from stepmom to divorced in a night
WOW I am in a state of disbelief right now. Let me start by thanking everyone for their comments on my last post. So I confronted my husband and it spun out of control. I was called a psycho, controlling, crazy and so much more I can't even repeat. I know, KNOW, I am not controlling. I give him his space all the time and trust that selfish spoiled bastard needs it. I swear every time I use my phone he is all in my business wanting to know who am I texting, what am I looking at, etc. I have never said or questioned anything he does on the phone....until he changed the password. He got irate, defensive, called me all sorts of things and said he was looking up relationship stuff to help us and says just because we are married he doesn't have to tell me everything does, I tried to explain the change in behavior but he kept spinning it back on me. I almost started to believe his spins but then I discovered his text messages are in a password protected fie on his phone. Really? You are going to tell me I am crazy, I am imagining things yet you keep giving me reasons. He changed the password on his phone AND password protected his text messages. LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR
The good news...I am not going to be a stepmother anymore I can't believe this is happening I am such a fool I am having a breakdown and don't think I can take it whoever said god does not give you more than you can handle was also a liar
- iwish iwas jen's blog
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I'm sorry you're dealing with
I'm sorry you're dealing with this. What a controlling a-hole! Find a nice man without kids and say some prayers for the women he'll have future relationships with.
I agree with Chaos. I also
I agree with Chaos. I also believe God exists, and you will get through this. It's raw right now, but you won't always feel like this. Use that anger to keep you going right now. I'm so sorry it turned out like this. I was hoping it was innocent.
Sorry it worked out that way.
Sorry it worked out that way. I was hoping he was going to have a logical explanation for you.
Sending you hugs.
It seems to me this is
It seems to me this is probably the best thing for you in your situation. This man is a controlling ass, & if this is what your honest communication led to...well then I'm thinking God did you a real favor. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life with a lying controlling secretive asshole?
I truly believe that after this initial shock wears off life will be much MUCH easier to handle.
You deserve a man who will honor & cherish you & who will respect you as his equal partner. Now you'll have a fresh opportunity to focus on you & figuring out what makes you happy. Look at traits this guy has & recognize them as red flags in future prospects.
I'm sorry it got ugly, but I'm glad you found it in you to speak up. ALWAYS have the courage to voice your feelings. Ask the questions you need answers to. Don't ever let someone make you feel scared to voice your thoughts. Answering questions is not a big deal if there is nothing to hide.
You WILL be better off, I
You WILL be better off, I promise.
My ex was exactly the same, telling me I had no right to know what he did, yet projecting his cheating ways on me and always questioning MY actions, and guess what, he had his own little apartment in secret for his trysts.
I know it's shocking, but the anger right now will provide some energy to do what you need to do.
Take care, and you WILL be glad you got out now.
BIg hugs....
THis is a GREAT BREAK for
THis is a GREAT BREAK for you! You've dodged a GIANT MISSILE, my friend.
What your asshole biodad was doing was called "spin and project" HE is the controlling one, not you!!
I do believe in a higher power and he or she has rescued you from STEP HELL!!! Count your blessing and when you have healed from this traumatic form of abuse called Step Hell, then find yourself a nice CHILDLESS man!!!
Believe me, many of us WISH we were in your shoes!!!
Every cloud has a silver
Every cloud has a silver lining and the silver lining is that you are going to be so much better off. You have been given a new lease on life and I encourage you to live your life to the fullest. He didn't deserve you. He doesn't deserve you. That "spinning" tactic is pure emotional abuse. It makes me want to scream... because I know exactly how you feel. Rock on with your bad self and tell that man to suck it. You're going to come out the winner. In fact, you're already WINNING!!!
The good thing about hitting
The good thing about hitting what we believe is the "bottom" is that the only way to go is UP!
Once the dust and heartbreak settles, you will see this change is a GOOD thing for you!! Head up!
Oh I am so sorry that
Oh I am so sorry that happened - but happy you don't have to eat that crap on a daily basis anymore!!!
I have been cheated on and it does hurt - but the good news is, you can recognize it better now.
He is a giant ass and you deserve much better dear .. hugs.!!!!!
God DOESN'T give you more
God DOESN'T give you more than you can handle. But he will give you enough that the pain will change you and teach you. If life were easy, you wouldn't learn a thing. Have faith sweetie, this detour is directing you to where you need to be.
When one door closes, another
When one door closes, another one opens. But too often we spend so much time looking at the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us
This is a paraphrased quote from Helen Keller. One of my all-time favorites, as thinking about it has gotten me thru a lot of rough times.
My belief is that God does not necessarily give you more than you can handle -- those are just random occurrences that happen. But what is important to God is how you handle your situation. But whatever your faith or beliefs, know the important part is the grace with which you conquer it, the wisdom you walk away with, and the strength you gain to continue on your journey.
WOW You'll make it through
WOW You'll make it through this, It's a good opportunity to spend some time being single and evaluating what you want to do next.
Thank you, each and everyone
Thank you, each and everyone of you, for you kind words, advise,support,and encouragement. I don't understand life, but life happens. Thank you.
You are a very strong woman
You are a very strong woman and WILL make it thru this. Sadly, his reaction was a confirmation of your suspicions. You can now move forward to create the futur of your dreams.