Due to Yet Another GG Blowout
I realized I'll have to pay off this house plain and simple before I'm rid of GG. As long as I have an unfinished house with a mortgage on it, it will be my prison.
SO with that said, I am launching a "warning" book for all women thinking of getting into a relationship with a man who has children from a "previously enjoyed va jay jay"
- Auteur's blog
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OH and btw, the blowout was
OH and btw, the blowout was about me not keeping up with the laundry because I was sick on Saturday, how I should NOT use the washer timer to wash when the rates are low because that is ridiculous.
How I am too cheap and the bills I pay are "not that high." How I am overinflating my contribution to this relationship, which in his eyes is NOTHING and how he is doing everything but I am being unappreciative of everything he does for me.
How he put me in the BEST financial situation of my life; how I'm nothing more than gutter sweepings and that I should remember that. He made me who I am today. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have the job I have now. I treated his kids like "pigs" and he treats mine like "his own." How he will ALWAYS be superior to me; the fact that he didn't like me "rushing out" to buy furniture that I thought he liked (i bought it for him b/c he liked that "rustic style" on craigslist) basically I"m becoming too "uppity." And then the standard threats of beating me up, violently offing me and burning down the house. blah blah.
So that clinched it. I'm writing the book. Whether or not I make any proceeds off of it is not my concern. My concern is to finish and pay off the prison I have made for myself.
all insecurity. every bit of
all insecurity. every bit of it.
Threats? Good God woman. Cut
Threats? Good God woman. Cut your losses and get.out.
Tell him you are done and selling the house. Get your name off the title. Dissolve the 'business relationship' tying yourself to this cretin. Do what you can to walk away. You surely cannot be forced to remian in such a hostile environment forever? You know he is dragging his feet because he knows the minute that last sweep if paint is dry you are gone.
Buy shares in Lime... just saying......
problem is i filed bankruptcy
problem is i filed bankruptcy in 2000 because of a whistle blowing at my job in 1998 and they were determined to see i didn't work for the next two years at any job until i caught them in the act. i had to change careers and that is when i met GG.
It's very tempting! I need
It's very tempting! I need to get out when everything is calm and I can scurry in, make off with my belongings and find an apartment.
there's no such thing as
there's no such thing as "signing over a mortgage" to someone who is not on it in the first place. You're thinking of a "quit claim" deed. He could NEVER qualify for a mortgage b/c he brings home $200 a week and filed for bankruptcy in 2006
No money or house is worth
No money or house is worth what you put up with. NOT AT ALL. I know it is scary to be on your own, but it has got to be better than this.
Believe me i have NEVER EVER
Believe me i have NEVER EVER been scared of being on my own. I actually LOVED it. GG was supposed to be just a "passing fancy" and that's it.
I could get an apartment and live maintenance free. But my credit would be ruined (again) (see above posts)
You could always just go to a
You could always just go to a lawyer for a consultation and see what your options are. It sounds like you are making some assumptions, but a consultation with a lawyer would be good and maybe you would be surprised.
Well as you can see, he
Well as you can see, he thinks we are already "rolling in the dough" and "don't need" the money. IN fact he has gotten pissed at me for taking on side computer jobs when "there was work to be done at the house."
I have proposed this in the past and he says "nah we don't need it"
Part of me thinks that he knows the work on the house is coming to an end and his usefulness is rapidly ebbing away.
You are such a loving and
You are such a loving and supportive soul ... you deserve to be happy.
Auteur, I was in your shoes,
I was in your shoes, not all that long ago. I stayed for 9 years, about 8 1/2 to long. I will never be whole again. My scars are not visible to the naked eye. They are internal, they are many.
Three ruptured cervical disks, three bulging lumbar disks. I'm a medical professional, yet I cannot work. Because of the physical damage done to me. I'm on some pretty hefty narcotics several times a day. Human resources takes one look at my drug tests, asks why, I explain, NO JOB. I'm a liability to them.
He would never hit where it was visible to people what a psycho he really was. It was always to with calculated malice. Clothes-lining me while I sat on the edge of the bed. Grabbing my hair and jerking my head back and forth. Sitting on top of me where I couldn't breath, even while I was pregnant. After I HAD to start taking pain meds, because I was physically incapable of getting out of bed w/o them. He would take my pills, all of them. Then scream at me because I couldn't get out of bed.
We had three children, I already had three when we met.(He insisted we have kids) With each pregnancy, he got worse. He owned me. I was fat, ugly, "who's gonna want a fat ugly bitch w/6 kids??" I was beaten down to a point where his words were gospel. I started to believe all the ugly things he said about me.
"You're a horrible mother" "you're nothing but a fat nasty whore" it seemed never ending.
Before I met this psycho, I was a teen Model. I had been out of it for a while. But I assure you, I'm far from ugly. But, he made me believe I was. That no man would ever want me or my kids.
Then the unthinkable happened, my little brother died in an automobile accident. My world was upside down. And he didn't let up then either. I lost it. I started planning my escape. He always said if I ever left him, he'd hunt me down and kill me. I believed it. I packed over night bags for me and my kids. Nothing big enough for him to notice things missing. Things he would miss (soap, shampoo) I bought trial sizes of. Then I bought a hide a key, several actually, and hid copies of my ignition key everywhere. (He would take my keys and hide them when I had to go to work, school, the Dr's) Then it happened. He could see the change in ME. He grabbed a butchers knife from the block and held it to HIS throat. I got in my car, drove away, called the police and informed them of what was going on, and he was forced to leave! I stayed w/friends for a couple of days. Then when I felt safe, I went home. Him and his crap were gone. I've never been so relieved in my life! The nightmare was over, finally.
I'm sorry ^^is so long. Its a lot to explain. You deserve better. I will pray for you to find your peace and happiness. Its out there....waiting.
Your story sounds a lot like
Your story sounds a lot like mine with my 2nd husband. I'm so sorry for all the pain he caused you and then the loss of your brother.
I stupidly thought that GG would restore my faith in men. He has done just the opposite.
Thanks Auteur, its amazing
Thanks Auteur, its amazing how the medication actually works. Now that I can take it! Seriously, have a plan, just in case he snaps. Those hide a keys may have saved me and my kids. (He took my key that day too) And have a friend lined up or a hotel w/good security. Just be safe! And know what I had to learn the hard way, Not All Men Hit. Dh, when upset, will not even raise his voice to me. Its taken almost three years for me to not flinch when he runs his fingers thru my hair. (Its to my waist & he Loves just running his hands thru it) I used to hurt his feelings doing things like that. I'm getting there....slowly.
Dru, people used to tell me "you're so lucky "ex" is such a great guy" I'd laugh and say "you have no idea" lucky to be alive was more like it.
The one time I called 911 he was forced to take anger management classes. That year was even worse. They all sat in a room and gave each other ideas on how to get away with it! Big help, thanks.
I wouldn't trade my kids for anything. I just wish they weren't HIS kids. In the beginning he would bad mouth my exh "he has nothing to do w/his kids, I'd NEVER be that way" now exh sees his kids as much as possible. He's 8 hours away. And expsycho hasn't seen or even talked to his kids in almost 3 years! Sad. My dd10 said to me Yesterday, "We need to call Daddy, he needs to send you some support money" this from a 10yr old little "daddy's girl". We don't talk about him ever. Dh or Myself. She had to of heard it from her older siblings. She's pretty darn smart tho. Might have come up w/that all on her own. We always hurt for $ I'm always saying turn off the light if you're not using it, it keeps the bill down. We do a lot of fun things, but their free. Hiking, parks, river walks. We have a great time and we spend little to no $ doing it.
Expsycho wouldn't let us leave the house, so we all enjoy being outdoors now.
Auteur, you know that we
Auteur, you know that we would all buy your book (even if it was just a book of blank pages) just to help you leave that jackass.
Bubbly, I am so sorry that you had to endure that.