BM's new scare tactic part 2...
So our phones have been shut off for that past few days so no angry irrational texts from BM lol
But THEN SO gets on FB and she has unblocked him! She sent this message:
so the reason its illegal for someone to have SD's pictures without my permission is because SD is a minor,. and i have full cuztody and without my consent its illegal to have her pictures on any social media site ect... so either i can suit you and take a lot of money you dont have.....or you can take them down...its your choice, but ill go to the police tmrw if their not down...ENJOY!
And you can sit around and dream that you are a better parent then me but face it'll never be close to what I am. SD and I are out every day...feeding ducks, playing at the park, taking hikes, taking bike rides, going for walks. We never spend a single day indoors. And I don't believe you ever spend any alone time with her ever. That's not good for her . Its nice that she calls [her sisters husband] daddy...cuz he's more for her then you'll ever be. She knows what its like to have a man cosistant in her life. She has a wonderful family here. We don't drink or party and by the looks of your pictures...that's all you do. But you will get what's comming to you...karmas a bitch. Just be prepared
This is what he replied with:
Please stop harrassing me. Please only contact me from now on, as I've asked you before ONLY if it pertains to SD.
This is the last time I am going to respond to your nonsense.
First of all, NO ONE at the court house can give you legal advice.
Second of all, I have half Legal Custody of our daughter. I am allowed to have pictures of her on my facebook, my profile is private, it is not endangering SD in any way. the same goes for Lady, I have half legal custody and she has my consent to post pictures of SD.
but, if you want to discuss endangering our child, perhaps we should talk about the ad you put on craigslist with a picture of SD? The one that stated "daughter not included". Craigslist is very public, by your own logic that is definitly child endangerment.
And you do not need to brag about what a wonderful mother you are. That is nice that you and SD do things together, you should, that is what a mother does and considering you are not working you should have plenty of time to do those things with her.
I will ask you once to stop berating me and insulting me. And you are psychologically damaging our daughter by having her call [her sisters husband] daddy...he is her UNCLE.
This is not a competition on who is more awesome BM, Either stop with the nonsense and hate mail or I will be forced to take legal action against you.
I told him to ignore her but he was livid, and I think he handled it pretty well and I kind of agree with him at this point she needed to be put in her place.
Now, my question is, can he bring harrassment charges on her if she doesn't stop?
- IAmALady77's blog
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THIS is a great quote!!!!
THIS is a great quote!!!! Thank you. I could use BM or SD for this. Thanks!!
"This is your challenge.. not beating BM at this game.. just not caring about the game."
Absolutely he can take her to
Absolutely he can take her to court for this. I would print this email out. She is having her call someone else DAD?? That is complete and total PAS.
Our CO order states that personal contact information is not to be used to harass or annoy the other parent. She is harassing and very annoying! If you have a clause like this, she is in contempt.
block bm from FB on your
block bm from FB on your end...he needs to do this before she does. this is something that really gets to me. you can't block the cretonne back. once they block you they can unblock you at any time and spy on you.
don't care about the game.
it takes A LOT in our area to get harassment charges...this wouldn't apply, have to talk to a lawyer to find out how it's dealt with in your area.
document everything you do. it takes about 5 min a day but just do it, electronically if possible, easier to read for the court.
this way you have proof of the positive role-model you are to sd.
and "stop caring about the game"...i second that. that's the best above it. think of her as a child.
"and "stop caring about the
"and "stop caring about the game"...i second that"
I'm going to "third" it.
It's a bitch to do. I struggle with it myself, but I do find that when I reach the point where I'm just too tired to give a shit, I feel the most inner peace.
I have my account set as
I have my account set as unsearchable & BM is blocked. She can't see me at all through her account. Of course, I'm not dumb enough to think she doesn't look at mine through the kids accounts. So, I do have to go through the ordeal of maintaining certain privacies set to them on my pics, friends/family lists, etc. And yes, FB is a PITA when it comes to changes. Every time they change something I have to go back through & double-check my settings.
You guys are right, we
You guys are right, we definitly need to just keep ignoring her. It just freaks me out when she throws out things like lawsuits and taking our house because I am not that knowledgable when it comes to the law and I just don't want her to actually know what shes talking about you know? But she is wrong on this, totally just made that up.
bm used to scare dh
bm used to scare dh all.the.time with stuff she said was "illegal"
bm: "i spoke to my lawyer and it's illegal for you to xyz"
dh cowed every time and i just HATED it. i finally made him consult with a lawyer. i highly suggest you pony up the hourly fee and see a great family law attorney and ask him/her every question you can think of.
knowledge is power! she can rant and rave but if you know the law is behind you it's easier to laugh her ravings off! kwim?
lol!!! what a MORON
lol!!! what a MORON
wooooooow lol.
wooooooow lol.
I have a better one. BM
I have a better one. BM called MY house and when I answered she asked "WHO IS THIS?" My reply was "Who is THIS, you're calling MY HOUSE?"
Bookish - I just choked on my
Bookish - I just choked on my lunch. That.Was.Awesome.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I could hear
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I could hear your tone of voice when you said that. These women are ridiculous.
He needs to reign her in. He
He needs to reign her in.
He can take control of this kind of thing by blocking HER on FB. That takes the unblock option away from her.
She needs to stop spending so
She needs to stop spending so much time feeding ducks, and going to the park and get her freaking GED.
I must have missed the picture thing... if she had your DH blocked how could she even see what pictures he had on FB? or was she stalking through someone else?
LOL, I'm pretty sure she
LOL, I'm pretty sure she graduated HS, or at least I think she did :/ And a few days ago she saw that I had pictures of SD on MY FB and threatened to sue me for 1000 dollars a picture and take our house. I didn't realize that you had to set each photo albums privacy settings too so thats taken care of now.
wow what a loon. I can't
wow what a loon. I can't imagine having nothing better to do, but then again I have a full-time job and an at home business and don't have time to cause FB drama and feed ducks.
and the "take your house and sue you for 1000 a pic" came straight out of her ass. Block her ass from your page completely and be done with it.
That's ridiculous. Do you
That's ridiculous. Do you know how many photos there are of kids on facebook? Group shots that one kid takes of another and posts on their facebook? Can you imagine if every parent could sue for that?
It's great that your sd had a man cosistant in her life
but she only has one daddy. This woman is an idiot and I really would just ignore her-although I might call her an idiot first and then ignore her.
ha ha! I have ALWAYS wondered
ha ha! I have ALWAYS wondered just how many random strangers pictures I just happen to be in! It's kind of freaky to think about it! But yeah, we have no control over that. I believe the rule is that as long as the picture was taken with no expectation of privacy, then the person has done nothing wrong and has the rights to that pic.
So basically if you took a pic of some person on the toilet, through the window of their house and posted THAT, then yeah, they could probably sue your for 1000 and your house, if they are not too busy getting in your facebook business and feeding ducks.
Oh yes, she is constantly
Oh yes, she is constantly bragging about how much her and SD do. SD is 2 years old, we do fun things with her too but geeze you really think shes going to remember this? And I am actually pissed that she put her pic on CRAIGSLIST. umm that IS child endagerment.
For what reason would you put
For what reason would you put your kids pic on Craiglist? I don't get it.. isn't craigslist for selling items and services???
She was selling a bumpo, I
She was selling a bumpo, I think it's called and she put SDs picture on top of the bumpo and then put in the ad (daughter not included with purchase)...
she is insane! Who even does that? I don't understand why she would put SD's picture on top of the bumpo and then post it on craigslist, but then turn around and try to sue us for child endangerment. She is now saying that SO can't even have pics of his daughter on HIS fb now and she keeps insisting that what we are doing to "her kid" is illegal. WTF.
LOL oh geeze haha it was like
LOL oh geeze haha it was like a toddler seat for the table lol
"Bumpo an extra large and
"Bumpo an extra large and deep belly button in which may contain old food, lint, bugs, etc."
I think she means Bumbo.
BUGS??!!?!?!!!! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!! Too, too, poetically awesome...I may have to use that as my new nickname for THE BM.