervous before we dated he used to post on fb how much he missed her he is always talking about her bad or good one way our another she gets brought up she had total control of him in my opinion if she can't pick their daughter up from school he calls me to walk over and get her which is fine but he just let's her so whatever with no thought I've made a few comments about her looks and he gets mad and jumps to her defense claiming I'm insulting him...seriously?

Is the longest sentence in the history of sentences.

Sounds like your BF needs to be given an ultimatum or two. Seems as though he still wants her back. I would not tolerate my husband venting about personal things (or ANYTHING for that matter) with his exwife. Have you told him how this makes you feel? How long have you been together??? Maybe he doesn't realize what he is doing? Maybe?

mom in need's picture

I totally agree... Boundaries need to be set. Then you must stick to them. However, before your relationship moves to the next level you must work things out first.

welmade's picture

We've only been together for 9 months I know he still has feelings but hell never admit it. His ex wife is married to another guy and had two kids with him but my boyfriend just doesn't seem to be able to get over it he is always saying how much he likes his exs son (with her new husband) and how he wouldn't mind hanging out with him but he always says he does these things for his daughters whenever I say your relationship is too close he says he needs to for his daughters how can I say it without attacking

BSgoinon's picture

If you don't mind... can I ask how old the two of you are?

Healthy boundaries are different for everyone. But BOTH of you have to be comforable with the situation. If you are ok with him being besties with his ex, than it's a non issue. Obviously you aren't, so there is an issue.

Most cases, conversation with the ex should be related ONLY to the kids, and only on a "need to know" basis.

CowGirl's picture

Everyone is different, has different boundaries and will only tolerate so much. Honestly, you need to do what you feel is right for you. If it is bothering you then you need to discuss it with your BF. Do not demand, but let him know that when he does something in particular - you need to share with him how it makes you feel. If he does not respect your feelings then you need to decide if you can be in this relationship. I feel it is not a healthy relationship unless you are 100% emotionally involved/invested.

Crazysteplife12's picture

Sounds like he still has an emotional attachment to her. I have been going through something similar except my dh was married to BM for 12 years and she left him and the kids. She is always needing to call him abt something and he always feels sorry for her. I had to tell him I need some boundaries. He talked to her and hopefully things will get better. My advice would be to tell him how it makes you feel, and tell him what you need from him and if he is not willing then u have your answer

Aeron's picture

Aww, honey, the ex isn't driving you crazy, your BF is driving you crazy.

He's showing you that she means more to him than you do. It's not okay for him to discuss your medical procedures with anyone without your permission. If he was still posting about how much he missed her up until you actually started dating, he's not over her.

Saying it's for his kids is an excuse. It's a little odd that he wants to spend time with his ex's new children, IMO. He's defending her to you and feel attacked himself.

This reminds me so much of one of my friends - she dated a guy for like 2 weeks and liked him but knew there was no way in hell they'd ever be more than friends. He however, fell head over heels in love with her. She's married, he's married but we're all still friends and he'd told me on several occasions that if she told him she wanted him back, he'd drop his wife in a heartbeat and Run to her - yes even now, like 10 year later. I don't know if he's ever told Her this, but I think everyone knows. Her husband doesn't like the guy much (go figure) and she's really good about making sure they're never alone and that her husband has no reason to worry, but I can only imagine what the wife thinks/feels about all of it. I often wonder why she stays, particularly since that marriage doesn't seem to be going so well. Surprise surprise.

He's showing you where you are on the priority list and particularly if he's still defending her and confiding in her, he's still into her.

I agree with tell him how you feel - ie, I felt betrayed when I found out that you had told her about my surgery, that is very personal and not something I wanted shared. See what he says. If he keeps defending himself, making excuses and explaining why he wasn't wrong or doesn't actually commit to changing, you deserve better and he's not going to give it to you.

welmade's picture

All these things are exactly what I've been telling him all along and he says I need to get over my own insecurities

welmade's picture

Add far as attachments they are already there I've quit my job and moved 30 miles away from home with my daughter to be with him

Disneyfan's picture

After only 9 months???

That isn't enough time to get to know a guy. It's way to soon to include your child in the mix.

Lalena75's picture

Moving is different than a kid and mortgage. I agree with the others that he has to get over her in order to move on with you. His ex isn't the problem he is and he's using the kids as an excuse to continue with the status quo.
"He's showing you where you are on the priority list and particularly if he's still defending her and confiding in her, he's still into her." This statement right here is why my ex and I divorced every female but ME his wife (at the time) was his priority, this is the type of man who will take her (or anyone else for that matter) to the ER but let you drive yourself and stay there alone. Please rethink YOUR needs he has to make changes not say he will actions, actions, actions!
(yes a little of my own personal animosity is thrown in)

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Consider the possibility that you need to move on. If he is using her for emotional support in this way, he hasn't given up on her. Is that a battle you want to fight?

She may be the target of your anger but he is the one with the problem here.