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Phone call was made to bm and my reward was a nice message on my car...

hismineandours's picture

So I was in my bedroom last night reading so I am oblivious to what is even happening, but my dh told me this morning that a call was placed to bm. Evidently both ss and dh talked to her, I dont know in what order or how it all went down-but the end result was my ss14 saying he wishes to cancel his party here and go to bm's as he doesnt want to "hurt her feelings" and bm making her ridiculous statements to dh of "you cant keep my son from me". He laughed when she said that one and told her that nobody has been keeping anybody from her, but she has not drove the hour to get ss in the entire year or so since he's moved out. He also told her that nobody has kept her from paying child support or contributing to his care. Those were decisions she made. He said if she had a problem regarding visits then she could take him to court and she told him he'd probably only get 20.00 a week in child support. He said he didnt care, it wasnt about the money, it was the idea that she does not contribute to her son's care.

So I'm not exactly sure how it all ended, but dh told me this morning that he hopes that ss invites his friends over as otherwise he will be sitting at home this weekend doing nothing. The reason dh and I even talked about it this morning is as I am getting ready for work this morning I hear alot of commotion upstairs. I hear ss yelling at ds. Then I hear dh yelling at ss. Then ss comes flying down the stairs-I tell him to go back up as the bus will be here soon and he sobs something incoherently. He does go back up. A few minutes later my dd texts me from the bus to tell me that ss wrote "suck it" on the back of my car. So when I come upstairs I'm like WTF is with ss this morning? And I told him about the message on the back of my car.

So I love how the bm can create drama and attitude in my house even when she doesnt see ss for months on end or have no contact with him.


magnummom's picture

Why did "you suck"? You didn't do anything. His dad was fighting with him.

hismineandours's picture

That's what I wondered. I wasnt even on the same floor as them when the argument was going on this morning and I wasnt even aware of the stuff that was going on with bm the night before.

hismineandours's picture

Yep that is what he will be doing. He will be missing youth group (which is a fun time with his bff) and will be washing the car Biggrin