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No court last week for contempt, of course.

Justwantsomepeace's picture

So for all my worrying about BM getting served with our contempt motion, she did get it. Her new lawyer (#6 I think) called ours to say he would be asking for a continuance.

We had our lawyer make our proposal to hers, which involves removing overnight visitation and taking out the month July which we just put in last year. Her lawyers responds with, "well why don't we just let them go for a little while and see how it goes without signing anything" Um, NO!

Of course all of this happened Friday, the day before the proposed visitation. The kids freaked about it and didn't want to go with her, so they told her they weren't coming, that all of this happened too suddenly. She was upset and told them how much they were hurting her. They told her that they were the ones that were hurt by all of this.

What does she expect? They haven't seen and barely spoken to her in 2 months and she thinks they're jumping at the chance to see her? She's the one that moved in with her BF in spite of the court order and told them they had to choose between seeing her and lying to their dad about the BF being there. She basically told them they were bad kids because they wouldn't lie and that she was tired of putting her life on hold for them. Because she's sacrificed SOOOOOO much as a parent *sarcasm*.

I hope there is a special place in hell for her. Can you imagine all of our psycho BMs hanging out with each other for all of eternity?


AndSoItIs's picture

I firmly believe that if their is a hell, that there is a special place for bitches like these. Sorry to hear about this. Court is the biggest PITA. We have our date may 7, but it has been continued 6 times or the stupidest shit. I tell everyone when they ask that yes, new court date is X, but I'm holding out for the next school year! I don't even get my hopes up anymore. It was so stressful to worry worry worry and then it never happen. Good luck to you guys!! The sad thing is, postponing court and continuance after continuance only hurts the kids. Our GAL has fought with the judge the past 3 times he granted continuances and each time was supposed to be "the last time"...our judicial system is so flawed.

Justwantsomepeace's picture

6 times would drive me insane! This one was extra annoying because it was my birthday so I couldn't plan my usual lunch with my sister, etc., even though I knew there was a chance we wouldn't have court. We didn't find out until the morning of.

Good luck to you on the 7th!

Justwantsomepeace's picture

If you think that's insane you ought to hear the rest of her story. This is mild.

One of the best things that ever happened was her having such "terrible" female problems that she eventually harassed a doctor into giving her a hysterectomy she didn't need. At least there are no more possible children of hers that will have to suffer.