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Emotionally drained

sloopysgrl's picture

Okay, it has been over a week since Bio-Mom found out that we were having a baby. She has started to let Dad see the kids but just so long as they are not around me. He can take them out to do things like shopping or to dinner or anything that makes him have to spend money on them. I thought that not having them around would be a nice little change but I realized that I miss them. As horrible as they have been I just can’t get over the fact she is punishing every one for her selfishness. Maybe it is not so much as I miss them as compared to being treated like I have some kind of disease. It has made me very emotional (more so then usual). I have sudden fits of just crying can’t get motivated to do much of anything. I feel like my daughter is missing out on the fun too because she cannot be around them too (not that she cares she hates them too) but we are supposed to be trying to build a family structure but she has managed to put a wedge between every one, plus he is gone more than usual so I miss him a lot. He tried to make me feel better by saying this will not last for forever but damit it has been long enough. She is a grown woman and needs to start acting like one!


Madam Hedgehog's picture

Why don't you guys have a custody agreement of some sort? She should not be able to hold the kids hostage whenever she is pissed at your or DH.

Lauren1438's picture

If you have a CO for visitation then she has NO right to say when/how his visitation works. Say that he has then every other weekend he has then every other weekend and unless he is harming the kids or endangering them she cant do anything. And being around someone pregnant doesn't count as harming the kids

Auteur's picture

If you have a CO for visitation then she has NO right to say when/how his visitation works

This was a major sticking point with GG (biodad I live with). He would not under any circumstances have a planned visitation schedule or go to a "money hungry" attorney, but instead let the BM take everything but the shirt on his back.

As you can see, having an "open ended" agreement with someone as unreasonable and jealous as a scorned BM is opening the door to her committing PAS. Soon the children will be "opting out" of father time with the BM's full blessing.

Biodad needs to see a bulldog attorney STAT! GG made this same mistake, never got an attorney, let the Behemoth (BM) do as she pleased. He now has astronomical CS and three PASed out kids to thank for all his false chivalry towards the Behemoth and her clan.