Extremely under appreciated soon to be Step Dad here and I would like some outside perspective in dealing with a prick father
I am divorced with 2 kids of my own at ages Boy 11 and Girl 8. I am engaged to a beautiful and wonderful woman who is divorced with 3 kids at ages of girl 12, boy 10, & boy 6. She moved from her area to me which is 5 hours away. I have a more ideal setup with a 4 bedroom house that I own, stable career, and I share custody of week on and week off with my ex-wife. My fiancee has full custody and her ex(which I call DS-dipshit) and he gets them every other weekend and for the summer. That was the arrangements the GAL made in court in order to allow her to move to me because DS abjected to the her moving. With that, she has to drive them all the way to him on those weekends which means she has to leave at 2:30 on Fridays to get them there at the 9:00 p.m. time designated by the courts. Because of that, that hinders her full time employment. What employer is going to hire somone new to only give her every Friday off. So, she can only work part-time. And...... Get this; all he has to pay for child support is $240 a month for 3 kids. Plus he is supposed to pay 50% of all medical costs and 35% of all extra-curricular activities. He hasn't paid any child support for over 4 months. So the arrears are only $1800. Then the extras are sitting at around $2400. But, he gets all the credit as a great father. Guess who pays for all of this? ME! So that is the nuts and bolts of facts needed here. About DS some more. He is somehow able to tip toe the court system and law enforcement. There is so much to tell as you can see already. But the biggest thing for me is the oldest is a girl that is 12 and she sees some of the crap he does and already sees the manipulation and guilt trips he puts on her because DS is still sour about the divorce. #2 which is what I call him mostly or PJ(prick junior) or DSJR is so defiant. His dad walks on water and craps roses and knows everything. His behavior with him is angelic or so says DS. But when he is with us, he is so disruptive, violent, disobedient, disrespectful and unappreciative. Recently him and his younger brother were in wrestling and it has a lot of travel and cost. Yes there again I paid for it because I want them to have opportunity. I shelled out about $2000 this last season. Which may be small for some but I only make $30,000 a year with some commissions. So that is a lot to me. #2 treats me and his mom with such disrespect that it has started to strain our relationship. A few times in anger I said when you bring PJ down to see his dad, leave him there! Which I shouldn't have said. He makes our home a terror. But I love my soon to be bride and we purchased the total transformation to see if that would help, well it does some. But, the problem is when he sees his dad he has an attitude. After a weekend there it takes 2 days for him to adjust. His dad never gives him his meds either for his ADHD and ODD. Which we get to deal with the crap when he gets home. I am lost as to what to do. I really am. I just want some perspective, please. Thank you.
- mnmattvike's blog
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I am looking at it from the
I am looking at it from the Dad's perspective, he had his kids move 5 hours away. My DH would be devastated and do everything in his power to stop it. As for the CS, that is a formula and there is not a lot of leeway on it. I would however force the issue on the arrears. That is only fair.
I personally do not think that ex's should be able to move that far away. The impact on the relationship with the other parent is significant and can not be undone.
Hers the thing. He has always
Hers the thing. He has always been a absent father. Plus he uses the kids as pawns constantly. Nothing is ever his fault it is always someone elses. Oh, guess where he lives? In a RV in his parents driveway. He works for cash at all times. The state guidelines for CS is $550, he coughed and the judge just changed it for him. He has not and never will be a responsible person. I was him at one time, but I grew up. I pay my support and I pay half of everything for my kids. Plus I pay for most of his kids stuff. Plus the move was for the best. These kids are special needs and the special ed department in the marge metro sucked. Where I live there are only 15 kids to a classroom and with great special ed. Their grades have improved and #2 can now read. He was borderline retard when he moved here.
Because he is a gypsy. He
Because he is a gypsy. He works for cash and friends that have businesses like a pawn shop. And he gets paid $10 an hour, when he used to make $50 an hour, But he choses not to work because he doesn't want to pay any support.
Well as my other comments, he
Well as my other comments, he is not a real father. He was never part of the parenting. She has always done it on her own. He uses the kids as pawns. He used them like that for everything. I guess a good and unselfish stepdad is nothing compared to a worthless father. There are so many things that I haven't said. He is abusive. He used to beat #2 when he came home from his long weeks away from home working on the road. He offers nothing. I sent to him after every weekend of wrestling the videos. Not a Fin' thanks or anything. Not even a thanks from him through the kids. WTF people.
Plus, I share custody of week
Plus, I share custody of week on and week off with my ex because I chose to be a parent, I wasn't court ordered to be one.
Alright-here is my honest
Alright-here is my honest opinion-what u said in anger is half true n you n Fiancé need to seriously consider the older son moving in with dad full time....it WILL get worse as he gets older n there will not b a whole lot you can do about it since you are not Bio dad! One of three things will happen: 1) he asks dad to live with him-dad says no-son rebels but eventually will respect you once he sees that u have stepped to the plate where dad has not. 2) he will move in with dad n it will b great for everyone except your soon to be wife because she is losing her son n he may forever resent her or you....3) he moved down there-sees what a POS dad is n begs to come back which you let under the agreement that he behaves...
Only you know which situation is more probable, but I would bet on #3!! If him moving down there is not an option, then u need to set some house rules n possibly make sure that he has his own "room" n put absolutely nothing but a bed in it for him-let him earn the luxuries in life-but disrespecting you is one thing (after all you r the enemy that took his dad from him n moved him to this awful place! Get used to it!
) but having a complete lack of respect for his mom should show you some insight as to the type of parent that his mom is if she tolerates that. I have a 10 year old son myself n a SS9 n they r night n day...because I made sure my son respects adults n is a gentleman....period! I am the parent n as such-I run this house....however I am the enemy that took his dad away by having more sons with DH to SS9....n as such-am definitely NOT his parent-but how he acts is no reflection on me...I am pretty disengaged with him since he tells mommy n daddy that I'm mean to him...n by that he means that I send him to time out because apparently I'm the only one that disciplined him....so yep-that's me....MEAN!
She doesn't tolerate the
She doesn't tolerate the treatment. But he is ODD- Oppositional Defiannt Disorder and ADHD. ANd you are right on the scenarios. SHe is almost at that point. But, we don't want to give up on him either. But, when the time comes and he wants that, it is worth a shot. If he will be happier there, then let him. The main thing is that if the child is safe, taken care of, and happy within the boundries of reality of course. But, this kid has made strides in school here. Plus all the kids see the mom more than ever. She sees them off to school and is home when they come home. They never ever had that. SHe was working 45-60 hours a week. Her support system was her parents, not him. He wasn't working but said he will not watch the kids while she goes to work. So, my fiance has had these issues forever with no help or support. But now she does with me. This is the first time ever she has had a supporter living in the house. He was never there before nor did he ever care. I have said that if he thinks the grass is so much grenner on the other side, then let him see. You are right with that scenario. I picked that same one. Plus, the dad only wants him anyway. He doesn't want the other 2. At divorce he offered to sign over the other 2 if she signed the oldest boy over.
You are right. When the GAL
You are right. When the GAL was ordered, the GAL sent out forms to people from the references supplied. They all said the same thing. Those forms were never ever seriouly read. You are right, I chose to pay for those because I love thme and I care for them. But the court system in which this case has been in, the judge has a record against women. We are in th eprocess of moving the case to where we are. When he has the kids this is what happens. He takes #2 out to the job site and walks on roofs and works with power tools while the 12 year old stays at the RV watching the 6 year old. The 12 year old and 6 year old do not like their dad. They came up with that on their own. We do not talk bad about him in front of the kids at all. I guess my blog was a question of what and how to deal with #2 and his behavior. He wrecks havoc. He is the mole for his dad. His dad one time asked me why are you mean to #2? I said I'm not. I treat him like my own. If he is complaining it is because he did something wrong and was punished. I said the kids in our house are taught to be thoughtful, respectful and to listen. Its that simple. He just says OK. He then says I asked the other 2 and they had no issues. Well of course not because you have brainwashed #2. #2 seen his dad verbally abuse his mom and he does the same to her because his dad did it. But, hes the kid's dad andhe has a free pass to do what he wants. Like I have said, I grew up after divorce to get custody because I wanted to be a father. He on the other hand needs a court order to be a father. If you were to hear and see and sense all that I do, the opinions would be different, a lot different. But when there is parallel parenting instead of co-parenting, the kids suffer and these kids need structure. Whenever #2 is doing a punishment and he complains to dad, DS yells at the mom, his ex, my fiancee. How would you feel and what would you do?
Oh man, al I can say is, run
Oh man, al I can say is, run Little Sheeba, run! You've stepped into a hornets nest that will only get worse with time. Sorry but go back and read your original post. What advice would you give that man? :jawdrop:
Here is the deal. Your wife
Here is the deal. Your wife should work if she wants to work. She can work a full time job and leave work at 2:30 on Fridays to drop hte kids off for visitation. You could all go and make a weekend trip of it on the way home from drop off.
Many states also requre the NCP to pay for child care if the CP works. Check in to this in your state. If this is the case, then there is even more incentive for your FDW to work.
I assume her XH has to bring them back? Of so, it will not be long until DipShit wants to forego his weekends or start meeting halfway to swap the Skids.
As for the arrears .... sue him, now and often. Both for the back CS and for the unpaid med expenses and extracurriculars.
Now that he is more than 5mos in arrears I would also suggest that your FDW also push for direct payroll withholding of CS from DickHead's pay.
These items are all part of a comprehensive control the toxic blended family oppostion effort.
We used this quite successfully to keep the DickHead in our lives under control. Yes, we have referred to him as dickhead since my SS was 1yo. Eventually this evolved to referring to him as the SpermIdiot. He is toxic, manipulative and a big whiner much like your DickHead sounds. Of course we nevers bash on him in front of SS but neither do we hide the facts of his behaviors. We have learned to discuss DickHead only when SS is away or asleep.
The key to getting him under control is to deal with him entirely from the basis of fact, hold him to every detail of the CO and any time he so much as deviates an iota or is a milisecond late on CS or other financial responsibilities nail his ass to the wall. When your SS starts expounding on how awesome his dad is you counter by pointing out how much fun you have in your family. As your Skids get older you start sharing the facts of their SpermIdiots CS arrears, lies, etc..... all in an age appropriate manner of course.
If you stick to the CO and the facts you will own his idiot ass.
This has worked well for us.
Good luck.
Thank you. Someone that knows
Thank you. Someone that knows what I am going through. No he does not drive them back. We do make a weekend of it because her parents are there. During the summer he has to meet halfway. During the summer he has to have suitable housing for 3 kids. Not his RV parked in his parents driveway. We fought that last year as he never had a place as he was supposed to 1 week before school ends. He never did. So, the mom said no, you need suitable housing. then miraclcy he got a place. Well, it was owned by his employer, who is his friend, who is also paying him cash to fix up his rentals or other properties. We went to court and the judge sided with him, again> We asked for a lease agreement to show dates and the judge said nothing. I was WTF! He has been in contempt of court but he is the teflon don of deadbeats. OK. Get this. He was working at another friends place and this place had a bar. He got into a fight as he said he was trying to break it up. He got messed up good. His eye was black pretty good. He was supposed to meet halfway because he was somewhere else than his RV. The day before he said she needs to drive the kids to him and he will pay for her hotel. Well, he worked at a ski lodge and he got a free room. The reason for her having to bring them is that the Doctor told he cannot drive. I said BS! I looked online and he was picked up again for driving after suspension. He has no license. This is the shit. We could sit down with a 15 gallon keg and I could talk until the beer was dry. But, we are in the process of moving the case to where we are. Where we are, the judge hates irresponsible people. She was my divorce judge and she is good. She taight me to straighten up as did the GAL. Because I was a prick to my ex for about a year. Then after I met my fiancee and seen all of this, I apologized to my ex and said I was very sorry. Now we get along great. Pluse my ex and fiancee are frinds now. So I havebeen on both sides. I like where I am at now except for DS! Get this. the youngest one was 5 at the time and he took to me right away. He started to call me dad and I was taken back by it and felt honored. Well, #2 told his dad and one weekend the then 5 year old got his ass beat. Can't prove it. Its his word against a 5 year old. Plus he spanks the youngest if he has an accident by peeing in his pants. I can go on and on.
Well you are right. But the
Well you are right. But the case is moving from one state to another. When the divorce was filed they lived in one state but shortly after both moved back to their home state. So the original state doesn't follow the same CS guidelines as the home state. Plus the CO never gets enforced. For him to have them for the summer he is to have suitable housing. Is a RV camper parked in your parents driveway suitable? The parents house is a 900 sq ft home with 2 bedrooms that each of his parents have. They don't sleep together. The frustration is geared at him and the courts allowing him to behave like he does.
We used the threat of change
We used the threat of change of venue to our state of residence several times during the ~17+ years that my SS was under a CO.
Texas law allows for change of venue if the child has resided in Texas for more than 6mos. This gave us big leverage over the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan.
If we had changed venue to Texas from the Peoples Republic of SpermLand (Oregon) CS would have nearly trippled. Visitation would have also doubled and no amount of money would be worth exposing my SS to the shallow and poluted end of his gene pool any more than necessary so we never actually changed venue.
But we sure held the triple CS threat over their heads as a behavior modification tool and smacked them about the head and shoulders with it occassionally.
The CO is the framework and best tool for managing the blended family oppostion. However, it is not the only tool. Look for any Supplemental Rules that may be in place in both your county and state of residence and in the county/state where the CO is currently active. Then take the parts of the CO, supplmental rules and state laws from whatever jurisdiction that will motivate the behavior from DickHead that you want and beat the snott out of him with them.
As Echo pointed out, most states require a 2yr wait between CS or Custody/Visitation/Support CO mods except in the event of a significant change in circumstance. But .... major change of circumstance is rarely well defined by the state or county. So, if you think you have a reason to modify, make a motion to modify. Change of state of residence is definatly a major change of circumstance, lack of suitable housing is also grounds for a modification of the CO, loss of a job, arrests and convictions, etc, etc, etc... all are possible justification to modify regardless of how long or short it has been since the last modification.
Even in the event that a request for modification is denied the most likely impact will be that the judge re-sets the 2yr clock from the date of the denied modification. Not a huge deal particularly if you are on the CP side of the blended family fence. For the NCP who is motivated to modify their CS obligation downward resetting the clock can be a big deal. This is yet another tool that the CP side of the equation can use if the NCP is trying to weasle out of something.
Unfortunately the NCP side is usually at a major disadvantage. I am the CSP in our situation and even I can recognize that the NCPs generally get hosed. But when the opposition is a DickHead DipShit SpermIdiot or a toxic vitriolic WombDonor I have no problem using whatever leverage and advantage that is available whether it is within the system or not. Short of breaking the law of course. }:)
Private investigators are also a good tool to develop leverage. Sending correspondence on law firm letterhead to the opposition outlining what evidence will be made public in court if the opposition does not step immediately in to line works pretty well. Particularly when the oppostion is too stupid to make good decisions regarding their own behaviors.
My son's (SS-19) SpermIdiot has 4 out-of-wedlock spawn by three different baby mamas. Two who were under age when the children were born. My wife was 16 when my SS (his oldest and our only) was born and the SpermIdiot was 23. He went on to have three more by two more baby mamas. He supports none of his children. SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa paid his CS obligation for my son they paid the CS obligation for #2 until her baby mama dumped her on their front porch and now they raise the younger three in their home with no help from their idiot son who lives rent free in a property that they own and drives their hand me down vehicles.
The only person I detest more in this situation than the SpermIdiot is SpermGrandMa who enables his bullshit and is a total control freak.
Fortunately we learned how to keep them pummelled in to submission fairly early in our blended family adventure.
I have been dad to my SS-19 since he was 1yo. He is my kid and it is my job as his dad to protect him from idiots even when the primary idiot is his Biological Father.
All in my layman's opinion of course.
Well the deal is this, the
Well the deal is this, the current case is in Wisconsin. Everyone lives in Minnesota. What we want is enforcement of the CO. He doesn't abide by any of it. With the case being moved which it is near completion, we can go just 23 miles to the courthouse instead of 6 hours to Wisconsin. Plus we will not need an attorney right away. But case law suggests that it will be moved with no issue. Even if he is against it, it won't matter because the kids are residents of this county and are enrolled in school here and it is better served to have the case where the children are. Now the judge here is the same one that I had for my divorce. This judge is common sense with no BS allowed. She sees right through that crap. She hates dead beat parents and parents that do nothing and want everything. When he is supoosed to have them for the summer he is supposed to get them into swimming lessons and summer rec like baseball, softball and camps for wrestling, football, and volleyball. We just got his daughter age 12 into a week long language camp over the summer we got a scholarship and it costs $1000 for that week. When he was told of this he said that is my time with the kids. This is a great opportunity for her and he is against it. He just prick. And all of those camps and fees for summer rec, we would gladly pay our share which is 65% his share is 35%. Plus he is supposed to have suitable housing, which we want enforced this time. Last year the judge didn't give a shit. It is like he loves this guy. Oh and by the way, DS has a great clothing line he wears in the court room. He wears old jeans, wife beater shirt, cowbay hat and cowboy boots. Then after it is all done, he drives away in a $30,000 truck. Really?! The system is a joke. Guys that get screwed, shouldn't. The guys who don't get screwed, should. We are tired of doing everything. All these other people who spew because he is their father and you are not are ignorant. If they were to ever go through a situation like this, they would know how stressful it is and how the anxiety takes over. All we want to do is what is best for the kids and to have him involved and to pay his share. But he is a prick. He has some trance over #2 and that is why I feel he will be a lost cause unfortunately. I told my soon to be DW that #2 will be a determining factor as to how our relationship works. He causes stress and disruption. My son doesn't want to stay with me because of him. This #2 kid lies, cheats, steals, abusive and so on and so on. We say the sky is blue; he will yell back no it isn't, its light blue. He knows everything and yells everything. The longer he is away from DS the better he becomes because we offer structure and discipline and a safe home with opportunities. He never had friends before he moved here, now he has 3. He was never invitied to a birthday party before. He now has been invited to 2 parties. So, in our minds we are doing something right. He was in the principals office all the time before moving here, now in 2 years he has been there twice. He couldn't read before and was a borderline retard, still is somewhat but now he can read. He have brought him to therapists, we have had him re-evaluted on his ADHD and ODD and try to weak the meds so he can function. He does well. BUt he was with DS this weekend and by this afternoon he will be close to the decent kid he can be. It takes 2 days for his DS dads toxic shit to go through him. We pay the price. Plus, DS doens't give the meds to the kids either which is documented. He doesn't believe that they have issues. Well guess what asshole, why don't you get him to do his f'in homework. Have him add 45+23 AND LET THE PROBLEM TAKE 10 MINUTES TO DO. He never ever has had to the real parent thing before. He gets to be disney dad free of all responsibility. He has no money but has a $30,000 truck and lives in a $34,000 5th wheel RV in his parents driveway. He will never get a girlfriend with that crap. If he had a girlfriend and her ex does what he does, maybe he would get it finally. BUt he too is a borderline retard. Anyway, their birthdays are coming up so I better look for a couple of new helmets and some crayons for them so they can ride the short bus to loserville.
You know, I would have no
You know, I would have no problem with it if he were to be on the same page. No matter what we say he will say the opposite. Just because you are the father doesn't give you the right to be malicous. He has always done this. Being a father is a pivelage, not a right to be a prick. I offered him in the way beginning a handshake of heres my thought and what do you think. I offered him all that he had then. He was never around. He only came on Fridays to pick up the kids. He never asked for extra time or anything. He used to turn his weekends down every other time. He is not a sincere person. Som,e people shouldn't be fathers and he is one of them. He needs to grow up and become responsible. I get along great with my ex. Plus my ex and fiancee get along. It is a 2 way street, not his way only. But you sound like a sour person that must have been screwed by the system. And I am sorry if that is the case. The system is a failure. The sincere good guys or good dads, get the shaft while the worthless ones get handicapped and are shoved into parenthood with more rights than anyone and that is wrong.
I think you are missing my
I think you are missing my point. I tried to be a team player. I tried to extend the olive branch and support his role. I tried to tell him that hey lets get along and do what is best for the kids. I will support a dual household. I was trying to be a good guy. I was trying to say to him that I am not replacing you. I tried pointing at all the positives. He didn't care. Both of us, My SO and I offered a workable deal. But he just said no. Even after court, which no one wins except for the attornies, we tried and he said no. He still sour because of the divorce. He is angry he doesn't have control over her anymore. But, ignorant statements are just that so thank you for those. Kicked my ass, good f'in luck. Pack a lunch. Im 6'5 290 and he's 6'0 and 160.
My perspective is a bit
My perspective is a bit different than that of BlueBell and Echo.
I am of the opinion that a Sparent is a parent and has an equity stake and say in all decisions that occur in our homes and in our families including parenting.
I for one would not abdicate any of my own self appointed rights to have an equity say in the decisions in my family. I am an equity parent to my wife as far as raising our son (my SS) is concerned and I damned sure have a superior parental position to that of my SS's entire SpermClan including his "father". Even if the NCP is actually paying their CS obligations the CSP is very likely investing far more in to raising the kid than the NCP is. Both financially and parentally. In our case the $110/mo to $385/mo in CS that the CO stipulated from the SpermIdiot has had nearly zero impact in the opportunities, top notch school districts, nice neighborhoods/communities that my SS has been raised in since he was 1yo.
Of course the law applies no more or less to me and gives me no more authority or rights than it does to any other Sparent ... which is absolutely ZERO by the way. But I am of the mind that as my wifes partner/husband and my SKids full time dad that I will take any and every authority I choose and do what I want with that authority whenever I want to do it until someone with a bigger stick than I have tells me that I can't.
Certainly the blended family opposition does not even come close to having that big of a stick.
A judge does but only while I am in that judges court room. Once I step out of that court room I do what I want, when I want as far as protecting the best interests of my Skid and my family and will even campaign agressively against that judge during re-election if the judge is an idiot. They really dislike seeing a full page ad in their local paper clearly outlining a stupid ruling in a family law case when an election is approaching. }:)
My wife also has a more than adequate sized stick to make a decision and to tell me to back off. On the rare occassion that we have not been in agreement on a Skid/Blended Family Opposition issue and she puts her foot down I step back and cover her while she addresses the issue. After all, she is the CP. Regardless of the situation our marriage is the priority for both of us. Applying the benefits of our marriage to provide for the best interests of my Skid is a priority for both us. We are equity partners in all things in life including parenting. Sometimes I take the lead on an issue, sometimes she does. That is how it works in equity partnerships. At least in ours.
Sure, your Skid's BioDad has rights. But only as much as are stipulated in the CO and only as much as as you and your FDW agree to let him excersize those rights. This works just as well from the NCP perspective as it does from the CP perspective in my opinion though my own experiences are from the CSP quarter of the CP/CSP/NCP/NCSP playground.
We have had no problem working with my SS's SpermCLan when they are reasonable. When they are not reasonable they have one choice. Do what we say when we say or suffer the consequences of their decision to do otherwise. Since we abide very strictly by the CO, 99% of the time we have been covered. The remaining 1% of the time when we may not have been covered in our decisions by the CO they were too stupid or uninformed to realize it.
The side that knows the CO inside and out, any supplemental rules and regs inside and out and applicable state law inside and out has the distinct advantage in a blended family situation.
It amazes me how few people seem to take the time to even read their CO much less know it well enough to understand what it really says.
Of course this is only my opinion developed over my nearly 18 year blended family experience and is no more valid than anyone elses opinion and experience.
I would suggest that you take you own perspectives, a bit of everyone elses and formulate your own blended family management strategy. Adjust as necessary. Everyone on STalk has viable and valuable experiences that you can leverage.
Good luck.
Thank you. The reason for any
Thank you. The reason for any modification to enforce the CO. He doesn't follow it at all. These kids are pawns for him to get back at his ex. The last 2 days he was yelling at his 12 year old daughter for not coming down to a wrestling tournament where he was at. It wasn't a scheduled visitation nor did she want to go nor did we want to pay for another mouth to feed on the road. Then the dad puts a cousin on to continue yelling at her. That is bullshit. He manipulates these kids. I really wish the GAL had done her job. The current case is in Wisconsin and both are residents of Minnesota. CS is in Minnesota but Wisconsin law determines the amount. The guideline amount is $550 at the least. All I want is him to follow through and be a parent. Pay his share for his kids. We have kids in our house and they are not cheap. But I treat the future skids as my own. I get hugs from them and I get I love you from 2 of them. I get requested to tuck them in. I must be doing something right. Funny too, the longer they are away from DS, the happier they are. They don't have the toxic shit to deal with. He makes them feel guilty for loving their mom. I am tired of the drama and bs. We have a hard time dealing with her middle kid already then deal with his BS. This kid with ADHD and ODD is a future felon. It is sad to say but I strongly feel that he will be in trouble with the law his whole life, just like his dear old dad. It has been a legend that he set fire to their marital home after he lost his job and I am debating as to turn him in or not. There is evidence to suggest it and a person of knowledge that is fearful of him. Like a lot of these other people stating that he is their father and this and that. Yes he is. But, he is not what is best for these children. Being a responsible person in society, I cannot allow this toxic crap to keep spewing. He should have been clipped a long time ago. We need a license to marry and to drive and to hold jobs, why is being a parent any different. It is the most thankless job. His intentional sabotage is just getting old.
We have been. I did not do it
We have been. I did not do it to impress. I did it because I felt bad for my behavior and took responsibility for it. I seen how much more stressful a stressful situation was with that behavior of mine. It made things worse. I changed and it got better. I see his point to a certain extent. But we have to move on at some time. SHe left him. My ex left me. I would have left me too for the way I was back then. I try to learn from mistakes. And all actuallity I think him and I could get along if he stepped up. My ex is now remarried and I get along him.