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sd makes me see red

doormatt's picture

I literally can not stand SD27..i think what annoys me the most is the fact that my husband thinks she is perfect and my kids are evil...yes i admit my kids are not perfect...they have made me angry beyond belief as well...i recognize the fact that they do not agree with the choice i made when i married my husband and 2 of them have nothing to do with me because of this..however i have explained to them that i love them and want them to be happy but as they are adults and are living their lives by their choices, so am i...these 2 adult children leave us alone and don;t try to cause any issues...yes this is hurtful but that is their choice and while i don;t agree with it i accept it..SD continues to play the troublemaker..she uses the death of her mother as a quilt card..she uses people and gives nothing in return...i love the fact that she is hundreds of miles away, but hate the fact that she still tries to cause problems in my marriage...she will ignore my husband for weeks at a time but as soon as she sees that he and i are enjoying our lives together..she starts sending the messages...oh i miss my mom, i am here by myself, i wish things were like they used to be, blah blah blah....don't get me wrong, im sure she does miss her mom and i have no issue with that...its the using it against her dad to cause problems for us that makes me angry...she also uses the "i have no money" line but she manages to party and get drunk almost every time she has a day off...she ignores her children...her house is so nasty that the children don;t even want to be there....yet she posts on facebook about how she just wants to spend time with her reality they are with someone else for days at a time while she is out partying...she has always been about attention and would even have to sit beside her dad and lay in his lap whenever she was at our house...she has even climbed in my side of our bed to be beside him and then gives me her snarky little grin when dad isn't looking...i would gladly strangle her...the children are always unbathed and hungry...they consider the babysitter's house as their least when they are there they get baths and food...but her dad refuses to see any of this and if i say anything then he gets angry and blames me for it...


emotionaly beat up's picture

So what makes you think your SD should be different from anyone else's. Smile My SD was also 27 when her mum died, and yes she took advantage of her mother's death to make daddy feel guilty. Yes she is a living breathing, rude, selfish, ill mannered, over indulged using piece of crap. But she can no wrong in daddy's eye's and mine can do not right. Sorry, truly very sorry I feel your pain. Mine is now 29 and she is no longer welcome here. But she and daddy have phone calls when he is at work. She has involved her 87 year old grandfather in this now at a time when he was having surgery for bowel cancer and since I banned her from the house. Now, she hadn't spoken to him for well over a year beforehand, went through a pregnancy and gave birth without so much as a phone call to grandfather, but suddenly she is NO:1 grandchild. Amazing. Still, I have come to the realization, we are not mad They Are Smile

doormatt's picture

I have come to see that they are pretty much all the same. I used to feel like it was my fault as my husband would say... i didn't try hard enough...i looked for things to be mad about...blah blah blah....nope darling i believe you are wrong there...There can not be this many step-moms out there whose SD act like this without it being that the problem is the SD not us...I know what you mean about the phone calls..SD and daddy have phone calls, instant messages, facebook chats, etc all when i am not around...just the thought of her fills me with such anger now...I know I should let it go for my own sanity, but the problem is i haven't gotten to that point day maybe all the daddies in SD land will open their eyes and realize that the SM are someone's daughter if they don't want their daughters treated that way, then they shouldn't treat us that way either...but that will probably never happen