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I love my man

Lalena75's picture

I have a wondeful SO, had a long day Friday of clinicals and came home to a yummy dinner and clean house. Slept in Saturday and SO cooked us all breakfast then I ran errands. Now since he lost his job he's been taking care of the house running errands for me when I'm at work and job hunting as well as helping my kids with homework and reminding them of their chores. He was approved for unemployment, and at just about the same time got a call for a job interview doing what he was before but at a better company with better pay and benefits so he's excited. Then BM tries to play games saying she wasn't bringing the kids (supposedly the first reason was she said their son said someone here was touching him) well SO said fine he'll call cps and have it investigated and he'd like to talk to his son so BM put him on speaker and when SO asked him why he didn't want to come over you could hear BM telling him what to say and he told her that he just wants to watch wrestling and we don't let him then his son asked for me and BM screamed and hung up then called back accusing SO of hanging up! This was all Monday. Thursday she called and told him she wasn't bringing them this weekend because she was taking them to an event out of town 3 hrs away (I called bull that event is 20 min away I have a bunch of friends taking their kids) he told her she needs to keep her lies straight and said event is such and such place and time not when and where she said and have the kids here immediately after. Along comes Saturday about the time they should be here and I was going to ask SO if he really thought she'd show just as he picked up the phone to text her. She shows with just his daughter (who tells us her 5yr old not old enough to decide where he goes brother wanted to go to his uncles cause they let him watch wrestling also how he saw porn which cps didn't feel was worth investigating ) his daughter still had lice looked like she was probably treated once some dead some live bugs and nits. SO was the one to check soon as she got here and informed BM sheKd get her back when they were gone. He bought the stuff to treat all of us and the house and he treated her hair told her she was going to stay with us for a bit and he'd take her to and from school she liked the idea and she is pretty well behaved for us (typical 6 yr old) Now BM was warned what he would do if now 3 weeks later she still had them at first she had a fit threatened more bull and he went off on her told her "I'm not doing this to you I'm doing this for our daughter she doesn't deserve to still have lice obviously wherever you have her living isn't getting properly treated and she will get treated by me and the house as well lice or no lice, this is me her dad taking care of my daughter you know what you complain I don't do. So drop off her backpack and carseat and when the lice are gone you can get her back and my son will be at the next visit I don't care how much he screams he is 5 and not in charge and it will make it easier if you stop trying to make them lie and manipulate them as it will be brought up in court and the psych eval I will demand for you me and both kids got it?" Her response " can I drop her backpack at the school I don't have gas to drive there" Him "yep that's fine" then HE called cps to report her for the lice the threats of false abuse allegations, and her drug use (I guess he believes she's still using I didn't know she did) So we have his daughter my 2 kids and I told SO he's a great dad but he's going to have to figure out how to get her to and from school and he can only have my car tomorrow I have to have it the rest of the week (his isn't running right) he said he'll take care of it and I trust and believe he will he's kept his word so far on everything else. Gah felt good to get that out. I'm glad I found such a good man!


Lalena75's picture

Sorry it's so crammed together posted from my phone. Completely forgot about tea tree oil I used that before on my daughter years ago and happen to have some i to use for fleas is the spring. Have to make her up some shampoo maybe she can take it when she goes back to BM. That's my worry they will just come back.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture


ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture
