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Ss: "I give up"

praying's picture

It has been two weeks since the my Dh's meltdown. We are finally talking because he put himself in therapy. It took 3 days for him to calm down and he realized he messed up big time.

He has been feeling major, major guilt about how he reacted. He completely ignored Ss's tearful apology for chatting online with a stranger. Then Ss came to me upset and told me he just wanted to tell someone about the trip he was going on with Dh (which Dh cancelled). I tried comforting him but I guess he hates me too. I had a good long cry over it.

Ss stopped talking the little he did, stayed in bed for 3 days straight, only getting up to use the bathroom or go to school. We got calls from the school saying Ss was not mentally present and was staring blankly at a wall all day. We told all of this to the therapist who said Ss sounds suicidal. So we had to remove the doors in Ss's room in case he decided to try something. I think that was Ss's breaking point. He woke up the day after we removed the doors and told us, "I give up. I AM a piece of sh**. I'll do whatever you want." He was referring to when my Dh called him a piece of crap in anger. My Dh is just so guilty right now. He wants sleeping pills again but he is scared Ss will get into them like last time. He tosse and turns all night.

Ss now just lies in bed when he is not in school. He really has given up. We started forcing him to eat with us at the table and he agreed without even trying to resist. I wish he did resist. Now it just feels like herding a zombie. It has been very draining to eat meals with him. We can cut the tension with a knife. Then my son made a joke about how it was funny that Ss pees sitting down like a girl. I immediately send my son away without dessert but the damage was done. Ss face turned red and he was close to crying. He excused himself without finishing his dinner. My Dh put the door back on his washroom within 30 mins after that. So we have reconsidered the eating together for a few days. My son will be writing apology letters for many days.

My Dh and I have not even kissed since the huge blow out. I have been very tempted to run away from everything and go to Mexico. Its too bad I have kids. I feel terrible even saying that. I think we should try couple's therapy. Ss's therapist wants US in some his sessions. Ss is going to absolutely hate it. But at his current state, I don't think he would even fight it. Does it ever get better?


Lalena75's picture

Yes, with help this to shall pass. He does sound seriously depressed, and I personally have been there. The therapy is good, and if he doesn't have one get him a journal that can help to. Depression can do a lot of damage and is awful how it makes you see yourself and the worl around you. With help and support it can get better. Hope things get better for you sooner rather than later.

praying's picture

Ss had been taking anti-depressants for a while but now he is back to how he was at the peak of hi depression. Its really scary. He wil be seeing the psychiatrist soon. Maybe they can change the medication. We are constantly checking on him. I hope it gets better soon too.

PrincessFiona's picture

Are there any group therapy programs near you for youths? It sounds so much like he needs to make a friend or know that he's not the only one going thru what he is. Think how much this site helps us all for that very reason. It validates our feelings and makes us feel as someone really understands - because they have been there.

praying's picture

There is one for troubled youth but its not for Ss. The kids are a bit rough. There are very few resources for sexual abuse victims here. And finding therapists specializing in it has always been very difficult. He does need a friend. And he tried for years. He stopped recently. Some kids are just cruel. At least the dog which he keeping locked in with him is providing some company.

praying's picture

He will be seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow. We are all too familiar with suicide attempts. Ss tried it before and was admitted for a week.

Jsmom's picture

Poor kid. Look at Support groups for kids with Social issues. We have one that SS was going to here. Basically they played games and it was to teach them how to be nice and get along with other kids. It seemed to help him.

They have to have something similar. He went twice a week. Once by himself and then on another night with a group of about 6 kids.

He is in such pain...Are you sure that they should not change his meds or piggyback it with another med? I understand taking the doors off, but the problem with that is there is no privacy at all. Couldn't you just keep checking on him and make sure all the meds in the house are in a lock box?

praying's picture

We don't have any of that here. I have no idea why. Like I mentioned, there are a lot of outreach prorams for troubled youth but Ss would benefit from them at all. We just have the bedroom door removed now. There is only so often we can keep checking on him. My Dh has even slept in Ss's room on the floor for a few days.

VioletsareBlue's picture

This poor, poor kid. I have been following you for months now and I just can't imagine how difficult and heartwrenching this is. How much can you really put up with? I agree with earlier posters on your other posts that it is probably time to get your SS into intreatment care (not the school), but in patient psychiactric care.
He may say he hates you for it, but I think it is the only option right now.

praying's picture

We have talked the possibility over with the therapist who said we should not do anything drastic right now. He said wait for the new drug dosage and see if that helps.

praying's picture

He did have a talk somewhat like that. But it was more Dh just apologizing and Ss staring at his pillow. My Dh did stress the internet though. Ss can now only use internet on the computer in the family room. We aren't even a family at this point. Its all split up. A trip with my kids and Ss is out of the question. I think my Dh should try the trip with Ss again. Ss seemed uninterested about it but he did want to talk to someone about the trip. So he must have had some interest. Of course it will be after quite a while. I am taking my kids and Ss to my mom's this weekend. Dh's parents have been absolutely atrocious when it comes to Ss lately. I swore I won't take him there again.

Nette5's picture

Try Melatonin for your husband to get some rest... It is a natural sleep aid that raises a person's natural serratonin levels. We give my BS8 2mg every night because he has trouble sleeping cuz of his Concerta. My husband takes 5mg at night because he has trouble sleeping. If I take the 5mg, I get a headache the next morning so that's too much.