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BM wants to find me a job - control freak!

SisterNeko's picture

BM txt'ed FDH today to let him know (since her and I don't talk or play well together) that there is a job fair tomorrow at the college where she works, she also added the the college was hiring. I have been laid off since July but I have recently had an increase in free-lance (work from home). BM knew that I wasn't working but recently she got a copy of the NEW doctor report in which FDH listed me as a Stay At Home Mom. Smile So now it seems that BM has taken it upon herself to find me a job.

Is that just me or is this kind of creepy. If it were any one else it would be a sweet gesture. BM just doesn't want me to be a stay at home mom and continue to show her up. Smile

I told FDH to thanks her but no thanks. I am not comfortable working at the same place as her - she is a liar and and spy after all. Plus the increase in Free-lancing is good and still allows me to baby sit for FDH - we had so many issues with sitter in the past. And FDH and I are getting married this fall and trying for a baby, so I would hate to take a full-time job and have to take off for the wedding and future baby. part-time work would be okay.


SisterNeko's picture

No FDH didn't ask, he wants me at home. He pouts when I look for work.

And see comment below on the stay at home stuff. I posted it wrong.

DaizyDuke's picture

I guess I would see it as BM being thoughtful except for the fact that OP says they don't get along. Then I have to wonder what the ulterior motive is??

SisterNeko's picture

I didn't mean it like that but is see that I didn't say that right. When they were married BM did the stay at home thing and it didn't go well. She was always complaining about money, which FDH does make good money and we are not having issues there. And she couldn't keep up with the house work or make dinner, there was always an excuse. Grant it I am spoiled on that end since we only have sKids EoW. But I get stuff done and ss4 conintues to improve which BM is not liking.

SisterNeko's picture

And yes if any one else suggested it I might look in to it but BM and I out right hate each other. She didn't even tell me she told FDH to tell me. I can't work with her becuase I WOULD try to get her fired :). Or at the least call her out on the lies she spews. It's just weird that she would even care about me or my situation.

She is just so weird.