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O/T: DH is chocolate cake at an anorexia convention

Madam Hedgehog's picture

OR . . .

A 12 pack at an Alcoholic's Anonymous meeting.

OR . . .

An injured lamb staggering across the wolf infested mountain side.

OR . . .

A handsome, highly educated man in a room full of angry wives.

OR . . . AND?

Maybe I'm just sick of other women and their nonsense.

I am sick of BM finding reasons to bend over every time she comes to get the kids.

I am sick of his friends' girlfriends hugging him and telling him how amazing he is.

I am sick of my female relatives massaging his shoulders and telling him how amazing he is.

I am sick of my own mother's comments about how attractive and amazing he is.

I am sick of supposed business women he has NEVER EVEN MET sending him emails with words like "hugs" and "Hiya!"

I am sick of his boss's wife taking him aside to tell him how miserable she is in her marriage and congratulating him on how good he treats me.

I am sick of every woman I know going out of their way to let DH know they think he is special and smart and amazing and the most wonderful guy they've ever met.

I am sick of feeling like I am married to Brad-freaking-Pitt and every woman who lays eyes on him wants to be special to him somehow.

DH does not flirt with other women. He treats them the way he treats his male friends; he jokes around and laughs and tells stories. If he was anyone else, I don't think this would be a problem.

The problem is that he is amazing, and most of the women I seem to know are a bunch of social climbing hussies. They see the good looks and PhD and suddenly he's the back door to Fort Knox.

Involved, engaged, married, pregnant, it does not seem to matter.

DISCLAIMER: As for anorexia, alcoholism, and wolves--I've been anorexic and should probably attend AA at this point. Smile


Stressed Out Mom's picture

Your blog is funny:) Maybe you should be proud that you are the one that landed him. If everyone thinks he is that special then you must be quite a woman for him to be with you. Try to look at the positive.

Madam Hedgehog's picture

Thanks! I think you are right. I need to stop being pissed and realize that I have him, and if they're jealous or acting like jerks that it's their problem.

misguided's picture

Hi MH. I have read several of your blogs and trust me, I feel your pain!!! You sound a lot like me 4 years ago when I was starting out. I will give you some advice I wish someone gave me even though you didn't ask and I rarely do this but it just reminds me so much of my situation. My advice is t for YOU to read the court order. I think your D/H is not telling you everything. It sounds like he agreed to a really stupid open ended schedule and even though he thinks it's unfair and complains about it I wouldn't be surprised if this is what he agreed to. I used to get so pissed at BM (and still do) about some of the complete BS that goes on, like him having to do all the driving, her getting the kids EVERY Christmas, ONLY HIM having to get them a car when they turn 16, etc... I could go on and on to the stupid shit he agreed to but I only have so much time. I know he only did it because I was not going to continue seeing him unless he got divorced and said we could pick it back up when his divorce was final but I would never have guessed he would have agreed to what he did. The truth is I don't even think he thought about it, I think he just assumed it would be fair, never hired an attorney, never had me look at it, never had anyone look at it. It suck because it not only effects him it effects us but we do crazy things when we're in love. Anyway, even if I am right, it doesn't make it any easier but might help get over the unfairness of it all. Good luck hope you get things straightened out.

Madam Hedgehog's picture

I've read the CO a couple times and it IS dumb. I think DH just signed whatever he could to guarantee he would get time with the boys. It just sucks because it's been 4 years and the judge is still trying to mold the old agreement to completely new circumstances.

amy_rose4's picture

HAHA! I love this post Smile but I do feel ur pain! BM flirts with my husband all the time and he just brushes it off and ignores it. She tells him that he's getting soooo BUFF! and that she likes his haircut...ummm NEWS FLASH!! He's in the ARMY it's the same freakin hair cut he's had forever! She pisses me off! Chicks on facebook are always so happy to comment EVERY post and picture he puts up too, and I'm like who the hell are these bitches?? he doesn't see it the way I do he thinks it's "no big deal" but it is to me! Good luck with everything, but it's true you must be pretty amazing yourself to have a guy that everyone thinks so highly of! Smile

Madam Hedgehog's picture

I was in a previous relationship where the guy always called girls "babe" and "darling." It was really upsetting because he was actually a flirtacious type and went out of his way to be charming with women.

I'm glad I went through that though, because now I can see that DH is definitely not trying to flirt or be a sleaze. He is just being a nice person, and the hussies are using it to their advantage.

Madam Hedgehog's picture

I love your response to BM's garbage. I would be totally furious if BM responded to DH with I love yous.

I did manage to laugh when BM showed up in booty shorts two days before our wedding (she's 5'2 and 190).

skylarksms's picture

My Dh is oblivious too.

In fact, he probably wouldn't even HAVE two kids with PB/LNM if she didn't THROW her skanky ass at him in HS (this is according to my MIL, not DH). I asked DH why he stayed with PB/LNM after he found out what a skank she was, he said, "Even bad loving is better than no loving at all!" :O