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Our skid free weekend...

Mom2mine's picture DH n I were supposed to have a skid free weekend n I arranged for my mom to take my DS10 n our DS1 so we could have a much needed date night.....n on Thurs my DH is told that he needs to stay n work this weekend! (he is currently working out of state) so we decide against me driving there to see him with the baby n the fact that he is renting a room from a my DH went sailing with a friend from work yesterday n is at a BBQ with another friend tonight n will b sailing again tomorrow after work....meanwhile I'm having a much needed break from my kids n wanted to go get my hair done....everything is closed by 6:30 on a Sat n so I'm an empty house.....watching the Notebook....alone!!!! N the worst part is I'm preggers so I can't even drink myself to sleep tonight!!!! Ha! Pity party....table for 1!!!! Sad


princessandthepee's picture

My hand is up flagging for a table : ) Abandonment is a lovely feeling, an experience to be sought often, I mean never. Gee, we second wives all seem to be so confused in terms of our expectations of what we thought was happening. My darling husband is slumbering away beside me and might as well be in another state (guess he is!). Your husband appears to be either a guy who has a great ability to make the best out of a disappointing situation or is a little bit clueless as to what you are really needing right now. I hope if you communicate with him, he's responsive in a really great way. Maybe he could read The Notebook and figure out some great stuff to say? What I seriously do remind myself of is that having been around the block a bit, most of us would never marry again unless the guy really is great. Even when he's a bit clueless.

Mom2mine's picture

Ha! Yes he is a great guy n he definitely said the right things!! He told me that he was all alone too cause he didn't have his wife or his kids with him n there is no place he would rather b than with me....of course this was after he told me they were playing beer pong! Ha! But it put my mind at ease-I know he would rather b home-I was just more frustrated that I couldn't find anything to do on the one night I had no kids! But thanks for understanding! Smile