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stepmom-at20's Blog

My Son will be born on the 8th of May

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so my first child will be born on the 8th of may. I cant wait to hold him
I am a little worried tho he hasnt turn so we have to do a c-section and doc is worried that there might be something wrong with his hips he has been in the breach position for 5 months already. I cant wait to see who he looks like more me or DH (im hoping DH coz SS looks nothing like DH)

MIL pitched up with BM and SS to MY Baby shower!!!!!!!!!

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So my mom and sister planed my baby shower for a weekend that ss was only ment to be with us till sat afternoon because as everyone knows skids dont like it when they are not the center of attention.My mom told mil that ss needs to go back to his mother because DH just arrived back in the country and this was about us(my family has the baby shower for the couple as its also about dad)and about our son on the way.

Visitation change....its better for ss but what about your family DH??????????????????

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Ok so I haven't been on in a while alot has happened. I lost my job due to my pregnancy so im fighting that.I am currently 6months pregnant and really starting to feel tired all the time and getting annoyed more than usual about the smallest things.

ITS A BOY!!!!!

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so sadly i lost the one baby but the good news is, I still have a healthy baby boy on the way...just not twins its ok i know its for the best...DH is excited and things are good between us now

Anybody ever consider sueing their DH's for child support just so your child can have their basic needs meet???

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Ever since I found out I was pregnant the financial issues come up almost constantly as many of you know im from South Africa. And found I out recently I could get child support from DH even tho we are married and live together. DH earns 4x what I do and even tho its a good salary the "first family" gets thier needs meet.Yet I often have to skip on test the doctors would rather have me do than miss because DH has to pay for SS doctors bills. I pay for what I can but my salary doesnt go far I have tried putting money away aswell because while im on maternity leave I wont earn an income.

I think im Pregnant

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Waiting for the test results is a nightmare......I feel so sick latly Dh and I have been fighting alot and I dont know what to do if I am. I would love a Kid of my own but DH wont be happy now.
This sucks I wish my life was diffrent

I want to leave.........But where to go

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I have only been married to my husband for 6 months been together 3 years but after this last fight i really just want to leave,he doesnt listen to me or respect my needs he was different when we were dating but now its hell...he cant understand why i dont like ss or bm but i just have to be ok with him not liking my friends or family he is so controlling latly it used to be ours now its all his an mine I have had enough


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Really Bm is one of those BMs that would spend child support on her hair and nails but not on her kid and now needs us to pay her back $5 she spent on ss,fucking unreal. I spend more on SS when he is with us every other weekend yet I dont get that money back...(Why not DH?.......Your fucking ex whore does)it pisses me off so much to think about it yet its email after email i need money or you need to pay for this....NEWS FLASH BITCH thats what CHILD SUPPORT IS FOR

sorry im really angry.....
