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An apology

3xmom's picture

My husband hasn't spoken to his youngest daughter since February of this year. Now all of the sudden he gets a message from her that she is sorry and wrong for all the things she said and did and she truly loves and cares about all of us and her half brothers... All these things her mother made her do (got to see if I can print these text messages off his cell). And this is happening with Christmas just a month a way and her graduation 6 months away. Then she later in the night sends a text about her mother not being her favorite person right now. All feels very strange and like we are being set up for something.... I wonder if she's pregnant, wouldn't surprise me or is she just doing it to get a better gift for the upcoming events...

And I'm sorry but I don't think an apology by text is sincere.


stormabruin's picture

No, if she's honestly trying to fix things, she owes him a phone call. She owes him an opportunity to reply.

Real communication is necessary to fix things. If she isn't willing to speak to him, this "apology" is a waste of time.

How convenient that she's apologizing to her dad only when her mother is not her favorite person. Is that to say that when things are good between her & her mom again, that he'll go back to being yesterday's news?

In my opinion, if he texts anything back, it should only be that when she's ready to talk, he would like to speak to her to clear the air.

Lauren1438's picture

I say open the communicate back up but keep the wallets closed. It is the time of year that kids, even teenagers suck up bad!

Willow2010's picture

I think I would need more info before I can comment. How old is SD? Did they have a big falling out? Has DH been trying to contact her and she is ignoring it? Why hav they not talked in 9 months?

3xmom's picture

She's 17 and the big falling out happened when she cussed her father out and said many nasty things in person, in emails, and online facebook about him and me and her half brothers all because he told his ex-wife that he and his family did not want her to attend his sisters funeral early this past year.

aggravated1's picture


DH's 15 year old DD is doing a modified version of the same thing right now. Just last week, she sent her dad a long text about how she wants to move forward and be his daughter again, blah blah blah. She didn't know that we knew that 2 days before she wrote a lot of crap about my daughter on her Tumblr account (social networking site)while she was putting on the sob story act.

She rears her ugly head at Christmas every year. A month before the holidays, she wants to be a family.......then you never see her again. We havent bought her a gift in 3 years.

Willow2010's picture

I am going to be totally honest here. If it was my kid, I would let them know how much they hurt me and the rest of the family and how it would NEVER be tolerated. But I would gingerly try to open up a new relationship with her.

Not sure I could be that generous with a skid. Sorry, but it is true. BUT…I also KNOW that my kids would NEVER do something like that.

Sorry, no help at all!! Good Luck!

Newstep's picture

Same thing here. SD21 has lied over and over again. Involved us in her drama with her on again off again husband. She just moved here from out of state 4 mos pregnant with no job and no place to live. She stays with BM untill BM kicks her out. Then the text messages start to my BF. I miss you so much, I love you,I need you in my life. He usually falls for it but now he sees thru it and will only talk to her face to face. She of course will never do that because she knows what she has coming. She will have to answer to her lies and she won't do it.

Auteur's picture

I think the key point is as follows:

"And this is happening with Christmas just a month a way and her graduation 6 months away."

I'd bet the RANCH on it!!!

Can anyone say jonesin' for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$????!!!

z3girl's picture

SD20 did that to us too. Hadn't talked to DH in over a year, and is suddenly back in his life. Of course, by the third visit, she already asked for a new computer and BM suddenly wrote about all her expenses she'd like help with and notifying DH that he will have to pay for airfare for SD's study abroad. I personally think it's SD20 and BM knowing that they need to be "nice" to DH in order to get more money out of him.

DH did give her a new computer and there wasn't even a thank you. Brat.

Jsmom's picture

Tread carefully and close the wallet. Trust me with these girls there is always a motive. She is probably trying to keep her options open for when mom throws her out.