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frustratedstepdad's picture

Just a quick update. SD22 literally spent all of 10 mins with her son this past weekend. She left our house on Sun afternoon, and has not seen her kid since. We know that she has been by our house to do her laundry or shower when we are not there. It just pains be because SD22's son always asks "Where's mommy" everytime DW brings him home from daycare. It's just a pitiful situation. One more week of this and I am getting the locks to our house rekeyed.


frustratedstepdad's picture

We're pretty sure she's staying at this dude's place. She told one of her sisters that she would get her own place in Feb, but I don't think it will happen. We think she was counting on her student loan refund to make that happen. Because she waited so late to register, one of her classes is full so she is only a part-time student right now, so she won't get much of a refund.

I could care less though. One more week and the locks are getting changed.

alwaysanxious's picture

Now that's what I'd like to hear! Rekeyed locks!! Why wait?

There has to be some way to file paperwork on abandonment and get the baby in your's and DW's custody, right?

herewegoagain's picture know, I think a blog should be started to add DEADBEAT MOM stories to it...sick of hearing women complain about DEADBEAT dads when there are SOOOO many deadbeat moms out there getting handouts and being just pathetic mothers.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Thanks for all your replies. Yes we have started documenting everything now, including all the fights she has had in the past few months. We don't know exactly how long it would take before it could be considered abandonment. I don't think legally we could actually lock her out until 30 days have passed, but technically she hasn't paid all of her December's rent, so that's my loophole I'm using.

It's a damn shame when you let family move in, you still have to go through legal means to kick them out. Let that be a lesson to everybody. Never let stepkids move back home!!! LOL.

alwaysanxious's picture

I think its your house and she didn't sign a contract so technically she isn't a renter in the business sense. You can change the locks.

frustratedstepdad's picture

We tried that before with another stepkid that was causing trouble, and the police got involved. If the person is living there and has mail coming there, you have to give them 30 days. We did make SD22 sign an agreement back in late Sept to pay $250 a month in rent. She's only paid half of Dec's and none of January's.

We did find a loophole in that Oregon law says if someone is a week-to-week tenant you only have to give them a 10 day notice. I specifically worded SD22's rental agreement to read "Rent is $62.50 a week (for a total of $250)" just so I could use that loophole. Smile