Victory is Ours!
Just got done with court. BM was a no-show. Apparently BM left a voicemail on the Judge's phone this morning stating that BM did not get the certified letter listing the court date until this past Friday and could BM please get a continuance? Well, last Friday was the 9th and seeing as how the letter was CERTIFIED the Judge had proof that BM received the letter on 12/1/11. Thus proving that BM lied. Also, we had BM's sister and in-laws with us willing to testify on SO's behalf. The Judge denied a motin to continue and SO was granted custody by default. This means that BM has 30 days to call the court and will only be able to get custody if BM can prove that SD is being abused by us. Whatever. SD7 loves us and she's much happier with us. The Judge's assistant also pointed out that BM is the one who left SD and we provided police reports from over the summer when BM was assaulted by her bf and SD was pushed down by him. We had to go pick up SD at 2am from the police station.
Initially the judge was going to give BM until 5pm to show up, but BM is states away and would never make it, soooooo.....Ha. }:)
Anyway, so victory is ours and we will have a celebratory drink later. Court is stressful!
- StarStuff's blog
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Well, the Judge's assistant
Well, the Judge's assistant was on the phone with someone explaining the whole situation as it unfolded. We weren't sure if it was BM's father or someone who worked for the court. They did try to reach BM at a number listed, and I believe it was BM's dad's number, so could have been him. So if BM doesn't know by now then she will soon. And I'm sure she will pitch an unholy fit, but she has no one to blame but herself.
hahaha....well done!!! crazy
hahaha....well done!!! crazy bitch BM should be 'locked up' for not showing
Haha, yeah. We had kinda
Haha, yeah. We had kinda hoped that she would show and either perjure herself or be found in contempt of court for some kind of crazy behavior she would have no doubt exhibited. The only way this could have been better was if she got a 30 day jail sentence for basically being herself, lol.
Yes, we've had her since
Yes, we've had her since mid-June and can already tell a positive difference in her.
Wow Congratulations to you!!!
Wow Congratulations to you!!!
Good one! DO let us know what
Good one! DO let us know what BM's reaction is!!! }:)
Thank you all! And yes,
Thank you all! And yes, when/if I ever find out BM's reaction I'll let you all know. Should be amusing