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princessandthepee's picture

princess is gonna f#@kin' get it. I'm so angry, my house and home are so completely disrupted right now.

princess lil miss is going to f#@king get it from me.

All I see right now is red. I'm so mad I can't write. But I had to write this much.

JESUS, am I pissed.


princessandthepee's picture

I live on a farm . . . surrounded by other farms . . . soil is sandy and one can dig deep quite easily. Only took the well company one day to dig a 10,000 foot well for the house and septic system. I feel like a goddamn female ape in a zoo cage whose babies have been threatened by cruel and irresponsible zookeepers. A female grizzly woken from hibernation because her cubs are being threatened. LOOK OUT. I'm fucking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

princessandthepee's picture

Ugh, why is this little bitch so mean? Why does she have to engineer things so that each person in the house has a neat and special turn with pain? Why did my sons look at each other over dinner and ask because princess whisked pee and herself to bk, literally as we were dishing up, Why don't princess and the pee want to eat with us?
Red, ladies and gents, RED. I'M SO ANGRY.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I am assuming here that pee is the SO sorry if I am wrong, but if he is, wasn't it HIS place to say NO, we're dishing up dinner. I know you are mad and I don't want to add to that, I truly get where you are coming from, but I have found it easier now that I blame the right person, the father of the Princess who drops everything and runs, not the Princess who asks. Smile The sandy soil offer is good, get two shovels and dig a couple of holes, one for princess and one for pee.

princessandthepee's picture

Thank you. pee is the step son. She began yeserday, making my own mother uncomfortable in my mom and dad's home. My husband allows his daughter to do these things, despite much awareness of why he should not. Maybe someday I'll enjoy the abuses a princess is allowed to invoke upon the undeserving.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Oh, sorry. Still the two holes in that nice sandy soil are still an option then.

I saw your comment on another post in regards to how these little Princess's are created and responded to it. I had to laugh. My husband told me years ago he did not want the third child (the now princess), he actually didn't want his former wife to go through with the pregnancy, and when the child was born he was disappointed to say the least, a) he didn't want another child and b) he certainly didn't want a girl.

What we have now is a spoilt rotten, self absorbed, rude, obnoxious, self centered, woman who seriously thinks the only reason other people are on the planet is to serve her daily wants. Her father, her brothers and her fiance' wait on her hand and foot, she does nothing. DH actually knelt down on his knees on a tiled floor one day to help her put her shoes on, she was 28 he was 61. I to this day cannot get that picture out of my mind I have arthritis, he has never once knelt down and put my shoes on Smile

Hope the rest of your night gets better.