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Private Investigator

youngmama1b1g's picture

Would has hired one to tail BM? Was it worth it?

I mean of course most of us SM get curious for what exactly BM does in free weekends, you know when we're babysitting their child(ren). But it's become a serious question for us, my H more, because he really wants to know where his child support is going to. BM doesnt work and has no living expense other than her cellphone and gas. Has anyone had a PI for this purpose and been able to report the misuse of funds successfully?


Disneyfan's picture

I don't care what BM does when the kids are with us. I'd never waste money trying to find out.

Parents don't baby sit their own children.

megmegmegan's picture

Hiring a private investigator would be pointless unless BM was doing drugs or endangering her children. You'll find that the legal system really follows "What's best for the children" this will benefit you in most cases but hurt you when it's obvious the child support is not serving it's purpose. You should consider hiring a lawyer or a paralegal to sit down to find out your rights. For instance, my DH's BM was asking for more child support 80 a more is what she calculated among other issues we were having with her decided to go to a lawyer. Turns out that 300 dollars a month in allimony is not supposed to be going to her anymore due to her "Cohabiting" with her boyfriend. You also might want to check if there is a obligation to work law in place where you live. Child support is a form of welfare, it's a social program put in place by the government and in our case the BM does have an obligation to work. I guess it's rationalized like unemployment? Not sure but that is how I understand it.

mlmt1128's picture

If biodad is never there and leaves sm to take care of his kids? Then it her own fault for putting up with it.

Doesnteatcrow's picture

What you really are looking for is a lawyer to create an imputed income for what she should be bringing in on her own if she worked.

Rags's picture

As for misuse of CS.... don't waist your money on a PI. There is not requirement that a CP account for where CS is spent, the courts do not care and the Judge will jump up your ass if you even try to bring it up.

However, a PI can be a very good tool for getting some good usable stuff on the blended family opposition if you ever have to nail them in court.

In our case we had video of DickHead parading an endless stream of skanks through his house when SS was there on visitation, video of DickHead hanging out in parking lots with known gang members, skipping work to hang out with friends while calling in sick, etc......

Nothing earh shattering but when combined with failure to pay his own CS, claiming that his younger three kids lived with him when in fact they lived with the SpermGrandParents, etc... it did help.

youngmama1b1g's picture

Thank you to those who replied to my original question of wheather it'd be worth it or not to hire a PI for finding out how the child support is being spent. Considering we're pretty sure BM isnt doing drugs or anything completely negliant, I guess it really isn't going to be worth it.

To the posters who commented on how "babysitting" is possible when the dads are was the verbatum quote our SS said to me when talking about how his mom, BM, goes out on weekends.

And we're not neccessarily curious to know what she's doing, as much as how much she's spending on her possible thursday through sunday binges-considering child support is her only source of income.

Additionally, as far as the support amount- her income was counted as if she would work full-time, though she was only working part-time at the time and has now since been "fired"