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Does having a lot of kids affect custody?

mentalmama24's picture

If BM has three kids under the age of 5 and is pregnant with twins (all different fathers) does this affect her chances of custody? Or does this not matter at all?

Ninji's picture

My Skids BM has 4 kids by two guys. While in court the judge said he didn't want to split up the children.

Monchichi's picture

US law is so different from African law. In South Africa the number of children you have impacts the best CP for a child.

momandmore's picture

Nope. What the courst feel is the best environment and who the best care taker of the Child/ren.

mentalmama24's picture

I ask because i wondered if the Judge would see it as 'If she has three kids under the age of 5 and two newborns how is she going to take care of all of them while also working full-time.' DH has temporary primary physical custody right now. We've been in court four times on temporary hearings because the bitch is of course trying to drag it out and make everything as difficult as possible.