The behavior isn't caused by what we thought!
BM sometimes keeps SO's son from visiting saying he screams and cries and she has to bribe him to come (has even threatened to make a false report someone here is hurting him) We were under the impression it's because he wants to go to his uncles to watch WWE (he's 5 and has already been in trouble at daycare for acting out wrestling moves on other kids) We don't allow it to be watched here.
So we figured BM was using the promise of that to make him not want to come. Sometimes when he does come he's screaming and crying saying he doesn't want to be here, he wants his mommy, misses mommy like a child being tortured. Other times he's just fine and everytime he gets in the house he stops screaming and has a good time.
Well turns out my cousin has had to move in with her parents and they now live right next door to BM! BM doesn't know her neighbors are my family. Turns out from what we're hearing BM NEVER has her son he lives at her brothers because "I don't have time to drop him off at daycare." yet she has time to drop SO's dd, and her half sister at school and has to drive past his daycare to get to work. So his crying and screaming is honest he misses his mom because he doesn't see her doesn't live with her at all anymore except weekends sometimes.
So how can SO address this to his DS about missing his mommy, and how can we prove he's not living with her all we have is word of mouth and no real proof?
- Lalena75's blog
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Is your SO paying child
Is your SO paying child support to BM for this child? If so, perhaps it needs to either a) be redirected to the Uncle or b) he takes custody since she is giving it up voluntarily.
^^ Those were my exact
No uncle won't throw her
No uncle won't throw her under the bus he'd fully make up crazy bull or lie to keep SO from his kids as well, there's no cs being paid SO purchases things the kids need when BM requests specific items but he won't give her money since there's no co and anything he did would be considered a "gift" we keep reciepts of what he purchases with her requests for those things and texts thanking him for getting them. I thought about a PI but SO is barely affording his lawyer and now looking at a possible layoff from his new job. He wants to say something to his son but is afraid he'll word it wrong and look like he's bad mouthin BM to the kids. Uncle and his gf are a piece of work criminal records she's had her kids removed (not sure if she has them now) no # we know of for them and not for sure where he lives (we have a few addresses on record from his latest court dates for PPO's) Daycare won't tell SO anything since BM is the contract holder he's not even allowed to pick him up and BM refuses to add him to the list of people who can (then gets mad he won't do pick ups for his weekend with the kids). I know some of it will get solved in court but until then what should he say to his son screaming that he wants to go with mom because he actually doesn't get to see her?