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Im pregnant with twins

stepmom-at20's picture

Found out a week ago still trying to recover from the shock....DH is surprisingly exited and happy im nervous and happy at the same time things between us are getting better as the days go by so maybe this is a good thing.....


WeepingWillow's picture

Congrats to you!! I found out over 10 years ago(when I was 21) that I was having twins! I, too, remember the shock and excitement of it all! It turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me!! Good luck and cherish every goes fast!! Oh, and prepared to be a mini celebrity wherever you go....everyone LOVES a cute set of twins!! ;o)

newbiemommy's picture

Congrats!!!!! I was a live in nanny to twins and ever since I've always wanted to have twins. Its the best, most fun, sometimes stressful, crazy, but totally worth it rewarding thing.

stepmom-at20's picture

Thanks to everyone the morning sickness has been so bad i landed up in hospital last week its a little better now but started bleeding so going for a scan today hoping everything is ok.