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So awesome to know that apparently things will never change...

boogeymom's picture

So last night, we BLEW UP at SS12 and SS10 because of about 5 different accumultated things, one of them potentially being very serious (this was AFTER DH got snarly with me because I had the AUDACITY to tell him about himself and how ridiculous he is while watching front of my parents). After exploding all over them and causing me to have a headache that's still lasting until this morning, the consequences were no technology whatsoever today. Wake up, tv is on, looking over shoulders at the computer, playing Wii...does DH DO anything about this for the first 2 hours this is going on? No. I just now mentioned that neither the TV or the video games were supposed to be on, and NOW he's making them turn it off. I guess it's obvious that it's just me against him, his parents, his ex, and her mother, even though he thinks he's on my side. I really never see any enforcement of ANYTHING on his part, so really he's no better than the rest of them. I'm supposed to spend Thanksgiving in Moab these people? Maybe I'll get lucky and an 800 lb. boulder will pin my arm between it and the canyon wall, and no one will be able to find me. I'm just going to go fucking ballistic today, I can feel it already. I hope he doesn't think that I won't walk out of the house today and not come back until I'm ready for sleep tonight. I haven't even spoken to him since the whole football snarkiness, so it's been about 16 hours now (except for the yelling at the skids), because I'm afraid I'll go off on him too, and say something that will be true, but that I'll probably end up regretting. FML today.


ExhaustedStepmom's picture

Wow that is tough. BF has got to be consistent. If you give a punishment, you have to stick by it. Otherwise, you are completely undermined and will have no control in your own household. That was really hard for my husband the first year, but it has gotten better.

Oi Vey's picture

I honestly want to know the answer to this: Why do you care if DH disciplines his kids or not?
I figure they aren't your kids, they don't reflect on you personally, and other than being "annoyed" that DH is a pushover, how/why/in what way does it affect you?

As a SM, I don't understand this.
As a BM, I don't understand this.

Oi Vey's picture

I can't imagine degrading my DH's parenting abilities in front of his kids AND my parents.

To me, that is just as rude as anything the skids did.

boogeymom's picture

FYI, I didn't call him out in front of my parents, he got snarky with me in front of my parents, and I didn't call him out AT ALL for his parenting abilities. And also FYI, what they did could've involved the law, so that's the only reason I'm concerned. I don't make a habit of blowing my stack at these little assholes, who I REALLY don't care that much about, I just can't stand mouthy brats in my home (which they've both turned out to be), so it's not so much that I care how they turn out, I just want them to follow simple rules and boundaries in my house to make it more tolerable for me.

Anne4's picture

I care if DH disciplines his kids because I don't want to put up with them acting like brats in my home. My issue is that my DH wants me to discipline them as well. As in, if he sees them doing something, he will discipline them, but if I see them doing something, I should discipline them instead of telling DH so he can take care of it. Which I have a hard time doing.