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My DH finally told SD22 not welcome at the house!

momof5_1969's picture

Well, he finally did it. He finally told SD22 that she is not welcome at the house -- at all! :jawdrop: I couldn't believe it. Not that she's just not welcome when I'm not here, but not welcome at all. I told him the other day that if he didn't tell her that I would tell her myself. She showed up two different days this week, and seeing her makes me physically ill.

He was worried that it would further worsen mine and her relationship, and I told him I didn't care because mine and her relationship will never be anything more than what it is. So if he didn't do it, I was going to do it. So first he told her that she wasn't to come over when I'm here. I told him that wasn't good enough because if I come home and she's here, what am I supposed to do. I don't want to dread coming home. I asked him to tell her she is not welcome here at all. If she wants to see him, or the kids, she can meet them some place else or even at her house, but never here.

So we'll see how long this lasts.


twopines's picture

Good for you for standing up for yourself! Yes, he can see them at her home. There is no need for her to be in yours. Smile

dragonfly5's picture

"He was worried that it would further worsen mine and her relationship,"

These men just don't see reality. There has to be a relationship for is to worsen.

They somehow diminish the true severity of the situation.

Good for you! I hope it last and you finally have some peace.