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D-Day Continued

frustratedstepdad's picture

So now 5 days later than it should've happened, SD22 is finally moving stuff out of our place and is supposed to have it all moved out by this weekend. The last wrinkle I am stuggling with is that she is leaving GS3 with us until the 16th. SD22's reasoning is that she doesn't want it to be a drastic change for GS3. I told DW my objection over this, because I don't see how a week of him staying with us is going to make a difference. All it's going to do is give her another week of freedom.

Plus DW and I both agreed that she could not move out and leave GS3 with us unless she signs temporary guardianship papers. I specifically said that we will not have GS3 until AFTER the paperwork is signed. My fear is that since GS3 will already be left at our house, there will be NOTHING to actually get SD22 to sign and give us the paperwork. At least if GS3 was living with her and she wanted him to stay, she would DEFINITELY sign the papers just so she wouldn't have to take care of him anymore. I feel like having him stay puts us at a disadvantage if SD22 just stops coming by and doesn't want to take care of him anymore.

DW says it won't happen, that if SD22 leaves him after the 16th, she will drive over to SD27's place (where SD22 will be staying) and just drop GS3. DW swears up and down this is what she will do, but I highly doubt it. I get the feeling that we are going to be having a MAJOR argument on the 16th.


ThatGirl's picture

OMG I didn't think it would actually happen! Congratulations! I can't imagine leaving my three year old son behind for a week. She must have absolutely no bond with this child, it's sad. I'm guessing she's not as worried about upsetting him, as she is about him being under foot while she's getting the new place setup. Once again, she's using you as free child care. I'd say let it slide this time, and after this nothing more than an overnight on occasion.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Sad to say, but yes GS3 is very used to his mom not being around. We are his primary caretakers.

buttercookie's picture

I suspect this SD doesn't like her kid cramping her party style. (I'm sorry I thought of Casey Anthony when I've read your posts) My guess is she is and will continue to use that kid to get her way and it doesn't seem like she has a problem leaving her child with you guys at all. I have a feeling you will end up with the grandkid living with you.