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AndSoItIs's picture

Hey everyone. I had a friend die in a tragic car accident this morning. She was 24. She had a very young son that was her world, and that had no father in his life. She was on her way to work and was hit head on by someone that had crossed the middle line. Not her fault in the slightest. Probably poor road conditions were to blame. I'm not asking for sympathy, or anything like that. Just that everyone simply remember what's important in life. Things like this make me realize just how unfair life truly can be. Please everyone give your children an extra hug or two tonight, take a little longer reading them a story, tell them you love them once more before shutting off their light. I think getting mixed up in all the hustle and bustle of every day living, we can sometimes forget what's really important in life. Anyway. Goodnight.


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Thank you. Also, I am so heart broken for your friend's son. That's truly something no child should have to go through. Life isn't fair sometimes.

hurtandalone's picture

Oh my gosh this is horrible! I lost a friend a few years ago that was only 20 in a car accident that was not her fault either. She had a identical twin sister. I hurt so badly for that little boy!