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Ridiculous! Does anyone besides me use their brain?

Can I do this's picture

So BM agreed to keep SD's even though today is SO's holiday ... we don't have any plans for today and it's just easier since they (FINALLY/kind of) went back to Mon-Mon instead of Sun-Sun (was just a waste of gas on everyone's part to switch on Sundays). He gets a text saying she thinks he should just come get them tonight --- SD11 fractured her arm earlier this week and is in a cast so BM thinks dad needs to walk her into school tomorrow and to be sure to get her meds. First of all, she's in SIXTH grade. Her sister is in same school and can help her carry things. Secnodly, give the meds to the office or just leave them securely in her backpack! It's a total waste of gas money to drive the 1/2 hour there and back to get them on a Sunday (and the gas money comes out of MY POCKET!)

Then she sends a text saying after Easter dinner he can get them... and then asks to send SO's ex-SS16. Ok, fine, I understand he wants to see him (was his SS for 10 years) but what's the point to come here just a few hours before we all go to bed? I had already suggested to SO he try to get him for a long weekend next time ex-SS is at BM's. But, he just caves to whatever she suggests rather than thinking about the financial aspect and the time aspect. Then she's telling him to come get them all at 8pm! Are you flippin' kidding me?! They go to bed at 9pm. What's the point of getting them an hour before bed time, by the time they get back they'll have about a 1/2 hour to spend with us!

He talked her into 6:30pm pick up ... it justs ticks me off because no one seems to consider where the gas money comes from! He won't say no to her for anything - no matter if I have the gas money or not, he doesn't even seem to take that into consideration ...


Can I do this's picture

Well, I'm going to tell him no when he asks me for it, because I know he's on empty right now ...