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Im so happy i found this place

Gatvol's picture

hi every1 Smile im new to this site and am flabbergasted at the fact that im not a mean, evil stepmother! YAY! i have a SD and she is 6 [should be 666] but anyway my husband and i met about a year or more after him and his BM split up and my SD was only 18 months old. so i thought oh she is soooo cute and all that... then we had a little boy and WHAM the true colours came out. she is sooo manipulative, makes us fight every opportunity she gets [including lying about me to him!!!] he soon saw through the lies but if i ever mention that she is doing something i dont like its a war in my home. there are double standards when it comes to the kids, he is more strict with my son than with his bastard child.

i had a nanny who used to look after my son [she comes every second weekend - pure torture!] and she nicely told me that she will no longer be taking care of my SD because she is a rude, manipulative child who has no respect and plays my husband like a fiddle, she also metioned that my SD was masturbating infront of her [she was 5 at the time!!!!]

so the nanny doesnt last long - guess who didnt like her! anyway she got into very adult things like wanting to watch movies with adult ratings [screaming & crying at my husband because he was blocking her eyes when a certain scene came on]. everytime my husband goes to the toilet or to shower she all of a sudden needs something in the toilet or to be in the shower, just to get a glimpse of him naked, going so far as to pull the towel off him after he came out of the shower one day! :jawdrop:

i just keep quiet because when i say something its world war 3. now i just do what i go to and pray the weekends go faster. She throws tantrums at her age and refuses to pick up after herself. my son is 3 and he picks up his toys, takes his plate to the kitchen, puts his dirty clothes in the washing basket etc, she just leaves everything all over so i just take the broom and sweep it out.

my husband knows that she is a sneaky little devil and he knows that i secretly HATE his bastard child but we dont talk about it because he likes his head in the sand - its easier for him that way. i dont know what goes on her mothers house but her 13 yr old sister has sex infront of her and i dont want that cr*p in my home teaching my son things he is too young to be knowing. When he was potty training in his litle undies she used to want to touch his penis - needless to say i put that straightt very quickly and then all of a sudden you telling daddy how you dont like me. i dont give a f*ck anymore and even though this is the worst possible thing to say i sometimes wish she would disappear just to be free from this silent torture!

I have even considered divorcing my husband because of the pressure!!! but we love each other and soon enough she will grow up [after 12 more years of this] and she will have life of her own. God only knows how i am going to deal with the teenage years but i continue to pray for relief. i dont even want to start on my mother in law - THAT is instant therapy required. they treat this child like some golden egg and shame she has such a terrible life etc how is getting clothes and toys EVERY second day from her mother a terrible life. she is so spoilt that she literally cr*ps herself for attention. my husband cant even SIT next to me and she is on him, so i just get up and say go ahead and he gets upset. he will insist on sitting with me and then he will send her to sit on the other sofa she will so with a SULK.

So yes - om a SD hater and im so glad i found this site so i can get a load off!!! my husband wants another baby - i dont know whats going to happen to Princess if i have a daughter... time will tell...


ItAlmostWorked's picture

Crapping yourself for attention at age 6 is a very serious problem. Crapping yourself for attention at any age is a problem. Not even toddlers crap themselves for attention. Have you read Stepmonster yet? Please, run to the store to get this book. Skip the chapter about the birds.

I worry for you and your son as she gets older. I am glad to hear you assertively taking care of both him and YOU. If you choose to stay, you will probably need lots if support to live through her older years if it is this bad now. I am guessing you never leave her alone with your son. I think that is important to continue.

Curiosity about the differences in male and females is normal at this age but she has other warning signs of possible trouble. If it is true she has seen her older sister having sex, this concerns me. I am sad for what may have happened to her and for all she may have witnessed. No wonder she is not behaving normally.

I wish you the best~

witsend71's picture

That's what's so frustrating about stepparenting....we don't have the authority to "get them into counseling" or any other needed service. At least I don't.

3familiesIn1's picture

and if we suggest it, we are considred to just 'hate' the child. How suggesting the child may need help translates to 'hating' a child is beyond me. But that is when the lightbulb of nothing I can say or do will be considered wrong and I disengaged.

Purple hope's picture

Welcome. Personally, It sounds to me like she has definitely been exposed to inappropriate content and possible molestation. If there is any chance of needs reported to the authorities. The proper people can investigate her environment in the other house and can require that she have counseling. It could help your situation and hopefully save this girl before it corrupts her even more.

Good luck

LilyBelle's picture

she is sooo manipulative, makes us fight every opportunity she gets....

I hate to break it to you, but a child can't MAKE adults fight....

You're fighting because her father isn't respecting you, and you disagree on parenting. She's doing what works for her, and her father is allowing it. She's not powerful enough to make you fight.... that is her father's decision.