Anyone else disgusted at the cost of child support??
Money is starting to make me bitter.
My CL and I have separate bank accounts and keep our pay separate and split the cost of the mortgage and bills. Somewhat. His child support is a quarter of his income not including the gas money to drive over an hour each way to pick them up and drop them off plus half of all sports and equipment she wants to put them in. It turns out that CL has a fair sized debt now since his divorce from using his credit cards for presents/groceries/sports/entertaining the kids and such. A quarter of his income may not seem like much until you factor in other living expenses! Mortgage/rent? Groceries? Truck payment/insurance?? It all adds up until his cheque is gone before he even gets it!! This is where my venting comes in. I don't have kids, yet these ones are costing me money left, right and center!! I pay for the groceries and household items and CL has NO IDEA how much it's becoming!!! I finally had to tell him he has to pay for more because I just couldn't afford it all anymore! He became very inconsiderate in what I was paying for to the point of a $6 movie rental on my cable bill sent me over the edge!! He just sort of expected I'd foot the bill for everything around the house. He never questioned any of it or even just simply let me know he was renting the brats movies every day they were here.... but when I saw that, I lost it!! They take sips out of water bottle and then leave them lying around and grab a new one the next time they're thirst, toilet paper seems to run out from one of them each time they use the washroom, they eat sooooo much and almost always ask for seconds, snacks. snacks. snacks. Always want more stuff to put in their mouths. Then basic stuff like laundry detergent, soap, shampoo and stuff. I draw the line at buying them clothes. I refuse. They wear nothing but baggy sweatpants (probably because they are both overweight and they fit easiest) and I hate how sloppy they look. They have never worn any other type of pants and I know that even if I buy them, they won't wear them. Their shoes are velcro and the younger one (8) still can't tie a bow even if he had lace up shoes.
We originally divvied everything up when we bought this house over a year ago. Now it's very not fair. He has truck payments as well as the cost of gas. I walk to work and my sister gave me her old car for free. Now I know there is nothing he could do about the truck payments, but walking or biking to work to cut down on gas was certainly an option. He avoids asking his Ex to meet him halfway here so he would drive less and therefore pay less in gas... but he doesn't want to stir the pot.
He's been better since my last blow up where I pointed out how much I have to put into this household, therefore into his kids. But he doesn't have the money or the credit to last much longer doing it the way he is. Just not sure how to make it all work out sometimes. Wish there was a big book of advice lying around to help me in this situation. How do I accept that I have to pay for kids that I don't even want around???
The oldest one (10) has reading problems and his parents, both my CL and his Ex, avoided the issue for the summer not getting him any extra help. So it comes as no suprise that when we lit a fire and bring out books that he fakes a headache and puts his book down constantly. We had to ask him to pick it back up 4 or 5 times. It's a fun kids book. Huck Finn. Not like we're making him read the dictionary. Then he was too cold to read. Then he just kept looking everywhere BUT the book. Finally he pretended to fall asleep. Weird he was fully awake to watch TV when we came inside right after that. How do I make CL and his Ex realize they can get him extra help for reading to he'll enjoy it and stop having trouble?!!?!?
The bottom blanket on SS10s bed was missing when I looked in their room earlier... that means he wet the bed again last night. AAAAAHHHHHHHH! Why is no one doing anything for this kid?!?!?! "He'll grow out of it when he's ready" is not an excuse I'm willing to hear anymore. Take him to the doctor, buy him pullups, do freaking something!!!!!!
SS8 saw that I caught him picking his nose as he was watching sports highlights. His face went red and he said "I know" and stopped. Last time I caught him, he got mad at me.... so this is a step up. Too bad he's still always doing it, but any progress is still progress.
I wish my family or friends could understand how hard this is to accept someone elses' kids and not be able to do anything about changing the things you don't agree with or like. My family doesn't get it and think I'm a monster if/when I complain. I know I shouldn't complain, but since I truly dread them coming each time I find it hard to keep that to myself. I have the option of a 4 day weekend coming up after not having a day off in over a month and I'm willing to pass that up because we'll have the kids that weekend and CL doesn't want to stir the pot by asking to switch and I don't want to be around them for my 4 days off. Not worth the time off if they're hear. might as well work.
- baseballgirly's blog
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PS - you don't and should not
PS - you don't and should not pay for his kids. You should make a budget of what all the bills in the home are...except groceries and gas which vary depending on having the kids or not. That money should go to a separate acct... 1/2 each...then, if he has no money to buy stuff for his kids, his problem...they are NOT your responsibility...
PS - CS is alimony in disguise
Haha, CS is alimony in
Haha, CS is alimony in disguise?? And yet the OP went on and on about how much it costs her when the kids are around!
Guess whichever parent has custody should foot the ENTIRE cost of raising the children if they don't want alimony, right? Sorry, but that comment just sounds plain ignorant.
Thanks...obviously you
Thanks...obviously you receive it...And yes, it is alimony in disguise. No child needs 900USD or even 500USD a month to survive...Doa bit of research on cs & alimony and the fact that as states started getting rid of alimony, they began to raise cs. The states don't get matching funds for collecting alimony, but they do for they get rid of alimony, raise cs and get matching funds.
hee hee, that's a good
hee hee, that's a good retirement plan.
If you're responding to me,
If you're responding to me, you're wrong.
I do not receive it.
I am currently owed (get this!) $75M in back support. That can buy a house in some areas!
I work and provide my kids' home, cars, name brand clothing, big screen tv, orthodontics, etc. I pay for it ALL on my own. I do it because I am their PARENT and it is my responsibility....and because I love them.
You are sounding very ignorant. I've heard the argument of "matching funds" for every dollar collected in CS...where is the PROOF?? I have never been able to find it. Please provide a link.
Here are just a couple of sites for you...there is my proof. You are welcome to research it yourself.
PS it comes from MY social security the more the CP gets, the more the govt spends from people's social security taxes to give to states...and then eventually, those of us who pay social security, won't have a darn thing...just so states and custodial parents who want to use govt services to get as much as they can from the NCP can be the end, people pay MORE out of their taxes for supporting these kids through their social security taxes than they would if the kids didn't receive ANY child support...why? Because most CPs would NOT qualify for welfare anyway, and those who would, will probably qualify with or without the cs...and in addition, most CPs who would qualify for welfare, the states can't get any money from the NCP to pay CS anyway...
In essence, if CP qualifies for welfare, lets say 200USD per kid because the CP makes no money, odds are the NCP probably doesn't make much more and the state ends up better paying the 200USD per kid in welfare than they do spending thousands to collect CS and end up getting 100USD per kid in CS and then the matching funds for that...Now if the CP doesn't qualify for welfare, odds are that the NCP makes more money, thus the state will go after the NCP and get 500 per kid in CS and then matching funds for that which is a benefit to the state...MY tax dollars at work.
Anything else, you are welcome to research it.
Let's hope they do. The
Let's hope they do. The intent of matching funds and the whole CS system was because CPs and the states claimed that kids would end up on welfare if the NCP did not pay child support. The states had to provide welfare for these kids and CPs (ie. remember that CS is only for the child, but whatever!) Anyway, this was for TANF recipients. That was the intent. Of course, the states complained that they didn't have enough money to go after the NCPs for child support and thus the fed govt was paying a lot on welfare. So, the fed govt came up with an incentive for states to go collect child support by providing them matching funds based on their performance. This is where that whole line that they feed people, and people still believe it comes from..."if the NCP doesn't pay CS, the kids are on welfare and YOU as a taxpayer pay." Well, yes, that is actually true. That is true of CPs who QUALIFIED for welfare because most didn't work or had low paying jobs. When the states started going after the NCPs of these kids, whose moms were on welfare, they realized that the NCPs didn't have a pot to pi$$ in and that they were spending MORE money trying to collect from those NCPs than they actually collected because the NCPs either had no money to pay or had very low paying jobs. SOOOOO our wonderful states decided, "wait a minute! I can fix this now!" So they decided to bring in MIDDLE CLASS and UPPER CLASS families, ie. NCPs, whose kids or ex's would have NEVER qualified for welfare anyway and go after THOSE NCPs because they had money. Because THEY have money, they could collect MORE (thus the reason they got rid of alimony and increased CS everywhere), thus the reason they are so horrible about lowering any CS even if they should, etc...So, now they can get matching funds on HIGHER CS now, its great business! What about the TANF people? Oh yes, those kids and CPs are mostly still on TANF. Yep! Most of those stories of CPs complaining about the CS system are actually true! The states do NOTHING or very little to go after THOSE CPs because they know that those NCPs have little to no income and thus they would be wasting their time, ie. MONEY trying to collect from them. The state is not willing to spend 200USD a month trying to find an NCP who is hiding income, works under the table, goes from job to job, etc...because at the end, what they could collect from them in CS is less than it costs the state to actually find them! So, those kids are STILL without CS...and if the CP collects welfare, oh well, it's probably still cheaper than chasing the guy as far as the state goes...and well, if the CP does NOT collect welfare, well, it's not costing the state ANYTHING to support the kids, so they don't much care either.
So there are YOUR tax dollars at work everytime a CP goes through the CS office to get more money. If they don't collect welfare, and the NCP is hard to find or hardly keeps a job, the CS office is not going to do anything. If the CP collects welfare and the NCP is hard to find, etc...again, why costs the state too much money. BUUUUUTTTT if the NCP is a middle class or upper class person, who is not going to quit their job, move around, etc...then THAT IS AN EASY person to find...and of course, they want the CPs to continuously go after MORE money because they more the CP asks for, the more THEY collect from YOUR tax dollars. That is why they mostly side with the CP if they say that arrears are owed, etc...that whole Bradley ammendment to not forgive child support was also a great new scam for the Texas that once you prove the money was never owed, they never show it as NEVER owed, but rather, as PAID IN FULL...because THAT PAID IN FULL means that they count it towards money "they collected" even if they didn' goes on their books and they get MATCHING FUNDS from YOUR tax dollars for that too! :sick:
It's ok to be radical
It's ok to be radical sometimes...
And knowing the history behind things, what is going on, does not make us radical...but informed citizens.
Are you referring to the
Are you referring to the funding of the cost of COLLECTING CS?
And what does the matching fund issue have to do with welfare?
I skimmed over the articles, but haven't read much...
Read a bit more...You stated
Read a bit more...You stated I sounded very asked for proof. I gave it to you.
Ah. 75,000. I work in finance
Ah. 75,000. I work in finance and the notation for thousand is M. Sorry!
Where did the comment go?
Where did the comment go? Someone keep deleting it? :?
I AM a stepparent and have been for 20 years.
BMs SHOULD be kept off welfare. I sure as hell think that the mom and dad should pay for the kids, not the taxpayers!!
Even if dad pays 100% (which isn't fair) it's a hell of a lot more fair than making ME pay for his kids! I didn't enjoy the fun of making them.
I have the same gripe about
I have the same gripe about food, mostly because I have two kids that WON'T eat and then the SKIDS come and graze the whole time, arrghghghgh. I have become a milk nazi, I monitor every last drop, because they don't need to have bowl after bowl of cereal just to dump most the milk down the drain, where as my little kids need all that milk fat still.
lol, i'm a milk nazi, too.
lol, i'm a milk nazi, too. hilarious!
I don't know...I have an ex
I don't know...I have an ex friend,( we parted ways because I did talk to her about her awfully petty and vindictive behavior toward her SS), who would buy organic food for her kids, cheap food for the SS, monitor every bit of food to a really sick extent. She resented every dime, literally that went to SS, and there was no CS and he only spent a few days a month with his dad. She does not work, her husband pays for 3 horses, 4 dogs, half a dozen cats, goats, rabbits, chickens ( all her animals, her deal ), their 3 kids....and she resents him buying his son a sandwhich. They benefit from his parents having given them 100,000 for the down payment to their house. It goes on and on. Watching that sick scenario, made me be a better step parent myself. Resenting food makes me feel a little ill.
I used to feel that way too -
I used to feel that way too - how could anyone resent food when it benefits children? However, now that I'm dishing out $900+ per month for groceries I'm more than a little peeved to see food wasted.
i certainly don't resent any
i certainly don't resent any of my kids eating all my food. i have 5 children, so i waste nothing. and what must be wasted by us, goes to my pets for snacks, lol, nothing wasted.
Sounds like my house. My
Sounds like my house. My current grocery spending is about 1200 a month. Crazy!
I'm glad to hear we're not
I'm glad to hear we're not the only ones spending mega $$$ on groceries. Between groceries and eating out (not fancy, buffets or something convenient) feeding the family takes about $1300/month. For awhile our food bills were averaging $1500-$1600/mth for 3 kids & 2 adults!
I'm not allowed to grocery shop anymore because I spend too much money so my SO does the shopping. (No heartbreak there!) We've also found that weekly shopping helps because the kids seems to pace their consumption based on what's in the cupboards. We limit Costco trips to dry goods (laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc.) and meat.
Any tips you can share?
I shop at Costco for most
I shop at Costco for most things I can manage. Juice, meats, and the dry goods.
Then I bite the big one and head to Walmart for things like cereal, oatmeal, canned stuff, etc. I HATE that store, but can't find food that cheap at the grocery store!
I have 3 teens in the house right now, and it's gonna kill me. :/
I starting cooking more. I work FT and go to school FT, so between that and kids' ec activities, we've been going out more. I just tallied up what I spent in the last month on eating out. OUCH.
I'm glad the weather is
I'm glad the weather is turning chilly so I can start the crock pot feeding. Meals are much easier in the crock pot. I hear ya on the three teens. I have two teen stepsons - both in football who are trying to pack on the pounds and a SD10 who out eats them both! It truly is feeding 5 adults everyday.
I HATE Walmart too and, in fact, boycotted it until I wound up with 3 skids. We just can't afford to shop anywhere else for food.
I don't know how you work FT & go to school FT with skids! Yowza! I'm impressed. I've done the work & school thing but without the added responsibility of kids. You're my new hero.
I only resent it when I buy
I only resent it when I buy something really good and I don't even get a TASTE of it! (Usually happens with ice cream) LOL I've learned if I REALLY want something, I have to hide it! Otherwise, I don't care what they eat. Just let me know if they use the last of something (they usually forget to tell me).
Too funny.... I've thought of
Too funny.... I've thought of hiding my cereal!!!!!! They have 4 boxes of "kid" cereal that I'm not very fond of... but they eat the stuff I get for myself first!!! CL noticed and it seems he may have told them to stop eating it because then there is never any left for me!! (I work very early mornings and rarely get to have breakfast at home.... so I really enjoy it when I do) But because I only have breakfast at home once or twice every two weeks... it gives them the chance to help themselves before I even notice. Kids are sneaky!!!!
Maybe you should hide a box!
Maybe you should hide a box! Or just start buying all of your kind, if they like it so much. Maybe you should try eating theirs once so they can see what it's like! I love "kid's" cereal, but I try not to eat it too much because of all the sugar. We're limiting SS to two different kinds now.
Oh, I just thought of something...maybe you should put something REALLY gross in the box when it's gone and it put back on the shelf. SURPRISE!! They might get the hint! (only kinda kidding) LOL
My SM used to hide cereal and
My SM used to hide cereal and diect coke in her bedroom closet. I thought she was a wack job. Now TOTALLY get it! LOL!
"I used to feel that way too
"I used to feel that way too - how could anyone resent food when it benefits children? However, now that I'm dishing out $900+ per month for groceries I'm more than a little peeved to see food wasted."
Oh, I hear you on the waste, for sure. That is an ongoing struggle and I don't blame you for that at all. The case I mentioned is different; stepson just wanted to eat, not fat-just a hungry teen and SM has some compulsive control disorder. I just wante to vent about her bull Sh@t and did it on here, wrong place.
OP, you should NOT be footing
OP, you should NOT be footing the bills for his kids.
Time to go back to divvy-ing up expenses.
I hear ya....i am disgusted
I hear ya....i am disgusted at child support too---even though I probably have it better than most of the people on here----my hubby pays 277 a month for one child who's mother is very well off financially and does not need it. While we have 2 children together and dont have enough to pay the bills. Stopped paying our credit cards and are often late on bills and own my mother-in- law money that we cant pay back anytime soon and my mom gave us a car. We share our money equally and sometimes I wish we didnt. My hubby used to rent movies and games (at least 2) EVERY weekend we had him which I made him cut back---and then when we bought grocery's for the week his kid would eat so much that there was not much left to last the rest of the week--I bitched to hubby about this too and now his kid does not pig out so much and even brings some snacks from his mothers house. his son was overweight too and this may sound stupid--but i was embarrased to be seen in public with an overweight sloppy child (his mother was to cheap to buy her son decent clothes even though she had plenty of money), so I tried to plan active free outtings such as going hiking on weekends hoping he would burn some of that excess weight off. My advise is to still keep your money separate and if he wants to spend all this extra money on his kids than he needs to find little part-time jobs or work overtime so that he can aford to pay for extra things for them.
"my hubby pays 277 a month
"my hubby pays 277 a month for one child who's mother is very well off financially and does not need it. "
First off, that is very little money. Second, the custodial parent being well off doesn't mean the non-custodial parent has no financial responsibility to the child.
This is a site to vent.
This is a site to vent. Please let others vent instead of picking apart their comment. They said they have it good with what they pay. Let's leave it at that. They never said they shouldn't pay.
If $69.50 a week is keeping
If $69.50 a week is keeping you from paying bills without borrowing, why would DH have more kids?
Common sense, Disney. It
Common sense, Disney. It wasn't passed out evenly.
baseballgirly you cracked me
baseballgirly you cracked me up! I have the SAME EXACT ISSUES but not about the kids, but my BF that practically lives with me but still has his own place. He doesn't pay for jack...and then he opens a pop, takes a sip, and leaves the can sitting AROUND MY HOUSE! He will drink all his, then start on mine, and then replace his and not mine. And I'm a single mom of two kids getting none of the CS I'm supposed to get, so it's like I've added on a 3rd child. Everything from the toilet paper to the shampoo/soap thing has bothered me! LOL We are actually in the middle of a fight right now. We might be broken up, I'm not sure. If not, things are going to CHANGE. Some of the things he has said may not be forgivable. I will have to sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning LOL. Anyway, back to have a right to feel taken advantage of. Have a conversation about this and sort it out before you resent this beyond repair. Good luck!
i could have written your
i could have written your post almost word for word. we had many big blow-ups due to dh's inconsiderateness and me picking up ALL the slack. we separated for awhile and the terms for him to come back was counseling and he had to get a part-time job to cover the "extras" for his kids and make full contributions to OUR own savings and "extras". i didn't get married to help a man support himself and his kids. i told him if i wasn't around, to be able to live on his own without a roomate or live with his mother, he'd have to work a second job. so he can work that second job now. i told him until he needed to be able to not only support HIMSELF and his kids, but he had be a financial partner to me. he had lost his job and found another within 9 months, but at much lower wages and refused to lower child support (which is ok by me-the kids would have NOTHING if it were lowered), but he would have to work twice as hard. he sure as heck didn't like it, but he's doing it! and now we have a small savings and even went on vacation this summer. it took many fights that i didn't think we'd come back from but we did and he really likes his second job and loves what it has done for him. he is now taking care of ALL his responsibilities. see, when he married me, OUR future (and me) became just as important as his kids. i will not accept less. i think ALOT of divorced men maybe aren't looking for a free ride, but they will TAKE as much as you allow them to. they believe since he married you, that you take on responsibility for their kids as well (financially, emotionally, etc...). that would make me wayyyy too resentful and i had to get this relationship to a point where i wasn't feeling that if i wanted it to survive. soooo much more to the story, but kick his butt to the curb until he can get his act together and come to you as a fully responsible man who can come to you willing to contribute rather than take.
Me, me, me! I'm disgusted by
Me, me, me! I'm disgusted by the cost of CS!!! Even more disgusted that BM thinks we should give her more... DH gives 35% of his salary, the rest goes into mortgage, taxes, etc, and we've calculated with our lawyer that 25% of my salary supplements the rest since we've been together!!
We've a DD of our own and money is certainly tight, and to top it off, both DH's and my employers are downsizing so job stability is questionable until the end of this year.
Ref my last post, we made the ultimate mistake of trying to maintain our former level of life only to find proof that the skids see us as walking banknotes - ok, our fault, and it stops NOW!
I should have heeded the red flags when the skids first started doing their "grocery shopping" at our house... I' the type of person that buys stocks of household items so I don't have to think about it for awhile, but when I started noticing those stocked items magically disappear EOW the skids were here, DH didn't want to believe me that bottles of shampoo, toothpaste, female hygene AND fricken toilet paper would just vanish into thin air!!!!
The best was when OSD temporarily moved out for college and asked me to make her stocks of my cooking to freeze, it was YSD that let the cat out of the bag that the skids were eating at BM's since that freak doesn't cook!!! WTF???
But, yes, the fact that BM refused our request to review CS, and is instead claiming more in compensation, AND that our lawyer said there's a loophole where she can actually GET MORE, makes me sick to no end.
Even if we want to give out the goodness and generousity of our hearts, DH and I have decided on no more freebies, no more rewards, no more "just-thinking-of-you" gifts. Let's face it, we never a get a damn thing, not even a card for DD for her birth, but we're frequently asked to "borrow" money for the skids to get something for their BM and her painfully dumb husband. Of course, we never see the money back.
Fricken nightmare of a subject, this is, indeed...
You should not be paying for
You should not be paying for his kid's food, shampoo, snacks, etc. As far as bottled water, stop buying it. Tap water is free. Talk to your SO and tell him you are tapped out. Everyone needs to pitch in and live within the household budget.
Off topic, but if the 10 year old is below reading level Huck Finn is too hard for him. To get a kid interested in reading try books below his reading level to encourage success. If someone handed you a book written in Latin and told you to enjoy it, you wouldn't, would you? Take him to the library and let him choose a book he can read well. The librarian can point you to popular books on his reading level.
Good luck.
Latin is a tad excessive of a
Latin is a tad excessive of a comparison. He is 10 and reading 2 grades below his level. His 8 year old brother can read those books no problem, so I figure SS10 can too. Fact is, he is lazy. Whether or not the book is too hard for him or not isn't even the question. You think I haven't tried much easier books??? He has the same excuses. Trust me. I've tried other things. My vent on that topic was that one parent or another should be getting that kid a tutor. He'll never get better or enjoy reading if it stays like this. I don't expect him to go learn a second language, but he needs to start taking a little bit of responsiblity in his learning and try harder. He quits too easy all the time. He's not having a good time, quit. Stuck on a word, quit. It's been made too easy for those kids to give up and it bothers me.
You're trying to force him to
You're trying to force him to enjoy reading. It won't work. Even if he were reading on grade level, there's a chance that he may never be a kid who reads for pleasure. Step back and let his parents and school deal with this.
I don't expect him to enjoy
I don't expect him to enjoy reading as I do. But lets face it, reading is a fact of life. No matter what he does, he will need to read. I do step back and let his parents handle it. I mearly vent on this site because it bothers me that he's technically going to be the "dumb kid" in his class forever if they don't take any steps to fix the problem. And if for some reason the kid can never ever be taught to read, there will at least then be satisfaction in knowing that they tried everything they could to improve that boys quality of life. For the rest of his life.
Not being a reader does not
Not being a reader does not equal "dumb kid."
My 16 year old NEVER liked reading. It has ALWAYS been a struggle with him.
He just started college classes and will graduate high school with an Associates' Degree!
I caution you against making such judgements.
Relax. I'm not calling him
Relax. I'm not calling him dumb. I said I worry he may be considered a "dumb kid" in school.
People take this site to serious and instead of giving nice and casual opinions, they get all catty and want to argue. I caution you against commenting on my blog if you're looking to argue each and every comment made by me or others. Take the site as it is. For venting.
Even though you and I know
Even though you and I know that reading will help most areas in life, I think for you to accept that some kids/people are not readers, will help you and your relationship. Some kids will only read something if they really, really want to know about it and the best we can do for them is try and figure out what that is and provide accordingly. Mt DD was always a great reader; my Skids not. Finally, horse books was all SD wanted to read, so be it.
We are all different.
I've read that $277, $500,
I've read that $277, $500, $900, $1250... Are all too much for CS. I'm wondering what do you think is a fair amount?
my dh has very little time to
my dh has very little time to actually spend with his children because of working 2 jobs so that he can meet ALL his financial obligations. has less time to spend with me, too
I made CL get a second job
I made CL get a second job too. The kids don't know it. Just like they don't know he pays child support each month. So now he's working a full time and part time job through the week just to help pay his own bills and still see them on the weekends!! I just think it's ridiculous.
People on this site seem to be bitching about the blog I made instead of simply putting opinions and how it is for them. My vent was just to see if it's the same for others or not. Not to start arguements on what is right or wrong.
I appreciate the last few comments. Thank you.
my dh works weekends. he
my dh works weekends. he doesn't see his boys as much now, but the job is seasonal. why is all this being kept from the children? i'm curious. i would think it's a good thing to let children see a parent working to take care of his responsibilities? i don't know, just asking. we've never kept his working another job secret. dh has even had to have a talk to his boys that he will not be able to afford some of the things he used to do for them. they understand that dad has to work. of course, they would like to see him more, but then again so would i. why shoudl i be the only one to do without him when it's his child support that is causing him to work so much? of course, we've NEVER said that to them, but it's the way i feel.
Please forgive me if you
Please forgive me if you already said this and I missed it, but why don't you tell the kids he pays CS?
oh, they know he pays child
oh, they know he pays child support. they DON'T know that they are the reason he works 2 jobs. we just tell them that we don't have enough $$ or we have alot of bills. i don't believe the op's skids know that though.
Oh, sorry, I was asking OP
Oh, sorry, I was asking OP that. I should have been more clear. But I did see the answer farther down. In your situation, I think it's good that they don't know they're the reason he works 2 jobs. That's one of those adult issues.
Good question...let's see,
Good question...let's see, for US 450 plus 100 in medical per month, plus no tax breaks for us, which means witch gets the tax breaks is too much...WHY? Because CP should at least be spending 450USD per month and if you want, let's say 225 per month on kid needs 675USD per month to live. In addition, CP lives in a home with her in-laws, new husband and 2 other daughters. PS - the two other daughters came AFTER the skid my DH pays for. If BM couldn't afford the SKID on the 260USD that DH paid before, why did SHE choose to have other daughters? In addition, even if she pays rent, the home they all live in pays less than 200USD a month in mortage...we have the papers. There are 7 people living in a home that pays less than 200USD a month in mortgage. If the skid gets a month vacation every year out of the country, along with CP and other two kids, and the skid has an iPhone, the latest fashions, shops at Hollister, walks to school (when she does, since she has now missed 21days of school this year), obviously, even 260USD is too much for that...Oh, yes, the skid also gets her nails done and hair dyed/cut, etc...every month. Oh yes, the skid, who does not work had enough left over from CS to buy her loser boyfriend/baby daddy Hollister clothing...
On the other hand, the 100USD DH pays for insurance has NEVER been used because CP has all her kids and spouse on her work insurance and it costs her the same to have emp+family whether she has 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 other kids/dependents...we have that paperwork too!
That my friend, is ridiculous and excessive. On the other hand, in order for my DH to ensure he had a job and would not be affected by layoffs like currently in the US, we had to move out of the country where milk costs 6USD a gallon, Simply Orange Juice (which we no longer can afford by the way) costs 7USD a gallon! If we went back to the US, odds are he would have been laid off just as the other 20 people he worked with just two years ago in his department in TX.
And not only that, but idiot SKID is in 9th grade, has already missed 21 days of school, is 17 yrs old and WHO KNOWS when we will be able to stop that CS for a kid who is as big a loser as her mother.
PS - our child has missed out on therapies because we sometimes have 40USD for ONE WEEK to eat/spend on addition, my DH made less than 20K when he and idiot lived together...the only reason he makes more now is because "I" allowed him to quit his job at one point, paid for his schooling, paid his cs, that he could have a better the end, it was the idiot skid and BM who benefited not our son and I who made the sacrifice.
He pays $450 a month for one
He pays $450 a month for one kid?
I disagree. That is not excessive. Especially for a 17 year old. Have you seen how they eat??
That's right! Thank you! If
That's right! Thank you! If an NCP nets 2500USD per month, per Texas guidelines 500USD of that should go to skid (in addition to insurance!). That leaves an ADULT with 2K per month to pay rent, car, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...and the CP should be paying at least 1/2 the costs! That means that a kid needs 1K per month to live but an ADULT only needs 2K? Are you kidding? Even if the CP only paid 250USD towards kid, that would mean a KID costs 750USD per month, but an ADULT needs to live off 2K? Do you realize the ADULT will need a car REGARDLESS of wether they have a kid or not? Do you realize that the cable bill is the same wether you have 1 kid or 20 in the house? Do you realize that most ADULTS who work now NEED internet service at home and thus wether they share that connection with kids or not, the cost is THE SAME? Do you realize that local phone service for your home costs as much if you have ONE person in the home or 20? Do you understand that if you live in a 2bedroom it takes as much to heat/cool that 2 bedroom wether the skid is with you EOW or you are the CP?
Do you also realize that all state guidelines say that it takes for example 20% of income to raise a SINGLE child in a home, but only 25% of income to raise 2 kids? Which means my DH pays 20% of income to raise a kid in a home where there are additional children thus the PARENTS of the other kid only pay 5% of THEIR income to raise the other kid, but I pay 20% of mine to raise my kid and THEIR kid?
I'm saying I've been married
I'm saying I've been married twice. Each time my DH had to pay for one child on CS (outside of medical, college, yada yada yada...)
It was ALWAYS more than 450. When I first married XH, he made 2500 a month and paid 665 a month, PLUS insurance at $250 a month.
Been there, done that. I understand the frustration. Put simply, your man had that financial obligation BEFORE you showed up in 99% of cases.
To say it's a winner take all situation actually gave me a chuckle. It sounds like you're just jealous that BM gets to spend more $$ than you.
You actually mean to tell me
You actually mean to tell me that a 17yr old eats 450USD worth of food per month? You are kidding, right? I mean, if they go OUT TO EAT everyday, yes...not home meals. Nope. I don't buy it.
I agree it should be somewhat
I agree it should be somewhat related to what the DH is making in salary... but DH should also be left at the end of the month with enough to pay a damn mortgage!! If DH and I hadn't bought this house together, he'd still be renting because he didn't make enough once CS was paid!! And believe me, we don't live in a castle by any means!! His ex lives in a HUGE house, bought a brand new truck this spring, new 50 inch TV, new tent trailer.... those are just the big ticket items that we can see when we drop the kids off!!!! So she can buy all that and we are left barely scraping by. The kids ask us when we're going to get all that stuff too!!! They don't know that DH pays child support. They just know that their mom buys them waaaay more stuff. It disgusts me that it's all hush hush and the kids don't think their dad does anything for them financially. They don't get that it's hard for us to buy them presents because in essence, we've already given them all we can!!!!
the child support my dh pays
the child support my dh pays enables bm to come and go as she pleases in and out of jobs, obtain welfare and to rely on support, extras from dh and mother-in-law for stability. where does HER share come in? THIS is what i become resentful about. because she is unwilling to supply HER fair share (and not forced to either) yet i am forced to either "make up" the difference or do without my husband while he works 2 jobs. there is nothing wrong in allowing children to know that there's no money left in your household for all the "extras". this is life, it's realism and the sooner children learn these concepts, the better. i see nothing wrong in allowing children to know that their father is supporting them to the very best of his ability. it's all in how you explain it to them. just the facts. by the time all the bills are paid, all the needs are taken care of, there's not much money left for their wants.
PS - by the way, I don't
PS - by the way, I don't think CS should be hush in an intact family have to be told "we can't do that because we can't afford it right now" of divorce can't even be told about "hardships" except to the extent of "if your dad paid more you could get more!"
My 10yr old is always creating seashell sculptures to sell because he has been taught that if he WANTS something, he also needs to work for it...and that we are not money trees...but the SKID can't be told about money? Sure.
They aren't my kids. And
They aren't my kids. And technically it's not my money we're giving his ex each month. So I'm not really at liberty to tell the Skids about the CS he's paying. Even though I think they should know... it's not my secret to tell.
have you asked your dh why he
have you asked your dh why he hasn't explained to them? i know mine didn't. he just tried to keep up the charade until i'd had enough and just about demanded he do so. he explained that he took a job that paid less money than his original job and he had to do less for them. it was his ego. yeah, they knew that he had another job, but he made it sound like it was a really good-paying job! his ego was killing us! and it IS your money. who's money is it that makes any extras possible? would your dh be able to make it alone without you and your income? live in the lifesyle you do?
Right! if dad (or mom) works
Right! if dad (or mom) works 2 jobs in intact families, chances are the kids know it's because the family needs the money. and these kids would be denied time with their parent because of it. but in the divorced nc household, it all has to be kept quiet? and dad can only work his second job during the week so as not to miss out on seeing the kids? my dh use to pass on over-time or a second job hen we were first marriage and would say it's because he wouldn't have as much time for the kids. i reminded him that when he lived with the kids and ex, he NEVER saw them during the week (he worked out of town) and only saw them for a few hours on sunday evenings because he volunteered to work over-time. he did what it took to take care of his family. and if he did it THEN, he can sure as heck do it now. he still has to support those SAME KIDS. the difference is...I HAVE STABLE WORK. his ex came and went out of jobs as she chose, still does. it is NOT up to me to make up the difference financially. he thought he'd found someone to carry the load for him! sorry, brought up a little residual anger there. i'm just very frustrated how children of divorce are so coddled and how the step parent is expected to make up the difference. i stopped all of that cold. and my dh understands now, after many fights, counseling and discussions. he was so used to hearing all the "politically correct" way a stepmother should be with her skids (expected me to just jump in and start raising his kids), and i gave him another viewpoint.
I don't think you're getting
I don't think you're getting what I'm venting about. A quarter of anyones income is certainly a lot of money. No matter what you make. I'm sure you're bang on saying having a child in your house would cost at least a quarter of someones income... so then why isn't he just paying an eighth if it's all to be split in half??
I never once suggested he not pay. So to hear that's it's a responsibility is already a given. I would actually like to disagree that raising the children is way more expensive than child support. The primary parent gets child tax benefits, can claim the children as dependants, DOESN'T CLAIM child support, claims daycare costs.... I'm really not sure that once the math is done that the primary parent pays the equivalent of the CS that the non-custodial parent pays.
It wouldn't be different if the kids lived with dad and mom had to pay CS. But that's not the topic.
I feel for ya, sister. And,
I feel for ya, sister. And, I, too am going broke helping support my skids. My SO had to give up his decent paying career in order to get custody of his kids. Their BM was trying to take them out of state. He fought for custody and was told by the court that he needed to find a job that would not keep him at work such long hours. So, he had to find another job that required less hours and, of course, pays less or say good-bye to his kids. He was the first man in our state to get custody of his kids (to give you an idea of the effort it took for him to even get custody). BM is supposed to pay CS but doesn't (that's a whole sep blog). My SO works really hard, never buys himself anything and spends all his time caring for his kids or participating in their activities. He's a good man that has had to make costly sacrifices to have his children. I would feel differently if he were reckless with his time and money.
So here I am - making good money and with a big heart. I don't want the kids to go hungry, eat only hot dogs for dinners or wear rags for clothes and be made fun of at school. They are appreciative of everything little thing I do for them.
BM doesn't buy them clothes or hardly feed them. They come home from time with her starving and either wearing the same thing they had on 3 days before (and have clearly worn those clothes all weekend) or in rags.
I don't have a perfect answer. However, I created a budget and I track every dollar we spend each month. We go over it 2-3x a month so we're both clear of where we are against the budget and where we need to cut back. Opening up the books has helped a lot. Prior to the budget and discussions it was "out of sight out of mind" for him and he tended to underestimate what was being spent. I hope that helps.
I'm in the same situation as
I'm in the same situation as you are Baseballgirly. We pay a massive amount of CS (1000k plus a month) it was based on DH previous employment that he had to give up due to medical reasons. We filed a modification but have to wait until November for a hearing. 6 months after we filed the paperwork! She has objected to the modification claiming that we have taken expensive trips out of town - we take the kids to musuems and fun stuff in CO, or we go camping in the mountains. That we took an expensive trip to MO - we took the kids to see their paternal grandparents who had not seen the skids in 2 years - she blocked every previous attemt he made to go visit. And she claims we bought a new car - we did, we sold our motorcyle to raise the $300 bucks for the car. We had the kids for 8 weeks over the summer but we still paid FULL support to her AND had to buy summer clothes and everything else the kids needed. I had to work full time over the summer to provide those things as all DH wage brought home after her CS was paid was $9.
We hear all the stories about the regular fast food dinners they get, the trips to restaurants and the new TV, carpet, Fridge, Freezer, bed, tv in their room, cable all over the house etc etc etc. She refuses to send the kids any clothes when they come for visits and the rags she sends them in break my heart. Toys are forbidden to leave her home!
I got tired of the ss9 always asking why we could not go to Burger King, Taco Bell or Subway when Mom takes us all the time. Why he can't have that toy or new clothes and why all his clothes at our house don't fit him and why don't we just go buy him some new ones. I got tired of it so finally when I overheard him telling his friend that we 'live in a crappy trailer and his Mom has a nice house' I snapped. I told him we pay CS, I told him we pay a lot of CS and who exactly is paying for those lovely things that Mom does - we pay for it!
THAT'S EXACTLY IT!!!!! Sometimes I want them to know that technically it's not always "mom" buying them all the great stuff!!!
What I'd rather is if CL had to spend a certain amount on the kids per month instead of giving the money to his EX. Sure bills need to be paid, but they'd need to be paid regardless of the kids living there or not. I'd like to see her buy them nicer clothes, healthier food and less stuff for herself!! She did manage a nice trip to the olympics with her boyfriend though!!
DH snapped on his oldest one
DH snapped on his oldest one day a year or so back. It was his youngest's birthday so he went out and got an icecream cake real fast after working all day. The oldest said, "Mom always makes us cakes. Why don't you do that?" DH yelled, "I don't have the time to do that. Your mom sits around all day doing nothing while I work my ass off so she can get money. So the cakes she makes are bought by me." Harsh for a 10 year old? I don't think so. It's the damn truth! They will figure it all out one day. They will realize why they never go anywhere or have anything when they are with DH. It's only a matter of time.
And I hear ya, CS makes me ill.
I just noticed that I am one
I just noticed that I am one of few Candians that are commenting on this blog!! That's why everyone is mentioning alimony! We don't have that here. Up here, CS is based on a chart of earnings by the non-custodial parent. That parent must pay that amount no matter if they were the lesser earner or not. And if you happen to not get a mortgage BEFORE the divorce goes through and CS starts, you're renting until those kids turn 18 because it's generally 36% of your income. To be approved for a mortgage, your debt service ratio (fixed costs) cannot go over 46%. That doesn't leave much wiggle room.
Maybe my CLs situation is different.... he wasn't the one that wanted the divorce... she cheated on him and filed for divorce. She won custody of the kids as most moms do and he had to move out and couldn't get a mortgage because of the CS he had to pay. So instead he went into debt more and more each month.
I guess my frustration is that he's gotten so far behind financially and there is nothing else to do about it.
If we lived in the States, would he be collecting alimony????
I'm about to be custodial SM
I'm about to be custodial SM to an year-old wrestling with FH on the floor and begging for my help to save him from his father, while his father tells me they're bonding.
Just a normal Sunday afternoon in our house. We don't receive CS from his mom. He is able to go to therapy because I help make it happen. He needs it, so I don't mind. If he was rude to me, I'd probably mind. Generally, he's a really good kid, so I don't mind. If I were unappreciated, then the bonus of the benefits I can help provide would probably disappear because both FH and I agree that it is not my responsibility. FDH works 60 hours a week. He'd have more for kiddo if he wasn't finishing paying off debt from his marriage to his mother. But, he works hard, and doesn't waste money on stupid things. He takes his lunch every day to work, and saves money where he can. And, he says thank you. They both do. His mom does not buy him shoes, pay for insurance she's supposed to carry on him, help with his medical bills, provide lunch for school, pay for clothes. She complains when he needs new clothes, but does nothing to help with it, and expects clothes to be sent to herself. He needs a new winter coat. She's made sure to mention it, but made no offer. That's not fair, but it is what it is, and we are able to provide everything he needs.
PS - last time SKID called
PS - last time SKID called asking for money she said "but my mom has TWO other kids to support as YOU know" to her dad...funny...funny...even though she knew that dad paid CS, although I don't know that she knows how much...hmmm...she of course forgot that dad has another kid to support too...but that's irrelevant in an skids world or in a CP world...only the kids who live in the CP home, even if they are NOT my DHs, deserve support...
The good thing is that CS
The good thing is that CS ends eventually!! BM just took DH back to court to get CS raised. We're now paying approx. $1,200/mo for one kid. He got a really large bonus in March, which they figured into his income. Personally, I don't think bonuses should be included because next year he could get 0...and, why should BM benefit cuz DH worked his tail off?? He was still paying around $1,000 for one kid before the bonus. When CS stopped for SD(now)19, it did not get cut in half. We also pay for a LOT of extras for them. Oh well, they are his children and it's not forever.
If you want to talk about the costs of psychologists, parenting time coordinators, and attorneys, I will GLADLY bitch about THAT! Those costs infuriate me!
You are the same
You are the same time, PARENTS should decide after a child is 18 if they want to support their lazy behind or not. I know my parents quickly told me that I needed to have a part-time job while attending college and when I dropped out, my dad told me I needed a FULL TIME job within the next month! Period.
With lazy skid who is 17, 9th grade, has already missed 21 days of school this year, has a 1yr old baby...we'll be paying until who knows when! My dad would have kicked my behind out of the house if I didn't attend school...instead, the states allow these kids to never grow up and be irresponsible because NCP will still have to pay...of course, not all states, but Texas does!
I was working at age 14!!! Yes, my mom found me a job and I wasn't even LEGAL to work...I worked from that day on until just 2 yrs ago because of medical reasons (my son). That was 30 years of working!!! The lazy skid is NOT required to work, can sit on her behind and we have to support her. Ridiculous!
I couldn't wait til I turned
I couldn't wait til I turned 16. The first thing I did (well after I got my license) was go out and get a job. DH doesn't pay CS for SD19 now, but he was paying for two kids and when SD turned 18 and he didn't have to pay for her anymore, the CS wasn't cut in half like I hoped it would be. SD19 (20 in Jan.) doesn't have a "regular" job. She has been working for a friend's mom who owns her own business, so I hope they hire her on full time. She feels she's "just not ready" to go to school. (Eyeroll) I just try and keep my mouth shut, but I make sure DH and I talk about ANY money we give to SD.
I agree, he should be making
I agree, he should be making more of an effort. I'd try notes on the refrigerator, (insert name) please follow the clues to find your reward, the reward is for READING the clue. Leave a set of clues that he HAS to read in order to find a reward. Gradually increase the vocabulary in the clues and watch him learn!
What a fun idea!!
What a fun idea!!
That IS a fun idea!!!!
That IS a fun idea!!!! Thanks!!
A few questions for those
A few questions for those venting.
If your relationship fails, would you go after CS?
If it were"too high" would you demand it be lowered?
If your ex had another child, would you go to court to have CS decreased in order to help out the new family?
- i DID go after child
- i DID go after child support (required as part of the divorce, but woulda pursued anyway)
- my ex did not disclose his true income. for some reason the courts took is word for it and did not request income verification from him! i did not request an increase in all the years he was paying support, even tho he was making twice the amount i was and had steadily advanced in his company. and the ONLY extras he did was to match money i spent on school clothes. i paid for insurance and ALL other extras. he did end up splitting braces with me for our youngest daughter.
i knew exactly what i was doing when i left him. i knew i would be the main supporter of my children and accepted that fact. so i was in no danger of of cs being too high. ha!
i will be honest here. if he would have ended up in a relationship and i saw him splurging on another relationship, i may have! that's hateful of me to say, but i would not be able to sit back and scrape for my kids if he was out living it up. but knowing the kind of man he was, i knew he was saving and one day those funds would go to his children. and to this day, that has been the case. he has pretty much dedicated his life to his children. he helps them now that they are adults more than he ever did when they were growing up! but i've told my girls that they're in trouble if their dad ever re-marries. things will be totally different and they should not expect to be the center of his world any longer. that is a mess just waiting to happen! they SAY they want their dad to be happy, and i want to believe that, but i do believe they would have a very hard time and i would feel sooo sorry for his new love. i also have to honestly say that i would talk to the girls and try to help his situation as much as possible. if that day ever comes. it's been 7 years and he's not had a girlfriend in all that time, so i'd be suprised but happy. i don't want him to spend the rest of his life alone. but, ultimately it's his decision.
i guess my main complaint has been my now dh's ex does NOT do her share, living off welfare and low paying jobs here and there. which makes my husband have to work twice as hard. and to top it all off, she has a man living off her and the kids that doesn't work either.
so, i guess it all depends on the individual situations. i do not begrudge my husband of paying his child support. it's his responsibility. i did not even push for a reduction when he lost his good paying job and got a much lower paying job. i know his boys depend on what little bit of that money eventually trickles down to them.
For the first 8 years of my
For the first 8 years of my son's life, I SUPPORTED HIM FULLY...not my DH. I also supported lazy loser skid for almost a year while I paid for DH to attend college courses to get a better job. I didn't get a thank you, I also didn't get the benefit of the higher income, instead crazy witch and lazy skid did.
I have ALWAYS told my DH that I will NOT go after CS UNLESS I am not working and need time to find a job. Again, I quit because of our son's autism and not being able to find affordable summer care for him, etc...I should start with my old job as a contractor in the next week or so and plan to save EVERY SINGLE PENNY in case I ever need to divorce DH. In addition, I currently work over 12hrs a day just to make 200USD a month from home so that I can bring SOME MONEY into our home.
The other two questions don't apply to me because I wouldn't go after CS to begin with. However, if I had to because I didn't have a job until I found one, then I would not lower it because he had another child, but I also would NOT have another child of my own and then expect my ex to pay me more because I couldn't afford my first child with him. ie. crazy witch couldn't afford to support her lazy kid with what DH used to pay her, but she had 2 other kids anyway...and after she did, she asked DH and the courts for more money because SHE DIDN'T have enough...