I'm floored!
So SD comes over last night for her visit...
DH is going through her progress folder...As he's reading, he notices one entry that the teacher made regarding her being 15 to 20 minutes late for school every day...
DH was like WTH?
He asked her why she was late...When DH has her (only one day during the school week, every other week), he drops her off at @ 7:15am...Class doesn't start until 8 am...So he drops her off early so she can have breakfast with her friends...
On all the other days, she's late...
DH asked her why, and she said it was because she goes and gets breakfast. She said her mom drops her off at school and tells her don't go get breakfast or else she's going to be late, BUT she doesn't feed SD in the morning, so the poor kid is hungry, so she goes to get something to eat...
That's why she's late...
She says her mom keeps telling her not to go get breakfast...
Who does that?
DH asked her if her mom knows she's hungry (should be a given...but...), and she said yes, but that her mom doesn't get up early enough to get her breakfast and get her to school...
DH and my heart is so hurt!!! There's really nothing DH can do, so he's going to the school today to explain to the teacher what's going on so she can hopefully cut her some slack so she can get breakfast...
It's stressing SD out...Obviously...
I'm floored...I couldn't function if I new my child was hungry and I did nothing about it...I'm floored...
- shielded2009's blog
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Speechless :jawdrop:
How old is the SD?
How old is the SD?
She's 7
She's 7
Why can't she just give her a
Why can't she just give her a granola bar or one of those drinkable yogurts...The kid has to have something...Pathetic.
That's what we said... DH was
That's what we said...
DH was trying to come up with all of these solutions, even sending her home with food, but we've tried that in the past (just random stuff like her left overs that she really liked and wanted)...The BM is very...VERY bitter...she throws them out of the car...
He said he was going to ask if he could bring some granola bars or something to the teacher and maybe some capri suns (stuff that doesn't need refrigerating) and see if the teacher will let her eat when she gets to class...If being late is a HUGE deal...
Ok...That makes sense...I'll
Ok...That makes sense...I'll let him know that...
This is a good idea. At 7
This is a good idea. At 7 she's old enough to grab one of those on her way out the door for the car ride to school. There's probably half an aisle in the grocery store of breakfast bars and stuff. Hell, even a pop tart. I've not yet seen a school where the youngest grades don't get there lunch period before the older grades, so she probably only has to hold over until 11-11:30.
Wow, then definately NOT
Wow, then definately NOT cool...I was gonna say if she's older then she can certainly learn to get her own bkfst at home.
But honestly-at 7 is NOT to young for her to learn how to pour a bowl of cereal and milk before goign to school. It's sucky that this is happening but perhaps you guys can teach her how so when she's at moms at least she's having something before school, kwim?
Yeah...This is a great
Yeah...This is a great idea...
We're unsure of what goes on in her mom's house, but 7 is old enough for her to start learning that...
What do you mean? Teaching
What do you mean? Teaching the kid life skills and to make her own breakfast isn't covering the incompetent parent-it's teachign the kid to be responsible BECAUSE they have an incompetent parent. you cant change the other parent, but they can teach her skills to fend for herself w/breakfast. It's NOT to young to learn this, in ANY house.
My kids were MUCH younger then that and knew how to pour their cereal/milk. I taught them for many reasons.
Kids of single parents tend to be more resourceful then having things 'served' in a two parent home, that's just reality-so it's ok to give her some skills she can use.
My skids (10 and 12) NEVER
My skids (10 and 12) NEVER eat breakfast at BM's.
BUT, they have told us numerous reasons for this:
"we don't have enough time." (to which DH says, well maybe BM should get up a little earlier)
Then, "we get up at "this time", and we don't leave till "this time." (which would give them PLENTY of time to get their own bowls of cereal)
"sometimes we stop at "whatever store" and get a donut."
"we're not really that hungry in the morning" (they eat EVERY morning they're with us)
We quit asking. They protect BM, and defend her. They ARE perfectly capable of getting their own cereal, and if there's nothing to eat - they would never tell us.
Why should she get up
Why should she get up earlier?? And why would your Dh say that?? Sounds out of line to me... at 10-12 they shoudl know to get their own cereal or cook an egg or toast some frozen waffles, toast, a poptart.
It's likely THEY are not getting up early enough w/their alarms and rather sleep in-my kids did this ALL the time. They have to learn to be responsible w/their time and to do something for themselves. And it took only a few 'didn't get to eat' before they got smart about it. They at least would have something on the way there in the car though. Now they ahve been taking bus and eating there. This morning I took my oldest and he made himself two eggs while I was getting ready. And most of the time my kids are NEVER hungry in the morning, I'm not either...so i think there are times where kids just plain dont want to eat. BUT we have to insist on it for their school performance.
Geesh kids at their ages years ago were plowing fields and cookign the whole family meals lol...now we treat them as delicate pansie flowers that are harshly abused if mom doesn't get them breakfast at 10-12yrs old lol.
This was three years ago.
This was three years ago. Like, I said: We quit asking or even thinking about what goes on at BM's house in the mornings.
When I first met my DH - his kids were incapable of getting their own bowl of cereal, turning on the shower, TYING shoes, etc......
When I came into the picture - I didn't know any better. They learned to do these things because I EXPECTED it of them. My youngest is 18 - the oldest is 23. They were doing their own thing when they were 5 years old.
Believe me, DH was FLOORED when he realized SD10 (at the age of eight) turned her OWN shower on, and got her own bowl of cereal. He didn't think they could do it.
it's likely because in his
it's likely because in his head the kids haven't grown a day since the day they divorced.
If they were 5, after they become NCP they still think their 10yr old has the skills/mentality of a 5yr old. It happens a lot.
^^^^^^^^^ YES to this!
^^^^^^^^^ YES to this! ^^^^^^^^^^^^
It is appalling. BM here gets
It is appalling. BM here gets the kids for two Monday evenings (after school until 8pm) for dinner visitation. She's been known not to feed them dinner. WTF is wrong with these people?
Ok, I have to admit.........I
Ok, I have to admit.........I gave up the fight to make sure my kids eat breakfast in the morning. I buy pop tarts and granola bars and have cereal on hand. If they eat good, if not, they suffer the consequences - being hungry.
They drag their feet and waste so much time in the morning. I used to allow it to stress me out and I ended up leaving the house everyday misserable so I let it go.
I think the problem in your situation is not so much that the child is not getting breakfast but more that she is not respecting the rules. YOU HAVE TO BE IN CLASS BY THIS TIME. Period, no exceptions. If you miss breakfast at home then you skip it. I do agree that she's old enought to find a solution that allows her to squeeze some kind of breakfast in her morning.
I've often put a stash of breakfast bars in my kids bookbags for between sports practice, after school snacks, quick morning on the go breakfast.
Sounds to me like you need to give her the tools to allow her to correct it herself and hold her to some expectations. Being late to class every day is not acceptable.
Yeah... I'm not agreeing with
I'm not agreeing with this...
If it's MY kid and we have him/her EVERYDAY...Then yeah...sure
This is a child that we see every other weekend basically...You can't just blindly say what she CAN be doing without knowing the dynamic of what's going on in her house...She's 7 years old...AND with her mother...WE can't just put a stash of anything in anywhere...Solutions have to come from the perspective of what we can actually see and affect, not on something that you think or are experiencing with your kids in your life...kids that you are with more than 6 days a month...
By the time she gets those "tools" you speak of considering the amount of time we have her vs. what ever goes on at BM house, she might be in the 12th grade before it sticks...IF it sticks...
The bottom line is you can't
The bottom line is you can't control what her mother does. You can only teach the child to live within the limits of the resources she has to deal with.
I still think that at 7 years old she can understand that it's important she eats breakfast AND it absolutely necessary that she gets to class on time. Find a way to make that happen within your own control.
And why can't you give her a bag of 5 granola bars (they are pretty small and that would cover her week at mom's) and tell her to eat them instead of making herself late to class?
That was my original
That was my original point...We can't control what goes on at her moms, so anything or suggestions that have to do with that are kinda out there...
You can't just teach a child to fend for themselves at a location that you can't ascertain how to "teach" her...What if there is no cereal over there? Then what? Teach her to fry an egg? Her mom's house and what goes on over there is not even worth talking about...Also, didn't read how her mom throws out anything we give her? We can't just "give her a bag" of anything...
The only solution we have takes place at school or when we have her...That's our realm of operating...
And btw, I speak as a parent
And btw, I speak as a parent who only has my children in my home 50/50 so my kids are not with me every day. I still am their parent and teach them how to deal with situations that come up in all areas of their life.
and 50/50 is A LOT of
and 50/50 is A LOT of time...so yeah...you could affect that...
OMG....it takes maybe TWO
OMG....it takes maybe TWO times maybe of teaching her HOW to make a bowl of cereal. Have dad talk to the mom and say-look i know mornign can be crazy (believe me most NCP have no idea how it is school mornings lol)....so we taught her to get a bowl of cereal on her own. Maybe you can help her layout most of it the night before? She can't be late to school like she's doing.
OH and btw-if my kids didn't get up in time to eat or dragged their feet-they knew they couldn't go to cafeteria to eat bkfst and had to go hungry. So you have to insist on that w/SD and talk to cafeteria ladies if necessary. perhaps a few times hungry will get her motivated to eat before she leaves. She's not to young to teach her responsibility, consequences and life skills.
My kids were younger then her...I taught them how to pour it, find milk, etc..then on weekends i told them to let me sleep in...the night before i left cereal, spoon bowl and they knew where the milk was-they learned early, had a bowl of cereal and watched cartoons. NOTHING wrong w/giving her skills-why do you think she'll spend all elementary starvng and no skills sticking? that just seems overly dramatic honestly.
Layout what? Where? She's at
Layout what? Where? She's at her mom's house not ours...Don't know WHAT she has over there...for all we know there might not be the makings for cereal...that's an assumption...
And DH and BM don't talk...They parallel parent...so there is no "have DH just talk to BM..." unfortunately...
I'm sure it seems like an easy solution from your perspective...and your experience...but this one is different...
But thanks...
Im' sorry but aren't YOU GUYS
Im' sorry but aren't YOU GUYS making assumptiosn also? Whats wrong with him ASKING even if they parallel parent???
OR he can bring his concernt up to the principal/teachers and tell them what HE HAS TAUGHT HER AT HIS HOUSE-and maybe the teachers can suggest this to the mom so she doesn't take offense???
I don't get it-everybody is tryign to tell you-YES you can teach her what to do at her house when not with you. ASK THE CHILD if mom has cereal/bowls and spoons...go from there. you can still teach her to do this herself. NOW if the mom isn't keeping any cereal or some granola bar or whatever, then eventually the school will intervene w/all those tardies and insist she get the early enough to eat breaktfast, take the bus in the morning to ensure she'll have breakfast or get the mom in trouble.
I think you honestly are just being stubborn and unreasonable now-when people are saying they've BEEN there and taught their kids skills...you aren't as helpless as you are sayign you are.
I could see this, but this
I could see this, but this isn't SD...I will defend her here...
She eats like it's her job...She's thin as a rail, but she NEVER misses a meal...I've never had issues with her and getting her to eat, and she will eat any and everything you put in front of her...Most times she's even afraid to ask for food when she's hungry or wants a snack...something that bugs DH...
As far as what's going on over there...that's the mystery...She says that her mom gets up late every day, and couple that on top of their 45 minute commute to her school...but that's not within my scope of reach...and not the focus of my OP...
And as far as dragging around...that could be happening, but that's outside of my scope also...Not even worth the conversation...looking for solutions on THIS side...as the ONLY thing I can really talk about is the time we have with her...When she's with us, she doesn't drag...at all...She has a routine that she follows as DH is a disciplinarian...Is that happening over at her house?? Dunno...not within my scope...
YEs, be careful about
YEs, be careful about this-kids to lie about this. I'm thinkin the commute may have more to do with it then not eating. Honestly you're saying she can't eat something in the car for a 45 min ride and are you sure mom isn't making sure she eats???
I'd talk to the teachers and the mom....or are you saying your dh can't even ask her one simple question. Is she in private school? Why a 45 min commute?
I guess I am confused. Is
I guess I am confused. Is she eating bfast at school and that is what is making her late? At my kids school bfast ends at 8:00am (or whatever time) and that's that-kids arent allowed to lollygag around in the cafeteria for another 20 minutes after the bell rings? So I guess I am not understanding how she is late. Would they even serve her breakfast if she was that late arriving at school? And typically what they serve does not take 20 minutes to eat?
Sorry I just dont get it. My kids all knew by that age how to fix a bowl of cereal, grab a granola bar, whatever. I admit it-I dont do bfast. I am a working mom who has spent the majority of the kids lives being the only parent at home in the am's. It was too much for me to think of getting 4 kids a nice breakfast, ready for school, and me off to work-so they all knew at a young age how to prepare some readily available things. My kiddos are older now-I dont force them to eat breakfast but they always have the option and available food.
Does bm not have enough food at her home? No income?
I really think you have to talk to bm on this one. Kids manipulate so much sometimes not even on purpose. I just find it hard to believe that there is absolutely NO food in the house for this child to eat. If that is the case surely she would qualify for a free breakfast at school? I used to tell my kids they were not allowed to eat breakfast at school too. I can only imagine if some well meaning individual heard that and then asked them if they ate breakfast at home and then they said no. would they think I was refusing to feed my child? I didnt allow my kids bfast at school because we always had available items at home. I always woke them up on time to eat a bfast. If they didnt eat it was because they didnt want to. If they didnt want to-obviously they werent hungry. Some people are not bfast eaters. Personally, I am-so I have spent years setting the example for them to take a few minutes in the morning and have a bite to eat-but still I'm not going to force feed anyone.
THIS Breakfast usually ends
Breakfast usually ends before school starts.