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Bio-Mom has lost her F***ing mind!

sloopysgrl's picture

Okay status updated, Bio-mom SAYS she is not upset that we have baby on the way. However she is still not letting kids come over. She says the reason for this is she is concerned for the safety of her children. :? Her excuse is because her oldest stole my daughter diary, and Bio-mom ripped out pages of MY DAUGHTERS diary claiming it said that she was going to kill her oldest, what ever... She won’t show these pages to either of us because she said that she is going to keep them if she ever has to take up to court (wtfe)... I did read one passage in the diary that my daughter did state "I could kill Regan if she calls me fat again I am going to just punch her in her mouth!" Okay last time I checked this coming from an 11yr old girl this is called venting... The passage prior to that she was crying over kittens that died... My daughter has been raised in a Christian home and has Christian roots. But bio-mom who is a lying cheating whore who has kids by at least 3 different men thinks she is going to slit her throat or something. Another thing that burns my ass is my husband is good enough to support the little bastard children but he’s not good enough to have them come over I have had enough!! She thinks my child is demented and will not let her brats come over until I show her proof mine is in therapy... In your dreams woman. You need therapy and your kids are going to need it too when the truth come out about all the different daddies they have... Keep pushing buttons and your money train is about to come to a complete stop... Take him back to court and let’s see exactly how many children he really has with you cheating ass!!! Blum 3


Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

I'm not sure how it is in your state, but in FL, if a man supports a child then later finds out it is not his then tough luck, he has to continue to pay. We found this out the hard way after FL put a 31k lien on our bank acct to get back all the welfare BM#2 received

sloopysgrl's picture

He is not legal parent of #1, #2&#3 supposedly are his (have my suspicions about #3) He is only paying CO support on 2&3 but give Bio-Mom money for #1 so he can see her, (she only knows him as dad, BM cheated and got Prego, he stayed but BD of #1 made sure he could not sign birth cert). She left him for his sister’s husband about 3 months after #3 was born and #3 does not look like him at all, she is too dark. (looks more like her #4 by his sisters xhusband) He did sign cert for 2&3 but if DNA proves he is not then his name will be legally removed from cert and support stopped if he so chooses...