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SD comming back tonight....

daisy0202's picture

So SD called last night on DH cell phone....I was sitting right next to him and could hear her talking. She told DH she will be comming home tomorrow night (tonight) then sleeping at a friends Sat. and Sunday not sure yet....What makes me laugh is she tells him what she is doing...No asking just tells him and dumb ass sits there and goes ahhhh OK durrrrr.......LOL It drives me crazy.

You know I try so hard to like this little girl but I just can't. Hearing her voice makes me cringe!!!!!! So DH and I are going to friends house to help decorate for tomorrows party and have some drinks. So DH tells SD this and that she will be home with my oldest and his girlfriend. (youngest going to fathers) her responce well lets go to grandmas you and I OK? I just looked at him. He said no SM and I are going out, already have plans so you will stay home with SB and his girldfriend...HUFF HUFF PUFF PUFFF whatever I'll see you tomorrow..... URRGGGGGGG!!!! }:)


daisy0202's picture

Oh yes I was very happy to hear him say that....We have plans all weekend...We were not supposed to have children this weekend...I am just praying Sunday she goes back to BM....(There working thimngs out)...THANK GOD!!!! Hopfully we can have a couple of months of drama free in BM department.... Blum 3

beyond pissed-off's picture

That "telling" of plans makes me crazy! FH is totally fine with it - he says that he did the same thing. But when I asked his father about it he looked at me as if I had lost my mind. Yea - figured as much. I seriously did not see FIL taking that at all!

The skids not only TELL him their plans, they also TELL him when and where he will be driving them and TELL him who he will be picking up/dropping off as well. Doesn't phase him a bit. The man is kidwhipped!