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On a roll tonight!!!!

Newstep's picture

I am so irritated right now!! Ever since the last court date when BM was required to pay for copays and Meds when she takes SD to the doctor she has stopped taking her. No big surprise there. But she keeps her home from school sick one to two days every week she has her. Now call me crazy but if the kid is too sick to go to school two days every other week she needs to take her to the doctor right??

Well SD is with BM this week she just texted her dad "I stayed home sick again today my cough keeped me up all night :(". Really??? She was fine all last week but now is sick again BF asked her if she went to the Dr. She said no mom tried to take me but the Dr office is closed this week. Which is a lie I go to the same office and I had to call today to schedule an appt for myself.

Why is it so hard to send your child to school??? OMG I just don't get it. I told BF that was not true and the office was indeed open. He doesn't want to hear it. I have disengaged so I need to vent about it here }:) I wanted to tell him to call that worthless BM and tell her if SD misses another day of school without a Dr note he is taking her back to court. It's ridiculous to let SD stay home from school so much simply because she doesn't want to go. Step up and be a parent already!!


B22S22's picture

I was going to say the same thing. We have similar issues here, we get a 'call' from the school because not only do the SK's not go, but BM doesn't call it in until hours after school has started. I think so far this year each of them have missed almost 10 days of school and we're not even thru the first semester.

and on the days they are there? At least one day a week they're so late (oversleeping, all of them) they miss at least the first 2 periods of the day.

I don't know about where you live, but in this state/school district angry letters go out after a certain number of missed days at school.

Newstep's picture

Yeah she is missing one to two days a week when she is with BM. Plus she is going to school late on the days she does go. Now will it be BM held accountable or both of them?? Curious about that part. SD tries to pull the sick card when she is with us all the time but BF doesn't let her get away with it. He makes her go to school.