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Lalena75's picture

I'm so sick of hearing "my mom says", usually followed by something stupid, or hypocritical. I'm sick of hearing "I'm going home tonight.", "when am I going home?" "My mom says I get to go home when I want." "My mom says you have to let me call her if I say so."
#1 your 5 and 6 your not in charge of shit! #2 no your not going home when you want cause again your not in charge of shit! #3 your mom's a liar and full of shit! #4 it's my phone and I don't have to let you use it just cause your mom wants to invade my home, talk to your dad!
I'm sick and tired of listening every Friday BM "lets" SO's son come he's screaming and crying like a wild child that he doesn't want to stay he wants mmmmmoooooommmmmyyyyy! then stops the moment his shoes are off, why does he do this oh boy get this. SO asked him why he always refuses to come( and BM 99% of the time doesn't bring him and has gone so far when SO tries to get his screaming ass out of the van will lock the door and speed off, because "he's a person and he has feelings and I won't let him go if he doesn't want to" SO: "he's 5 he's NOT in charge")
So he tells us he misses his mom because she never gets to see him except weekends when she doesn't work cause he lives at his uncles now cause mom and grandma don't have time to take him to daycare (which BM has to drive by on the way to work and they are open by that time) and that "mommy said I could stay the weekend with her but daddy makes mommy make me come and I miss mommy!"
SO's dd doesn't act like this cause she lives with BM and BM's parents 2 blocks from the school but says mommy drops her off at latchkey on her way to work. Latchkey opens the same time as daycare and that's how we know her work hours haven't changed so she does have time to take her son to daycare she drives right freaking by there!
I don't know how many times I've heard SO's kids say GM and GP don't like them, hate them, think they are brats, or bans them from their house. These kids are normal for their age behavior wise. We rarely have major issues when we do we deal time outs, dad will give a swat, or no tv and that's about all it takes for them to behave.
SO has told BM if she can't have the kids then they should be living with him not her brother or at least let him have them more often to help them out so they don't have to do all the work with the kids. she just responds F off.
SO is sick of the going home statements and crap, we don't let the kids call BM because #1 it's 2 days they'll get over it, #2 BM uses phone calls to PAS the kids and then they scream and cry after they get off the phone. How the heck does SO get the kids to understand that they are here for 2 nights and stop asking. They don't understand time heck SO's son was going on that he was here for 2 weeks I told him he's more than welcome to stay that long and we are more than able to get him to daycare then tried explaining 2 days vs weeks. He didn't get it.
SO doesn't want to yell at them for asking to go home and all the other constant questions with obvious answers (ie SO is cooking dinner just told the kids he was cooking dinner and 5yr old will ask "what are you doing" 5 freaking times and when you answer any of his questions he stares at you with his moth agape like he's stupid even SO wonders if there's something not right with him) How do we combat this is it even possible? my kids being way older I don't have to deal with this with visitation so I'm at a loss how to help. That and SO wants 50/50 shared in the custody because BM never has her son and leaves daughter with her parents when she goes out and spends the night at her bf's so the going home crap needs to stop, but SO has no idea how best to talk to them or help them understand time or something.


Anywho78's picture

When my SKids said things like "My mommy said", "Mommy said I could..." I'd say "Oh, that's nice...welcome home!" with a smile on my face.

My situation is different from yours because my SKids live with SO & I full-time. They see their BM for less than a week each year.

About two months prior to their annual visit with her, they always start harassing me about "When are we going?" "When can we see mom?" etc...I got them each a pocket calendar, plus one for the wall. I fill in the details of when their visits are as soon as I get the info. They have stopped asking me because they now know that I will direct them to their calendars. I started this little "tradition" when they were 5 & 6.

I would suggest calendars that are marked with "9am AT DAD'S" "AT DAD'S ALL DAY!" & "6pm AT MOM'S" so that if they bring up when they are going to "mommy's" you can say "What does it say in the calendar?"

Eventually, they will get it...

I also put birthdays on there too...the SKids love it & now feel lost without their calendars.

Stepmom156's picture

For a long time when my step-daughter was younger my husband would simply tell her, you're not at mommy's now. You're at daddy's so let's worry about what we're going to do at daddy's this week Smile

Lalena75's picture

I'd thought about a calendar and his dd might get it but his son not likely he'd just look at us with his mouth agape and a fish out of water expression on his face, then ask the same damn thing all over again.
SO has been doing the "you're at daddy's not mommy's" thing just this weekend as I say it and he sees my frustration, and we support each other so if he thinks what I'm doing might work he'll follow suit (thank goodness we share parenting styles)