O/T: 7 days of sex?
So I'm watching this thing on lifetime about this 7 days of sex challenge for married couples whose sex life has gone down the tubes. I guess the premise is, force yourselves to have sex every day for 7 days and it will help bring the two of you closer. While I'm a newlywed, full disclosure here, DH and I were together for 3.5 years before we got married and um, well, we started of as (to use the term of the spammers) phuck buddies. Haha. So yeah, we don't make time for it like we should. I feel like we could benefit from this, but yeah...These poor women on here, they're trying for their husbands to be excited about it but you can tell they're dreading it Hahahaha. I love it.
Oh, and please, no comments about how you and your DH have sex every night. Spare me. Good for you, but I really think that's not the norm. Haha
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lol too funny! Wish I had
lol too funny! Wish I had lifetime
I don't know, I often find
I don't know, I often find myself engrossed in ridiculous shows like this and other reality bs that I just can't help but watch instead of doing something productive. I have a few other things I could/should be doing. Instead I'm on here and watching this show...haha. If I didn't have it, I'd get a lot more done!! Haha
7 days? In a row???
7 days? In a row???
Yep. The whole thing is 7
Yep. The whole thing is 7 times in 7 days. All I could thing was "ouch", but that's just me. I guess some women really love their husbands, and I also guess I'm not one of those women haha!
LOL! That was exactly what I
LOL! That was exactly what I was thinking. Ouch and oh he** to the no. I already have a charley horse in my right hamstring from overhauling our backyard over the weekend. My second thought was "They want them to do what?"
7 days in a row. Phhhhffffffftttttttt.
I think I'll have to sneak onto to lifetime and check this out. I just can't let my husband catch me watching a chick channel. I'll never hear the end of it.
Craziest thing is, these
Craziest thing is, these silly women are actually buying in to the whole thing and are enjoying it!! They're on day 6 and they're peachy keen (for the most part) and "feel closer" to their husbands. Ha!
I say this all "judgey judgey" while my DH is in the other room playing the Xbox and I'm alone on my phone on here and watching lifetime...maybe they're not wrong!! Damn lifetime for making me think I could be being a better wife!!
LOLOLOL Shaman!!! Right?!?
LOLOLOL Shaman!!! Right?!? That's definitely how I feel
I was also
I was also thinking....hey....does it count if I sleep through it??
My poor DH. He has no clue why I'm cracking up right now. }:)
Hahaha the one wife was like
Hahaha the one wife was like "I'm taking a nap wake me up in 20 min when you're done", the other actually tried bargaining and said shed give it to him twice in the morning if he let her sleep! Hahaha. Her husband of course was having none of it and made her stick to it bc it "would help their marriage", I think this clearly was designed by men!! She was telling a client (she's a hair dresser) the client asked what happene after 7 days, she was like "I never have to screw him again I guess" hahaha, at least she's honest!!
And why is this such a bad
And why is this such a bad idea?
From the man perspective of course. }:)
I do think that regular intimacy is a very effective way to maintain closeness between partners.
I find, and I am confident that my wife would agree, that when we are in a phase of frequent intimacy, passionate romance and affectionate alignment that we are both notably more excited about our lives together and getting home to each other at the end of the work day.
It is not just the sex that drives this. It is a true desire and excitement to be with your life partner.
As for seven days in a row .... OUCH! 3-4 is about the max before we need a break. We both get a bit too sore and raw to go all out for that many days in a row. But, I definately believe in the concept.
IMHO of course.
Only 5% are having sex once a
Only 5% are having sex once a week?! I feel like a bad wife and DH becomes a bear (he says he has too much poison built up in his body) if we're not going at least twice a week. We went 8 days once, and you could tell it was weighing on us. Sometimes it's a good stress reliever too. Even of you have to "force" it in the beginning it always ends up being a good thing and I've never come out of it saying damn I wish I wouldntve done that. Haha. It baffles me how some people really just don't think/care about intimacy in their relationship.
Hahaha. As I was telling my
Hahaha. As I was telling my DH ab this last night he was all about it, and while we were laughing ab it, he brought to my attn that he can't wait until I'm in my "prime" (he's 9 years older than I am) and hr will relish in the fact that I'll be wanting it all the time and he can't/won't want to. :O . Although I can't imagine a time when DH would ever not want to constantly, it made me sad to think ab the probability that it's going to happen. Guess I should "appreciate" it more now. I too find when we're in an "active" phase, there's less stress and we fight less too.
I'm with Rags, how is this a
I'm with Rags, how is this a bad thing? It DOES re-connect you. When my sex life with dh is good, our relationship is good, they DO go hand in hand.
For us it's in spurts, there are about 10 days-2 weeks that we do it daily-with maybe one day break. Then comes PMS week and it's only every 3 days or sometimes more.
BUT the concept of the movie is great actually, it's sad that so many women would be so turned off by even the idea or find it a chore or tiresome or unappealing. It's an indicator of how screwed up the relationship really is or how unhappy you or both of you are.
I dare anyone to try and have the same arguments they do if they're screwing like rabbits, probably won't happen.
Too tired, well I mean one of
Too tired, well I mean one of the nights or a few could be quickies...sex makes us tired if it's a big marathon event with multiples otherwise not so much lol
Come on now-anyone here when you started dating didn't you get it on daily, sometimes several times a day? Did you use the 'I'm tired' reasoning then?
No, because adrenaline/hormones are helping keep us pumped.
Sex does jump start good feelings, bonding, relaxation, stress reduction. Making a pledge for 7 days in a row is not asking a lot at all IMO. And not unreachable and would probably help many marriages!
Haha, nope! 25. DH is almost
Haha, nope! 25. DH is almost 34. So yeah, when I'm in my 40s, he'll need a script for the magic blue pill I'm sure! Haha
I'm 38
I'm 38
lost...i think you have a
lost...i think you have a healthy sex life already. you don't need to kick start the passion with a commitment to 7 days straight.
my dh when we first married had a goal to do it EVERY night for the first year. i was not impressed. that takes the fun out of it completely. it was becoming more of a duty and a chore...there is a balance for sure!
I disagree. I don't think
I disagree. I don't think thinking of sex as a chore or tiresome is necessarily an indicator of anything other than you're freaking tired!! Yeah, when DH and I first got together there were no excuses, and it was at least every day if not several times. But, that was 4 years ago. Before life got in the way. Yes, I am guilty of being too tired and guilty of not making time for it when I sometimes would like to. I listen to this show with Laura Berman on Cosmo radio. She always says "sex begets more sex". It's true. When you're having sex it's easy to want more. You feel better overall, yes. But when you're in a "slump" it's hard to get back in to the swing of things. Bc sometimes after taking care of children that aren't mine all day, working, managing employees who sometimes are worse than children, dealing with day to day life, not to mention birth control does impact your sex drive sometimes and I've found that depo (which I'm on) makes me feel "off" as far as that goes, and sometimes I really do have a headache and just want to take some ibuprofen PM and crash. I also work overnight a lot so I don't always sleep in bed while DH is sleeping in bed. Some days we see each other for 20 min in the morning while he's getting ready and I'm getting the kids ready then we won't see each other at all until the next morning for 20 minutes. Meh. I'm making excuses. All I'm saying is, I disagree that a lack of libido doesn't necessarily point to a problem in the relationship.
These were all pretty young
These were all pretty young couples. In their late twenties-mid thirties I'd say. Once a day isnt that much really in the grand scheme of things, and it isnt like it's forever. It did help the couples become closer to one anothe and I can completely appreciate the reasons why and can totally see it. It's a week to build your marriages base and make it stronger. And all the couples even laughed ab how it was bad some those times that week, but, it just puts everyone in a better mood.
I'm happy to say that a week
I'm happy to say that a week of sex isn't what builds my marriage base. Yeah, it's good & it's fun, when I'm not exhausted & feeling obligated to meet a challenge of sex 7 days in a row.
Also, in reply to blendedblissnot's comment made earlier in the post, I disagree that being too tired to have sex indicates that a couple is unhappy or that a relationship is screwed up. DH & I are solid in our marriage & are proof that it can just mean that sometimes we're tired & don't have the energy for it.
Don't get me wrong. When we have it I enjoy it, but I don't see the point in us forcing it into our day simply for the sake of meeting a challenge. I'm thankful I can rest assured that if something were ever to happen to DH or myself where we weren't able to have sex anymore, our marriage won't be broken without it. Yes, sex is an excellent way to bond, but certainly not the only way.
This old wife would like to
This old wife would like to respectfully disagree, at least in my case. My DH and I are both in our 40's. I suffer from chronic fatigue (working on a solution as we speak, erm, I mean type), otherwise I'd probably be grateful for my DH's (ahem) youthful enthusiasm.
I don't have it in me to type
I don't have it in me to type a whole thing about this, but generally speaking, sex=intimacy/emotional connection for most men. And also for some women. It's not just about physical satisfaction at all.
When that intimacy is gone, and trust me there are people out there going weeks and months at a time in some couples' cases, it hurts the relationship for at least one of the partners. There is not only the lack of closeness but feelings of out-and-out rejection. I have experience with this kind of problem and would not make light about how much that hurts. I would, however, have no problem with making light of a TV show about 7 days of sex
Some of you ladies come back and re-visit this thread when you're over 40...you might be looking at it differently...
You're right. I didn't mean
You're right. I didn't mean sex ONLY means intimacy, for men or women. I meant it in the context of the long term relationship. I meant that to these people a good deal of intimacy/emotional connection comes from sex. And yes, there are couples with bad relationships that still do fine in the sex department. I was generalizing an adequate relationship where both partners are able.
Also, there's a HUGE difference between can't have sex and won't have sex. Applies to both men and women. And the won't have sex population might be justified by some sort of resentment from some other unhealthy aspect of the relationship, so just a sex "jump start" isn't going to fix it...the whole relationship needs to be examined.
Really the only point I was trying to make is please don't underestimate the importance of sex in a marriage for intimacy and emotional connection. One partner might not think it's important, but it might be killing the other partner inside.
But what if it's crappy sex?
But what if it's crappy sex? Having crappy sex seven days in a row would just make me want to kill someone. I'd rather not have any sex.
I guess (and this is totally
I guess (and this is totally in my opinion and experience) that if you're not enjoying the sex you do have with your partner, it might be time to look into an issue with your relationship. Because well, while most of the time it is my partner initiating sex, and I will admit that while I'd love to be one of these gung ho wives that is up for it any time their husband is, I'm just not. I am tired, and it's the last thing on my mind most nights we're in bed together. But, when we do have sex, even if in the beginning I'm like oh geez, okay c'mon, I never regret that we did. I think sexual satisfaction, for women at least, is more than just the physical contact. For men, sure, sex might be better with someone they care about, but um...I'm pretty sure prostitutes, and hell even the porn industry wouldn't exist if it weren't because a lot (not all of course
of men just simply care about the act of it, not the chemistry. But, at least from what I've seen, talked to with my girlfriends about, experienced, etc, that for a woman, the "quality" of the sexual experience is also a mental thing, and a chemistry connection with your partner. So if you're not feeling it in the bedroom, you might want to consider what the underlying issue between you and your partner may be.
So you and all of your
So you and all of your girlfriends have never heard of erectile dysfunction? I hate to break it to you, but crappy sex can be attributed to physical issues, as well as emotional.
Oh no, no no no. That's not
Oh no, no no no. That's not what I was saying at all. I was assuming when you said "well what if it's crappy sex" that you was referring to actually having sex, and that it was bad. Not that either partner couldn't perform. Sorry if I mistook that.
I think this is a great
I think this is a great thing. Dh and I go through spurts as many others do-sex 5 nights in a row and then we skip a week. But things are definitely better for us when we are having regular sex. I feel better-personally-happier and healthier-even apart from the relationship. Women release hormones when they have an orgasm that promotes attachment to their partner. I find I can tolerate more of dh's annoying little habits if we are rocking the bedroom on a regular basis.
We have a really good sex life-so it is always a positive thing for us. I personally would enjoy taking this 7 day challenge just for fun!
Oh dear. I am sorry. I hate
Oh dear. I am sorry. I hate this for you, and honestly, while this isn't supposed to be a serious blog I feel for you. Marriage is absolutely about give and take. At least when my DH is trying to "guilt" (for lack of a better term) me, he says it makes his feel bad because he feels like I'm not connected with him anymore. Which isn't the case. He's manipulative in that regard but it usually works for him. :). My advice to you would be to seek out a marriage counselor (if you haven't already), that way the two of you can talk in a neutral atmosphere. We went through couples counseling a while ago for some issues we were having and it really did help us learn how to better communicate our issues to one another. Of course we're not perfect, no one is. But it definitely helped. Maybe your DH doesn't realize that what he said hurt you the way that it did. Maybe if you can express that to him without making him feel attacked he will understand and can respond.
"Really the only point I was
"Really the only point I was trying to make is please don't underestimate the importance of sex in a marriage for intimacy and emotional connection. One partner might not think it's important, but it might be killing the other partner inside."
This is very true...and YES men in the context of a long-term relationship DO equate sex with intimacy/connection. I have heard from so many husbands of 'refusers' and the emotional pain they describe would give you chills. I believe a 'withholder/refuser' can be either sex but can be more women then men. It is destructive to the marriage and the other person.
I also get cranky after 2-3 days and we nit-pick more. YES we're rocking the bedroom all is good between us mostly. I think in terms of a normal relationship this is standard.
Granted their are cases of severe marital problems that can turn one into a refuser or not feel enough closeness to have sex.