How dare you third party,turn a meeting about our sons wellbeing into us vs you should not have been there! If your presence wasn't from the heart you will regret this powerplay! You have caused the only tension in a great co-parenting system(re back child support). Money that much a concern for you huh! you demanded to be in this meeting.well now you have all the infomation. when we have to shadow him at school where are you goingto be? How many times a month are you going to take him to therapy? Bd thinks you just want to be there to help, isn't that great! I will wait and see!
- Ioods_mom's blog
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There was a meeting today
There was a meeting today about s5 with a social worker referred by the school bd showed up with his gf who insisted that she "is invested interested and affected" by any decisions that will be made!she is not a wife they don't live together an i don't pretend to know there relationship.but give me a break!my son being ajusted and healthy is my number 1 concern. The fact that she inserted herself in this meeting makes me think powerplay.there have been at least ten steps from the first till this one.i really dont think she will all of a sudden be involved!
Seriously - you are not going
Seriously - you are not going to get a lot of support in this forum. This is for step-parents and those acting as step-parents - not birth mothers who want to control the field themselves. You might have more luck in another chat room.
Thank you for the comment,
Thank you for the comment, i've been a member here i don't post alot but i do get uesfull info thats how i know im not stepping out of bounds. i am a member of a blended fam i am also a bm that doesn't make me less welcome!
Maybe i wasn't clear? This
Maybe i wasn't clear? This Was a meeting to determine what kind of therapy was going to be taking place and other actions in and out of school for s5. Nothing to do with her interaction with s5!
SM was out of line. I hate
SM was out of line. I hate my DF's ex, but I would never force my way into a school meeting. Maybe she's not feeling secure in her relationship.
Yes, I am sure the SM chopped
Yes, I am sure the SM chopped the dad up with a machete and left his carcass in the hallway so she could attend the meeting. Or she has an invisibility cloak and the Dad didn't see her until the meeting had started.
All of these are just as plausible as the evil SM pushing her way into a meeting, and that just means she is insecure in her relationship.
^^THIS^^ I believe you can
I believe you can ask for her to be removed.
BDad can share whatever info with her he wants afterward.
Stepaside, awesome post. When
Stepaside, awesome post.
When DH and I got together, everything was rosy. BM WANTED me involved-of course she did, while DH had National Guard on weekends, she had someone babysitting for her so she could spend the weekends with HER boyfriend.
They needed a ride somewhere and she was sick (i.e., drugged up) and couldn't take them? Call the SM. They had a school meeting and she would rather lay in bed all day? "Agg, could you please go up to the school for me?"
THEN-when DH started putting his foot down and telling her no to every little freaking thing she wanted, then I became the wicked bitch of a SM who stood in the way of everything.
She didn't want me involved unless it suited HER. And since I am no ones bitch, and I wasn't put on this earth to make her life easier, I started telling her no too.
So guess what? She PAS'ed the kids, hounded us constantly about money, and tried to make our lives hell. The SK's suck and she has raised shitty children that she has to take full responsibility for, since she cut DH out of their lives.
So now, I am the SM from hell. And I am just fine with it. I will not lift a finger for her fucking kids who have been nothing but disrespectful. The days of buying clothes and going on trips are over, and they blame me, and I don't care. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
So, OP, if this is the way you want to go with this, and call for war when a truce would better serve everyone, then go ahead. You might end up with someone like me having your kid over every other weekend and not loving them and caring for them, but only tolerating their presence. And thank God I don't even have to do that anymore.
If they were not married she
If they were not married she has no reason to be there. If they are married and they have split custody she does. It will affect her life so she should have some input. But, honestly a GF of the Biodad, should not be there.
I have never been more
I have never been more embarrassed of this site as I am at this moment. Really people? I realize that this is a step parent forum, but most of us are BM’s also. Why be so ugly?
So let me get this straight…all of you would be A ok, with a new girlfriend of the ex being able to jump into a discussion about your kids therapy/school/ect? That is total bull shit and you know it.
I would not allow that either. So who gets to tell me that I need to leave this site and go to Ivilliage? Just crazy.
Why not allow it? You don't
Why not allow it? You don't know the situations. In fact, I DID allow it. MY kids dad had a GF once that was involved with my kids and interested in their lives-she probably took more interest in them at times than their own dad did. Why would I be threatened by her going to a meeting?
I was their mother. I was confident enough in my parenting role that I knew no one was going to take my place. Isn't that what it boils down to? If the BD's mom had come, there probably wouldnt have been a word said-but a girlfriend? Oh no, that is dangerous territory for an insecure parent.
It is nothing but insecurity and jealousy for a BM to behave this way. At least give it the benefit of a doubt, and if it starts going south, tell her to leave. I know quite a few BM's that spit nails when their ex brings another woman to something, but they think it is perfectly ok to have their new man in attendance.
I guess I will have to go back and read where you think people are getting ugly. And if this is the most embarrassed you have ever been of this site, well, WOW. Really? After some of the stuff that has went down on these boards? Allrighty then.
I agree none of us would be
I agree none of us would be okay with a GF being involved in our kids school decisions. No matter what they say on here. If she was custodial and living with the Biodad, then maybe she can be involved in the discussions. But, I don't think I would ever want her there. Thankfully this is not an issue for me.
I do not get involved in this stuff at all. I did go to my first open house in 6 years with SS since we were getting full custody. But, I only spoke if DH forgot to mention something. But that is it. I am uncomfortable right now because SS has asked me to chaperone a field trip. His mom is not involved at all. If she were, I wouldn't do this.
If anyone thinks that they would not have an issue with SM there, they are fooling themselves. I am sure if BM figured out that I was involved in anyway, she would be having a fit.
I am not fooling myself,
I am not fooling myself, either. I did it, and I was ok with it. So now you are telling me that you know better than me about how I felt on that occasion? :?
Willow, I have to agree. Some
Willow, I have to agree. Some things are for the PARENTS to handle. I NEVER waltzed in as the GF and participated in school meetings and the like.
As a WIFE, I attended school conferences and mediation for court.
If I were the OP, I'd be irriatated, too. Every Tina, Diane, and Mary that biodad dates isn't privileged to parental rights.
Are you even a little surprised by the responses on here, though? SO MANY double standards... So ugly when it comes out.
Oi Vey Like it or not we are
Oi Vey Like it or not we are influencers. We do have your child's attention a lot the time, as a Step parent, GF or SO.
I agree somethings need to be handled by the bio parents, but we both know some parents have the hands off aproach and let their, SO's or spouses take the lead.
You being a Wife does not mean you have more influence than a GF or a SO or a stepmom, and does not entitle you to be in a meeting with your step kids, more than a SO or GF.
I have a bio and I have two fskids in my life. The ring on your have that gives you the title wife is nothing to anyone other than you. We have no rights to our stepkids, we talk about that fact all the time on this site.
The kids don't care what your title is. They care that they are respected and loved.
Read stepasides post she has live it. Understands it. Doing what is best for your child makes you a good parent. Swallowing your pride and realizing that other adults maybe able to help your child and accepting that help make you a good parent.
It amazes me the "mothers" that do not put their children first. They carry around baggage and hate from their divorces and ex's as if anyone cares other than them. It is a total waste of time an effort to hate. And it is destructive to the very children they say they love and put first.
When the parent is toxic it affects everything in the home.
Yes, but more of the
Yes, but more of the influence is over the MAN than the child.
C'mon, now, read about some of these women on here. You can TELL they wear the pants in the relationship.
I was very influential as a stepmother. I am proud of how the stepchild I helped to raise is doing in this life and the type of person she has become.
I don't believe, however, that a GF (who does not live with biodad) is an integral part of a counselor's appointment for a 5 year old. I do not view inviting my BF and biodad's GF to the appt as being in the "best interest" of ANY child. I never pushed myself where I didn't belong. Well, probably not true, I probably did in my younger, less experienced and mature years.
Please don't make the mistake of thinking that I have NOT lived this. I have been a stepmother for 20 years. Long time, learned lots, still learning some.
BTW, the "ring on my hand" DOES matter to others (not me.) It may not be fair, but it is true.
I totally agree: when a parent is toxic it affects everything in the home.
So funny, I was married for
So funny, I was married for 27yrs. I am my daughters mother, she will be 30 this month.
Guess what the ring didn't do crap or mean anything to anyone other than myself and my husband at the time.
I am still her mother without the ring, and the ex.
I do what it best for her. I love her. I do what is best for my fskids, because I am who I am, and I love them. No ring, or anything else makes me treat them with love and respect. I choose to be that person.
I am having a slumber party at my house for fsd11 this Friday. The mothers at her school, (which is a very small private school)don't have a problem with their children coming to my house because they have seen me be a part of fsd11's life for the last 3years.
They see I love her and she loves and respects me. I do not need a title. I am loved and I give love, that is good enough for me. They don't think I need a title either. They are happy to have someone they can trust to take their little muffins for a night.
I have 3 god children that I have huge influence over. I choose that. We all choose. So we can accept and make room for others or we can try to control a world we have no control over.
Your title doesn't even make you a "mother" in my opinion. And yes I have one, we all do. Giving birth may make you a mother but that doesn't mean you are a good one, pr should be one.
I have two friends that have no bio children but have adopted and they are great mothers because they choose to be.
Crazo is out of control most of the time. She doesn't care how her decisions or behavior affects her own children.
The woman is a poor example of mother.
Make room for others, just because someone doesn't have a title that fits your little world doesn't mean they cannot help your child, your ex, or heck even YOU.
I said it mattered to some
I said it mattered to some (not me.) I know for a fact that the SM I've been to SD21 would not have changed whether there was a ring on my finger or not.
good for you pointing that
}:) good for you pointing that out. I was wondering the same thing myself.
Wow! I am the GF and by the
Wow! I am the GF and by the way I have been for almost 3 years. I am not sure I ever want to marry again.
Most of us, stepmoms, future stepmoms, girl friends or significant others, really don't mean to cross the parenting line. I believe most women just don't realize where the line is. Until the BM bites us.
I am a BM and a have the skids a alot. I plan all their parties, I am their confidant, their doctor, their friend. I am not some one you want on your bad side. You see the skids do not view me like they do you as a parent. I have their ear.
Now I am clear of my role and I see several of the women and men on this site have crossed the "stepmom/dad" Mom/Dad roles and have been burned bad. I do not go to parent meetings, I do not take them for doctors appointments, I do not baby-sit them, and I do not let them call me mom. I protect me.
You all have very definite opinions on this subject. But I can tell you it is probably the GF or stepmom that does most of the "parenting" with your children. Home work, meal planning, etc. These women are not your enemy. I am not Crazo's enemy, in fact I am the only stable woman role model they have. I want them to see how a secure woman acts and reacts.
By the way BM's I know I am not your childs mother, and by the way I don't want to be!
So you have lived it.
So you have lived it. Children being told to disregard or disrespect their step parent, how sad for all involved.
Putting the children first is not easy sometimes. You have to be very secure with who you are and where you fit in your child's life, to let other adults give guidance and direction to your child. But it happens in the step world with or with out the bio parents blessing everyday.
So you might as well make the GF, SO, Step parent part of the process/solution. We do have influence. Just because there is not a wedding ring on their hand doesn't mean they are not an influencer in your childs life.
Trust me the fskids in my life would walk on water for me. There is no ring on my hand and I really don't know if I will ever be able to marry again.
Telling your child to disrespect any adult they have in their lives will only come back to haunt you as a parent.
There's nothing with a SM/SD
There's nothing with a SM/SD wanting to be involved and help out.
There's also nothing wrong with BM/BD declining that help.
If both parents are able and willing to handle the school meetings, and one objects to a step being involved with the meetings, then that should be respected.
Are you even a little
Are you even a little surprised by the responses on here, though? SO MANY double standards... So ugly when it comes out
I know, but it is still catches me sometimes.
Yes I have. The SST at one
Yes I have.
The SST at one school I taught in now requires both bio parents to agree before step parents, aunts, grandparents...are allowed in the meeting.
OP, you clearly need to set
OP, you clearly need to set boundaries in this situation. Meeting with a social worker to discuss your son's mental health is a private matter. Both parents should be involved, but no other outside people need to be present.
Dad can share the info with GF later.
I'd suggest you contact an attorney and look into what is "private" information. I believe you can require that GF NOT be present at these types of meetings and that will afford you the opportunity to parent your son with his other parent.
It's great if GF wants to be a part of your son's life. That is ALWAYS best for the kid, provided she's not an axe murderer.
You just need to establish some boundaries here.
Good luck.
Maybe GF doesn't think dad is
Maybe GF doesn't think dad is capable of retaining/delivering the info. She may fear he will leave out a few details like what BM was wearing,how her hair looked, did she smile, was she uneasy... you know all the important stuff.
Just kidding
I think I'm going to give my son's dad a call this evening. After reading the things posted on step talk, I really need to thank him and his wife. He married a secure woman. We never had any of these issues. She didn't try to parent my son and I didn't try to control her house.
Awesome! I totally agree. As
Awesome! I totally agree.
As arrogant as this sounds, if my kids ever have a stepmom, I hope she's like the stepmom I've been. I always put my step on the same "level" as my bios, included her in everything, participated in everything...when I married her father, she became every bit as much a part of my family as he did. He and she WERE a package deal, and that's how I treated it.
Well of the
Well of the insecure BM Brigade has arrived. Not surprised about that either. LOL
Not sure who you're referring
Not sure who you're referring to here, but I'm anything but insecure as a mother. I KNOW I'm a damn fine one.
My XH isn't with anyone right now. When he did have a GF, she had the good sense to let US parent OUR kids.
I applied the same logic to my life as a SM.
OP isn't talking about the GF being involved in her kid's life. (I think that's a good thing, BTW.) She's talking about a meeting with a social worker to discuss the kid's mental health.
Besides, who's to say the GF isn't temporary? They aren't married, don't live together...what dog does she have in this fight??
I wasn't referring to anyone
I wasn't referring to anyone in particular, but if the shoe fits.....funny how you throw out YOUR passive aggressive crap and then automatically assume anything I say pertains directly to YOU.
Weren't you just spouting something about a double standard? Maybe you should learn how to walk your own talk.
And yes, I think any BM that is so insecure and threatened by their exes new wife or girlfriend is not doing herself any favors.
In fact, my original point was-shouldn't OP be mad at her ex????? What, was he in a coma when the GF came to the meeting? But noooooo, the whole diatribe was directed at the GF, not the ex husband where it clearly belonged.
And then everyone wants to debate girlfriend vs. wife status, and whether they are insecure or not-when the real issue is there is obviously a breakdown in communication between the BD and the BM, but lets once again let the man off the hook and blame everything on the SM.
Do you even see how ludiocrous that is?
The father should NOT be left
The father should NOT be left off the hook.
Had it been me, I would have looked him squarely in the eye and told him that WE are the child's parents and that WE would handle the meeting.
If he balked, I'd tell him to grow a set.
If she didn't like it, tough shit.
The problem in OP's situation is two-fold: one, BD should have been told NO, and two, BM should have told the social worker that GF was not to participate.
Really, none of it was the GF's fault.
"that WE are the child's
"that WE are the child's parents and that WE would handle the meeting.
"one, BD should have been told NO"
Wait, wouldn't that be YOU wearing the pants? The same thing a few posts up you accused the SM's of doing? Trying to make all of the rules? See what I mean? And you have the nerve to throw out the hypocrite word. So it's ok when the BM does it, but not when the BD or the SM or the GF does it?
Oh, lordy. Reading
Oh, lordy. Reading comprehension, Aggravated. Try it.
Yes, that's exactly what I would have told BD. And if he was a pussy about it, I'd address the social worker directly.
Never said I don't wear the pants when it comes to MY KIDS.
I don't wear the pants in my marriage. DH and I are EQUAL partners. I don't need to read his emails, or tell him what and how to do it, or tell him he's not allowed to talk to his XW.
And he doesn't do any of those things to me.
Repeat: When it comes to my kids, I WEAR THE PANTS. Why? Not because I have a "golden uterus." Because biodad walked out on all of us and abandoned our children for YEARS. He has just decided to return, and hell, yeah...I WEAR THE PANTS WHEN IT COMES TO MY KIDS.
There. Hopefully I clarified that out enough for you.
I have noticed that when you
I have noticed that when you don't make a valid point, you like to say I have a "reading comprehension" problem. LOL
This makes, what, the 4th time?
Perhaps you should try another approach? This one is getting old. I await your creative response.
And by the way, the OTHER PARENT is a valid part of that child's life. Just the fact that you would consider him a "pussy" says a LOT.
I can't help you understand;
I can't help you understand; I clearly don't write with words you're familiar with.
I stand by my position, having lived it on the SM side.
You are entitled to your
You are entitled to your opinion. I am familiar with the words: I am not familiar with the intent. As there have been many others who have objected to your communication style and thought process, I will consider it a bonus that I cannot relate to your line of thinking.
It may interest you to know that I am also a SM, who also included her Sk's in everything until that went south, and who ALSO has two bios that were abandoned by their father.
Interesting that we have such different opinions, with so many similiarites.
The reason I disagree is that
The reason I disagree is that GF/BFs can be very temporary. Hell, even spouses can be.
Two people "made" the child and those two people should handle the child's needs.
It gets muddy when "other parties" decide to involve themselves.
In a perfect world..yes but
In a perfect world..yes but this is the step world far from perfect.
We make it imperfect by
We make it imperfect by muddying the waters. Hell, I did enough of it in my early years to admit it.
Good heavens you make an
Good heavens you make an awful lot of assumptions here.
Matter of fact, XH sees the kids if and when I decide he gets to AND when the kids want to because... the court order states his visitation is a whopping 2 hours on Christmas. That's it.
Perhaps you should know a little about my situation.
I've been a stepmom for 20 years.
I am divorced from the father of my children. He is not with anyone. I have no "other woman" to be so nervous about.
If I were so insecure, why would I allow my children to spend time (unsupervised) with him and anyone else he hangs out with? I don't fight anyone to exclude anyone. As a matter of fact, I do what I can to INCLUDE others with the kids. I believe it's best for kids to grow up without feuding.
I also still have a great relationship with SD21. Her biomom and I get along fine. (We're even friends on FB.) I've had her to dinner in my home. Even after I was no longer married to her XH. I'm anything but insecure.
How many SMs on here have had BM to dinner in their home??
(BTW, BECAUSE all relationships can be temporary is WHY I think only the parents should be involved with the kids.)
WHO determines that having a
WHO determines that having a GF at a meeting with a social worker is in the child's best interest (or not)?? That's all I'm saying.
Everyone seems to know what's best for the child. Don't you think it would have made more sense for the parents and social worker to discuss it, figure out a plan, and THEN involve others? I cannot tell you how many stepmoms I've read about on here who have left their SOs. I've lost count. Why not just let parents parent?
You have a point. Often BMs
You have a point.
Often BMs and SMs point the finger at each other, when the blame should be placed on dad.
Some men just go along to get along.