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Antidepressants causing night terrors?

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Let me just say that Ss used to have nightmares and night terrors when we first got him. But they became very infrequent after several months. We had a appointment with the psychiatrist who changed the dosages because the medication was not helping Ss as much as it should have. Ss also got a good talking to about him drinking while taking these medications. He has yet to show any guilt for this but that is another matter.

The first night with the new medication, Ss was just grouchy. But I am sure him not getting his daily vodka shot might have something to do with that. I still cannot get over how much he betrayed our trust. But last night we heard crying on the baby monitor. So we go to check up on Ss and he is curled up in his sheets looking absolutely terrified. He was having a nightmare but looked like he was awake. He kept acting like there was someone in the closet. Of course, he was not in his senses so we were not able to talk to him. My Dh just ended up sleeping in bed with Ss. Ss was holding on to my Dh's hand and was wrapping it around him. It was very bizarre. Ss never even lets anyone hug him. And in the morning, Ss freaks the hell out because he thought there was a stranger in the bed. He actually fell out of his bed. He had no memory of what happened the night before.

My Dh talked to the doctor and he told us to wait for a few days. He thinks it might also be the stress of switching therapists this week. I hope its true. Its exhausting to try and calm Ss down. And he wakes up the next morning more tired and grouchy, which honestly, I can do without. Next we tackle the problem of getting him to be comfortable with a new therapist. I am not looking forward to dealing with that at all Sad


praying's picture

Thank you for your advice nothappy. It is scary. We never tried the waking him up an hour after he goes to bed. Until now, we have calmed him down while holding his hand or having my Dh sleep with him. We do not talk about the night terrors either. But we know from his confusion that he does not remember. Thank you or your great advice.